The Amarillo Pioneer

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Gina Parker -- Republican for Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 7

The following are the complete and unedited responses submitted by the candidate listed below to the Amarillo Pioneer’s Candidate Questionnaire.

Please note: Our staff was unable to find contact information for this candidate. If you represent this candidate’s campaign, please email us at to request a questionnaire.

Gina Parker/Photo by Josh Tetens

Name: Gina Parker

Office Sought: Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 7

Party Affiliation: Republican

Age: 62

Educational Background: BBA in Marketing & Entrepreneurship from Baylor University Business School Juris Doctorate from Baylor University Law School

Occupation: Attorney

Please list any civic boards or commissions (non-profit, government, union, religious, political, etc.) on which you have served as a board member or equivalent.

Past Commissioner and Chair of Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation

Republican Party of Texas, Associate General Counsel and Treasurer

Central Texas Republican Women, Past President & Parliamentarian

McLennan County Republican Party, Past General Counsel

Texas Republican Hispanic Assembly, General Counsel

Waco Family Abuse Center, Past Board Member

Hands of Hope International, President and Secretary

American Family Radio, Past Advisory Board Member

National Eagle Forum, Past Judicial Reform Chairman

Have you previously held or do you currently hold any elected office? If so, what office(s)?


If your campaign has any online campaign resources where voters can learn more about you, such as social media accounts or a website, please list them below.

Why did you decide to run for this office in 2024?

After reading the Stephens decision right after it was decided in late 2021, I began to give serious consideration to another run for the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. This landmark decision abruptly stripped the Texas Attorney General of long-standing authority to prosecute election fraud in Texas unilaterally which leaves Texas undefended from election fraud when local district attorneys refuse to take on election fraud cases. This holding dilutes the peoples' votes and thereby thwarts the will of the electorate.

By early fall of this year, I was firm in my commitment to run for the Texas CCA.

If elected, what will be your top priority?

My top priority will always be to uphold the United States Constitution, the Texas Constitution, and our state laws.

Please describe your legal career experience and discuss any career highlights you would like to share.

I'm an accomplished attorney with more than 35 years of experience as a successful businesswoman, former prosecutor, and defense attorney. As a constitutional conservative, I have a strong belief that judges should preserve the rule of law and interpret the law as written.

My wide-ranging legal career includes criminal law, civil law, business law, church law, and appellate work. As a public servant I have represented Texas citizens as a City Attorney, Assistant County Attorney, and Assistant District Attorney. Also, I have served on and chaired the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation overseeing and ruling on thousands of administrative law case appeals.

Also, during my legal career, I have served as the National Eagle Forum Chairman for Judicial Reform and was a past recipient of the National Outstanding Eagle Award for Texas for my contribution in support of the United States Constitution.

In addition to my full-time law practice, in 2001 my family and I founded Dental Creations, a dental manufacturing company. The company was founded with the vision to support missions, help women in crisis, and give second chances to criminal defendants through employment.

During your time in law school, what was the most profound lesson you learned that continues to play a role in your career and/or your life?

I learned the importance of the rule of law and that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

What fictional lawyer do you most identify with? Please explain.

Tom Endler in God's Not Dead 2. He was not a Christian but believed that Grace Wesley had the right to share her beliefs in school in response to a student's inquiry. She had the Constitutional right to exercise her 1st Amendment right to express her faith.

Do you have any notable endorsements you would like to highlight for voters?

Attorney General Ken Paxton; Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller; McLennan County Sheriff Parnell McNamara, known as "America's Sheriff"; State Representative Charles "Doc" Anderson, District 56; Montgomery County Tea Party; Eagle Forum; True Texas Project; Andy Schlafly, Founder of Conservapedia, and other conservative leaders from across the state.

Why are you the best candidate for voters to support for this position?

*My opponent joined the majority open in the landmark Stephens case where they abruptly stripped the Texas Attorney General of all authority to prosecute election fraud without the consent of a local district attorney. This in effect will allow election fraud to continue to run rampant. In doing so, the court broke with over a century of Texas Supreme Court precedent and the expressed will of the legislature.

*My opponent if elected cannot fulfill a full term of office because she will "age out" due to current age limits. She can only serve about half her term which means the next sitting governor would make an appointment to fill her unexpired term. I believe the people should have a choice in election of judges, especially in light of the growing influence the courts have on society.

Barbara Parker Hervey -- Republican for Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 7

Michelle Slaughter -- Republican for Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 8