The Amarillo Pioneer

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David Stuckenberg -- Republican for President of the United States

The following are the complete and unedited responses submitted by the candidate listed below to the Amarillo Pioneer’s Candidate Questionnaire.

Dr. David Stuckenberg/Photo by Brent Roske

Name: Dr. David J. Stuckenberg

Office Sought: President of the United States

Party Affiliation: Republican

Age: 42

Educational Background: PhD - King’s College London; Masters - George Washington University; B.S. - University of Central Missouri

Occupation: Business Leader and National Security Strategist

Please list any civic boards or commissions (non-profit, government, union, religious, political, etc.) on which you have served as a board member or equivalent.

Chairman of the Board, American Leadership & Policy Foundation; Co-Chair, FBI-Infraguard - Water Security Working Group.

Have you previously held or do you currently hold any elected office? If so, what office(s)?


If your campaign has any online campaign resources where voters can learn more about you, such as social media accounts or a website, please list them below.

Why did you decide to run for this office in 2024?

The U.S. is in a new Cold War and our national leadership is failing to answer dangerous internal and external challenges; we are on borrowed time. In 2024, we the people must elect a President with combat experience, an understanding of grand strategy, and who has an economic and business background that can unify our nation’s citizens.

If elected, what will be your top three priorities in office?

1.National Security — The US must have a new grand strategy that goes beyond compete; we must have a strategy that will win. The new strategy will be called: “Prevention” and the focus will be preventing China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea as a bloc from overcoming the USA.

2.Immigration — The US border situation is a national and international embarrassment and a danger to our nation. STOP: We will seal our borders within 72 hours by moving border defense under US Northern Command (a federal title 32 US Code military mission). KNOW: We will register all 8 million illegals within 60 days. Anyone not having their registration number will be deported in 24 hours unless they have a legitimate excuse. DECIDE: After the registration, we will make common sense decisions about who will stay or be sent home. Those allowed to remain will learn English, pay fines for breaking the law, and pay taxes and contribute to Social Security going forward.

3. Economic Reform — Our nation’s government has presided over the worst economic period in recent memory. We will reduce all tax brackets by 33%. We will eliminate the estate tax entirely. This will allow people to save, spend, and grow their personal interests. Next we will drastically reduce regulations on people and businesses. Our government derives its power from “we the people” we should never fear our government’s power. The size of the IRS and other oppressive agencies will be rolled back drastically.

What is an issue you believe has gone overlooked in your race and how will you address it if elected?

See above.

Do you have any notable endorsements you would like to highlight for voters?

“A fine and brave American U.S. Air Force aviator, David Stuckenberg, is running for President to

protect the powerless. More than just an aerospace engineer, inventor, and Military Advisor, Stuckenberg is a National Treasure. Mr. Stuckenberg has successfully met challenge after challenge as a creative aerospace engineer bringing water to millions of people around the world. He has a vision, purpose and principals.”

⁃ Ambassidor R. James Woolsey, 16th Director of CIA

“I have known David for several years. I have found him to be bright, articulate and committed to our Republic. I wholeheartedly endorse him.”

⁃ Brig Gen (Ret) Robert S. Spalding, PhD author of Stealth War and War Without Rules, Sr. Fellow, The Hudson Institute

“I have known Dr. Stuckenberg for almost decade. An Air Force veteran and very successful entrepreneur, he consistently does what is right for America as a fearless and thoughtful reformer. He has excelled in advocating solutions of some of our most important national security problems ... and inspired seasoned military and civilian leaders to follow recommended countermeasures beyond his direct control.”

⁃ Ambassidor Hank Cooper, former Star Wars Program Lead Under Ronald Reagan

“After working with Daved for over a decade concerning national security issues to protect our Homeland, it is evident he has the capability and tenacity to unite all Americans once again in strong support of the Constitution and American values during these tumultuous times. David has made great strides in his personal and military career as a Combat Air Force Aviator, and an accomplished engineer and businessman committed to saving lives and safeguarding the environment. He has influenced policy at the highest levels with assignments within the U.S. Air Force, National Security Council, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Advisor to US Special Operations Command concerning National Security. David is truly inspired, driven and focused on providing faithful leadership to garner competent individuals tasked with uniting all Americans once again at this critical time in our history.”

- Brig Gen (Ret) Kenneth Chrosniak, US Army (Joint Chiefs of Staff, US Northern Command, Army War College)

"David Stuckenberg is one of the most

humanitarian focused business

professionals I have met since coming to

America from Vietnam after the war. His

experience and understanding of business,

economy, and advanced technologies, is

second to no one. David's strategies and

ideas are turning our world's most

unsolvable problems like water scarcity into

solved problems. He has lived in poverty

and hunger as a child. And returned to

Vietnam to bring help to the

helpless. America needs David's leadership

now! As President of the United

States, David can protect and steer this

country to the right direction"

- Frank Jao - Business Owner & Real-estate

Developer, California

"As a center left, yet independent

constituent, I value the importance of

representing all of America, Americans

and American Interests, not just the

interest of the few. I believe Dr. David

Stuckenberg represents that leader for

the Republican Party. I have known

David for many years. He is brilliant,

selfless, and grounded through his faith,

family, and unrelenting drive to make

our nation better. Moreover, David

possesses the gift of moral courage, by

stepping out of of our nation's parochial

norms of the past and bringing people

together from all walks of life, and

listening and acting for the best

interests of our nation.

- Jack Johnson, CMSgt (ret), Former

NATO Chief Enlisted Member, Supreme

Allied Command Transformation

Why are you the best candidate for voters to support for this position?

Communism Reduced to Ashes During the Cold-War: Now Threatens to Overcome America

We are 15 years into a new Cold War with China. This time, the “few intellectual elites in a far distant capital” as Reagan called them, do not have enough political will or enough intellectual honestly to level with Americans. And that is one of the central reasons I am leaving uniform to make a 2024 run for President of the United States. We are running out of time.

After 21 plus years as a USAF Special Operations pilot and one of our nation’s premier national security strategists, I call tell you with certainty: China is winning. Their plan is to overcome the U.S., the world’s dominate power, by 2049 - the 100 year anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party.

This full press competition is designed to reset the world order with China at the center. And it’s manifesting below the thread hold of war. This is a gray zone fight that means China is in competition with the U.S. in every area: diplomatic, informational, military, economic, and social. Meanwhile the U.S. is largely at rest. Almost completely.

For 15 years I have advised more than 29 NATO nations on China’s plans. After working at the State Department, Joint Staff, and adjacent to The White House - it’s clear the only unified strategy we have is hope. We hope China will behave.

America has a small window to implement a new grand strategy to keep U.S. leadership. But this window is fast closing. China is adding naval tonnage to their navy equivalent to the entire British Fleet every 10 months. By 2025, the West will require the U.S., UK, Australia, Japan, and South Korea to match China’s force strength. And that’s before China adds Russia, North Korea, Iran, and other to surpass the West in power.

China is coming at the West with unprecedented aggression. At all turns, their strategy is called: “The Guest Becomes the Owner.” And they are. Globally China’s Belt and Road Initiative has put it in a position of influence in more than 140 nations.

Hope is not a strategy. And as the U.S. marches to the drumbeat of indifference and folly, the avoidable cost will be the lives of an entire generation of young - your children and mine. This loss must be prevented. We must ensure our peace through strength.

America’s next president must have the experience of a combat veteran with the acumen of a seasoned diplomat. They must understand our condition and immediately make the sensible changes needed to put America on footing to win.

To do this, my administration will immediately prioritize the following:

America’s National Security and our military will be second to none in the world. We will rebuild democracies arsenal that has been offshored.

Our economy must be re-invigorated by implementing 33% across the board tax cuts and immediately reducing all regulations on people and business.

Illegal immigration must be fixed within 72 hours of taking office. We will stop people and drugs from pouring over our borders by deploying federal troops under a Homeland Defense mission under U.S. Northern Command. We will give illegals 60 days to register with Immigration authorities. Those who fail to register will be deported immediately unless there is a reasonable alibi.

Only by prioritizing a new grand strategy called Prevention, can we keep the torch of freedom burning bright. We must prevent the West from being usurped by a revisionist bloc of powers that seek to use tyranny to impose and enforce their will on the world.

As we do this, I will lead America back to unity. Our nation must reject division. “United we stand and divided we fall.” It’s more than an idiom. It’s an axiom. Our enemies are working to sow strife across our nation. We must have a steady hand and experience during the next four years. And that is what I can provide.

This is our time. We can be unified. We can hold our head high again and live free from fear and strife. And we will!


Dr. David Stuckenberg is a 2024 Presidential Candidate for President of the United States. David studied international affairs and strategy at King’s College London and is considered one of the America’s leading strategists and has been called the George F. Kennan of this century by Sr. Defense Leaders. He is Co-founder of Genesis Systems, a global water company focused on solving the grand challenges of water and food scarcity. David has flown more than 150 combat missions and is a decorated veteran.

Listing of Candidates Who Were Unable to Be Contacted

Ted Cruz -- Republican for U.S. Senate