Clockwise from top left: Mayor Cole Stanley, Assistant City Manager Laura Storrs, City Manager Jared Miller, Councilman Place 3 Tom Scherlen/Photos and graphic by Noah Dawson
The following is an automatically generated transcript of the City of Amarillo Budget Workshop held on July 25th, 2023. Please note that, as this transcript was automatically generated, it may not be 100% accurate.
Post, there's tabs for the public safety areas and we're just going to kind of go into the order of the tab. So it'll be please fire and then AECC, and then so forth. After that, we are going to bring in the civic Center group, they have a conflict tomorrow, for budget schedule.
So if that's okay, we're going to go ahead and bring them in and then we'll keep proceeding through the book. And then first thing tomorrow morning, we'll start out with parts and recreation. So a couple of quick things, there's a lot of information in your budget book that will help through the discussions today.
There's also information that's going to be up on this power point that's going to show some trends from a position standpoint to some trends from a spending standpoint. That's also in the back of your handouts from yesterday that we gave you. Um, then finally, the, um, i hand or i think matte handed out a patient that looks like this today.
This is where your entire general fund operations. And what this outlines is, all of the supplemental requests that were submitted this year. We talked through, kind of what that looked like yesterday and then we do have it, there's a calm there at the box around it that says proposed cuts.
Those are just the recommendations coming from the city managers office. And so um, that's what we have removed in order to balance the budget. But those are the things that we can talk through today. There's some information that i think those are definitely be above and beyond asks that the departments have submitted through the process.
So, Um, certainly you may want some more information as we walk through that. Um, and if there's questions on any of that, just office as we go, you'll have to kind of flip through just for your awareness. Um, It looks like police is on the back side of the second page.
So it is page four of seven. And their department number is 1610, it says 1610, and then police. So that's where we're going to start. And i'll try to point y'all in the right direction of where it is on this list, as you kind of go through the park.
And with that mayor, i will hand it back to you. Thank you, man. Um well, we appreciate everyone being here today, especially appreciate all of our Uh, participants that are part of the organization and extremely interested in working together for the solutions that we need moving forward. Um, i feel like there's a lot of middle ground that we can take here in the middle and not get too far in the weeds on either side.
So look forward to working with all you guys here today. Do we do we have any business? We need to attend to, with any of our city managers before we go ahead and see up. Our chiefs. All good. Okay council. If you give your attention over to the chiefs, they're going to go ahead and take us through the presentation and then we'll have plenty of opportunity to ask questions once they get done.
Thank you, mayor. Council members personal. I want to thank you all for your service because, you know, before this volunteering for a job here, that puts you in the hot seat a lot and I appreciate your taking your time out of your You know, the next couple of years that leads to help us along.
I also want to thank our community because the community of Amro really doesn't ask any job of taking care of each other. But also taking care of their police departments and their public safety. We get a lot of support. And then finally, most of all, i want to thank the men and women of the emerald Police Department because they make my job to find for one because they do such an amazing amount of work and the vast majority of it goes under recognized.
And so i just want to make sure that that we all understand how much of an amazing work has been done by our department. How much i appreciate that. I did go to hand out there. And just to kind of follow along, so i'll probably talk too fast, but i just kind of wanted to give you an overviews of the department and also kind of just a little bit of where we stayed as far as crying and Amarillo.
Our current authorized strength as of today's 376 police officers and 70 civilian positions that are full-time and then we have about six part-time positions. Our 376 officers are are spread throughout the department but i'll talk first about staffing. Right now, we have 339 police officers, including myself and everybody else who are out there of fully operational on their on their own mountain training of any time.
We have nine officers right now that, you know, the ones that just graduated the other day. They've got a few more classes to take, but they'll be moving into field training shortly. And then we've got nine officers in the 101st academy that are still in process and no graduate in December.
That leads us with 19 of vacancies to fill and we're working on that or we're continuously recruiting and we expect to start another academy in december and try to fill those 19 positions. Those extra positions. Give us a room to be fairly selective and we don't lower our standards just because we have positions open.
So we have a very rigorous process of, you know, after recruitment when somebody applies, we only get about five percent of those applicants that make it through the whole process. And that's because partially because the state standard is very high but our local standards is very high. We know our community expects Ethical police officers that have art for service and so that's what we're looking for.
And so we did about five percent of our applicants in I'll talk about recruiting a lot through this presentation because that's probably one of our biggest needs is just for everybody to be a recruiter. Talk about amarillo and talk up. Emerald Police Department. This next page talks about our part one, index crimes.
That is how we more or less. Comparisons to previous years using the same set of reporting standards. We can also compare ourselves a little bit to other cities but there's there's a little bit of problems with with the national data because for example, some big cities don't report this data to the FBI.
So that's excuses the numbers a little bit but it gives us a good benchmark to know if we're getting more crime in certain areas or restaurants. So, if you look at that in the last column, this is our part one index crimes year today to from january, through june, some, pretty significant drops in some areas, although, you know, the numbers aren't super big.
So for example, last year, this time we had already had 10 homicides this year about to june up through June reader. We had seven and these are murders for somebody kill somebody intentionally or knowingly that doesn't include like self-defense cases or things like that. Um but overall our crime trends are still going down.
We had a big spy coming over the last couple years of this year. The things are looking a little better. Are officers are working really hard on violent crimes in particular and we're seeing some significant activity and reducing or at least identifying gang members. And so we know a lot of our shootings recently have been related either to games drugs or domestic violence and that's where we're focusing.
Our efforts. On the next page, there's a 25 year history of part one crime. And this is the same as the previous chart, the same standards, but i broken into violent crimes and in property crimes. So our our overall part, 1 crimes is on the yellow part of the grass.
And you can see we've had spikes in previous years, but the overall trend over the last 25 years is a, as a reduction in the number of crimes. And this is an amarillo, so we're pretty excited about that. The biggest part of this reduction is being driven by property crimes our property.
Try crimes continue to drive some of us being led by better investigations. Some of its buy a good technology that's out there to help people protect their home from being bergerized and also other their items from the installed. But that's a good trend on the bottom. You'll see that the violent crime and that's not as good.
It tends to it's pretty flat over the last 25 years as far as no numbers. The only positive that i can bring out of that, is that our population is increased considerably in the last 25 years, but the actual number of violent crimes has kind of state flat, so the rate is actually dropped somewhat.
But it's kind of hard to clean a lot from that. On the next phase, i'll talk about the murder cases in Amarillo because that's been a topic lately, you know, why are we having so many murders? And you can see there's a lot more variants in our murders over the last 25 years.
For example, 2007 you can see we had a big spike Another side in 2010 and then Most notably probably the 2021 22 period where we've had a significant increase homicide. We had 26 homicide last year and again those are cases that are considered murders where that it was not justified.
It wasn't any toughest health defense involved so we are focusing a lot of efforts into making sure we're able to solve those homicides. There's a A national standard, honestly, national standard national, average of homicide, clearances around 60 percent. We are much higher. As you can see, the green line, indicates the cases that are solved against the black line, which is the cases that are are actually happening.
Will over 90 percent of our homicides are solved in the last 25 years. And again, a credit to our homicide investigators, and our supervisors that work hard to make sure we get the resources and the time needed to investigate those cases to their completion. We also this year added a cold case, homicide investigator, and that detective is just simply working on all the ones that she's being read there.
That haven't been solved and working to make sure that we've not missed any piece of evidence or any witness that we could have talked to is just going back and going with those cases. And, you know, we've seen some evidence off almost cases, we expect some results on that.
So we'll talk about the divisions now and i'm focusing a lot on our officers but absolutely we cannot operate without the 70 civilians that take care of all the day-to-day business at our department, they do everything from investigations. On minor crimes sex offender registration and the largest task of record keeping and open records requests.
But i'm going to focus a little bit on the police officer positions because i know that's A topic of interest of control division as 158 total officers. It's the biggest division of our department. The patrol division is the black and white cars that you see most often, although some of our other divisions also drive like and life.
Were split into three different ships, 10 hours shifts and they overlap during some of our higher call volume times. There's 134 officers or corporal 19, sergeants and five through tenants in that group. Um, their responsible for answering 911 calls, just regular calls for service, and then doing routine patrol, there's periods of time where they're very busy.
Some periods of time where there's not as much going on, whether they're not busy. We expect the officers to drive through their assigned areas and just take care of any issues that they know what's going on, but they stay pretty easy. Especially as you'll see on the next chart there in certain times, they The control calls for service is your next page there and that shows up per hour, how many calls for service we had and that's pulled up over the last six months.
And this is how we divide our staffing for patrol. You can see starts at midnight and of course, by the time you get to five in the morning, our calls for service drop off to about one or two per hour, and then starts picking back up when everybody wakes up and goes to work, our peak hour is between three and four o'clock and the afternoon for whatever reason, a lot of people are out and about the traffic crashes increased.
During that time, just a lot more calls for service. So, Our shifts are divided up. Our first watch starts at seven in the morning. I'm sorry at 10 in the evening. They get off at 7 in the morning and so if you click on the chart here, you'll see a 10 o'clock things start dropping off.
So that shit has the pus number of people and then they shipped it starts at seven o'clock in the morning. Actually midnight, let's get started. They should have started seven o'clock in the morning and they get up at five. And you can see between seven and five of those officers, they pretty busy especially in the late afternoon.
For that reason, we bring in a shift at three o'clock in the afternoon to help with that overlap. They overlap for a couple hours with day shift and handle, those culture service until they start dropping back off and you On the next page, you can just see a patch art that shows more or less the breakout of calls or service, our evening shift and our day shift are pretty neck and neck on calls overall and then of course midnights.
Health. Good. People are asleep and The calls for service drop off significantly because there's less traffic. Less people out. On the next page, we've broke it down by day of the week. Surprisingly, we found this year over year that Generally friday is always our busiest day for whatever reason and that's during the day in the evening.
Time on the weekends, you know, i when i came into this job, i assumed, well, gosh, Saturdays and sunny is going to be always busy, it's not necessary to the case, there's certain times of the day, however, that series and studies are busier. And in certain times of the day, for example, monies, on day shift a pretty busy because a lot of people, you know, they start reporting crimes and occurred over the weekend and and then obviously the traffic going to and from work and maybe a lack of motivation and We're not paying attention to driving when we're headed to work on Monday morning.
That's my only attempted humor during this whole presentation. But you can see it's pretty even across the days, which, which kind of surprises. So, we break it down a little further on the next page and shows the calls for service per day, per shift, and that's where you can see the big differences.
Again, they shift that has the bulk of the colds during the middle of the week. Evenings a little more on friday, evenings and saturdays. And in midnight, as you can see midnight's sunday is actually saturday night for midnight. So for the midnight officers of Saturday and Sunday are the biggest days which would actually be friday night and Saturday night, On the next page, this is an interesting trend and because we change computer systems about three years ago, we didn't have the time to go dig into our old systems and get some days, but this is our calls for service.
Over the last three years that's actually gone down which is a good thing because our population certainly gone up some of this can be attributed to online reporting of it. Some of it is contributing. Where i'll show you the crime trans earlier where especially property crimes are going down.
So our actual calls for service are going down, so that's a good thing that gives our officers more time to dedicate to To controls that are in problem areas where they know that they need some targeted enforcement. We'll talk a little more about the next division. Specialized operations of vision of fairly small division.
65 people in that division, divided up into a number of units. Our slot team. We've been asked, probably over the last 30 years that i've been here. Why do we need a slot team in Amarillo? But i can tell you When you are in an island by camera roll, you have to kind of rely on each other for helping.
We, if we have to call another team and we're going to have to wait on Lubbock for About an hour for them to get ready and two hours for them to get here. Same thing with dps or or In the national select team. So we have a number of incidents in amarillo.
Every year that requires SWAT team to do a dangerous, either rescue or or deal with a barricades subject and i absolutely think it's important part, but when they're not on a barricade situation, they do a considerable amount of training. With our SWAT team, probably, is tasked with the most teaching, jobs of any unit in the department.
So, we use those officers as instructors for our academy and also, for our incoming officers, and then we're not when they're not doing all that stuff. They're busy doing investigations. So they're tasked with, for example, if we have a murder suspect that's on the run, swat team along with some of our other teams is tasked with, trying to apprehend that person because those are high risk arrests.
And we, we want those things to end without anybody getting hurt and by having us what team ready to go. It's a no-brainer for me. It makes things much safer keeps roster, say, and also keeps safe. And most of the time it keeps the offender from getting into worse position and what burning in Our narcotic unit, these are the officers that generally work a undercover investigations, but sometimes over investigations as well.
When we have particularly drug dealers, dealing large amounts in narcotics and amarillo, we focus on the bigger drug dealers to try to take out the supply chain as much as we can. Those officers are doing great job again. We don't publicize as much of that that's going on because we don't want to compromise informants.
We don't want to complement that as operations that are ongoing. Because most of these operations are connected to another operation which are connected to another and even to the cartels. So we don't want to endangered not only our narcotics officers but also the informants of the working with and some of the other folks that are involved in these, but they do an outstanding job.
I can tell you. There is a drug problem in Amarillo, without a doubt. But These, these narcotics detectors do a great job of staying on top, especially the bigger operations. The obviously we can probably use more investigators in every area of the department, but right now they're doing a pretty good job.
Proactive, criminal enforcement, our location. And these officers are tasked with problem solving, and their jobs, pretty broad of a lot of the times their tasked with an apprehended us when it's detective. For example, let's say domestic violence. Detective has a warrant for a violent offender that they'll call the patient and say, hey, i need this person picked up because our victims fell out there and she's still in danger, but can you go after him and they're really good.
They do a lot of research and then they go out and apprehend those. And they also do other problems solving. For example, we've had problems on with illegal gambling, in some areas in Amarillo, and we attached them a couple years ago with working on that they made a considerable difference.
Closing down 27 establishments over the period of year and seating illicit property and cut back on some of those neighborhood complaints that we were getting on those family operations. Our motorcycle unit eight officers and sergeant right now. Most people think we have a hundred motorcycles out there because their job is to be highly visible and try to calm traffic down.
I'm a chief of police, but when i see a motorcycle club, i still hit the brakes and make sure i'm doing everything i need to do, and it's just, it's a natural reaction and we want that reaction I love it when the radio station's broadcast our location because that helps multiply the effect of slowing traffic down there.
So other job is to work on traffic, safety issues. They also do some other jobs like in funeral escorts. Occasionally careers for VIP payrolls, they help direct traffic when there's a traffic crash and there's a lot of extended period of time. And again they work mostly during the days not only for safety reasons.
But because that's when the biggest majority of our travel crashes Um, or we also have a group of officers file officers in the sergeant that are assigned to different task forces. And i'll say task force that sounds like a bigger thing than it is. Basically, it's connecting those officers.
We have one with the FBI, one with the whole land security one, with the drug enforcement agency, one with the Farms, the reason we had an officer attached to those federal agencies is because occasions will be run into a large case and crosses jurisdictional boundaries or even state boundaries that we need help with.
And so it's very helpful to us had that direct connection of those officers are prudentialed through the federal system, so they can actually file cases in federal court and things like that. So it's a very useful tool for us. You don't need the pads until you need them, and it's good to have that plug to get to help you need.
If an example was last year, when we had a guy that's bonds in backyard planning to bomb tactical high school, we immediately add connections, i got a call from the FBI supervisor for this area within a few minutes after that call announcement. Hey, what do you need? And it's nice to keep those connections.
But again. Our ball team and people who ask, why do we need mounting them? Well again we've got to have that resource locally because otherwise they were going to have to call somebody federally and get it. We have two officers dedicated that they they have a bomb detection, dog.
But they've also got a ton of equipment and a ton of experience that they used. Most of their calls are related to ordinance, that people find that's extraordinarily dangerous. That we don't want police officers, firefighters have to handle so we send the bomb team out of handle that, you know, for example, you know, somebody finds a box of dynamite their grandpa had when he used to farm used to blow up stumps or whatever.
Sometimes things that either look like grenades, occasionally ordinance escapes from the military ends up on somebody's closet and that deal with that. But they also deal with bombings and we don't have a lot of bombings in emerald, but when we do, they're pretty big deals. Sometimes they're as simple as an arson type deal, but other times it's incendary devices that are very hazardous to handle.
And so we call those detectives out, they handle the mitigation, but they also handle the investigation and presenting those cases for prosecution as well. Across this intervention team. We have five officers in a sergeant to dedicated to that in these are officers who are out on patrol. We have three positions that are filled with a qualified mental health, professional and those mental health professionals ride with those crises intervention officers.
We don't pay for that. Texas panel centers has a grant to supply those mental health professionals, very successful programs. And they call it the internet program. The goal is to keep people out of jail to keep people out of the hospital system who don't need to be either one of those places.
It also helps to reduce the calls for service when some of our mental health consumers, that that tend to create a lot of work for Penn's officers, that frankly is not police business in some ways. So having that connection to mental health directly is a huge benefit to us.
Municipal court security. We provide one officer to help with warren service and helping with general municipal courts security, that's that's more or less a mandated that has to be there. We also have a neighborhood police officers. We've got 11, all through the few sergeant dedicated that we get a ton of good feedback from our communities on our neighborhood police officers.
They have probably the most wide variety of potassium to them that any of our officers do. Because we basically tell them this is your neighborhood to take care of. If you see a problem, your job is to work on it. So they may be calling public works about trash containers.
That need to be updated or lives that are out in the neighborhood that they may be serving search warrant on a house that's dealing drugs. They may be attending to community meeting. They may be hosting, the community meeting, we're hosting one in San. Jacinto here. Next month, just to talk to the community, and that's being put on by an embryo officers.
They're also tasked with gain in where i say that everybody's kind of tasked with working on games, but one of our neighborhood police officers, more or less believed on that and he's in a good position because they talk to people on those neighborhoods. These tasks were tracking our game activity and enroll along with a bunch of other officers.
That's a good point. Our neighborhood police officers are also kind of my go-to on homeless and in panhandling issues because they're out and about so much. They have a good handle on that. They also understand where the resources are. So if we see an issue more often than i would call our neighborhood police, officers are a nearby.
So, hey, here's what we're hearing. Can you, can you work on this and they have the, the latitude to do? What needs to be done, as opposed to being tied down to a particular radio call, or whatever they may make and spend days working on a project and help immediate schools.
Next division. Well, i kind of on the next page. I just talked about the different neighbors that they're assigned to. This is kind of fluid. We're looking at making some changes in this but right now we have officers in the north highest neighborhood, the hamlet neighborhood, the east burial neighborhood, south long, the San Jacinto area Eastridge and in downtown the downtown officers particularly they work a lot at night because our business is downtown that are open at 10 to generate a little more issues for us especially the bars and say openly.
So they work on a lot of that they're around the ballpark on the ball games are going on and then trying to help the businesses downtown thriving first. The next division is our criminal investigation division. A little bigger 96. People assigned to that. One captain 2010 is 37, sergeants and 53 officers were corporals of the criminal investigation division is assigned to conduct follow-up investigation.
So a police officer makes a burglary report. For example, The burglary report goes to an investigator. Look for leads investigator, roots of the case, kind of trios of the, if there's no lead, no suspects that it probably is going to go on the back burner, if there's leads and suspects to follow up on and that's where the detective and go out to interviews, bring people in for interviews, get video, evidence, get other evidence together, and eventually, with the goal of filing charges on the offender, Um, we arrange these units by the types of crimes.
We have the property crimes which is mercury steps financial crimes. We have domestic violent crowns, which is domestic violence and just general robberies and solves things like that. We also have a special victims Unit which handles sexual assaults and child abuse cases as well as dealing with sexual registration.
Our homicide union, obviously deals with homicides. Both investigators are also tasked with any time and officers involved in a shooting which happens. Unfortunately, a couple of times a year bell's, homicide investigators have the skills and knowledge to investigate both cases and then they take them to the corporate prosecutor's office for a second level of review.
Most of the time prospergerators take was to the grand jury as well. For another level of review. We have traffic investigators, their job is to poverty, WI cases, work on hit runs and also investigate traffic fatalities and then we have a squad dedicated to juvenile offenders. If the offender is 16 or younger The law is completely different for juvenile offenders and so we have specialists who handle those types of crimes.
We also have a sign of criminal investigation because of our juvenile squad being there. We also attach our school liaison launchers, to that division. For president connectivity that they have with our juvenile detectives. We have a crime scene investigation unit, that's about four civilians and four officers are civilian specialists who are really good job and we're trying to grow that as well as just in our budget.
It goes, officers are More or less tasks with any crime where there's detailed, evidence need to be picked up most of our officers can take pictures of fingerprints at crime team, but sometimes there's some detailed work that needs to be done, especially on violent crimes or homicides and our crime scene unit is there to do that.
And then finally, our property and evidence unit. If we collect evidence or collect property for some reason, we have to book it in. We have to track that more or less warehouse that and be able to access it at any time. So we have a team of people that work on that.
And we're looking to expand that to make that easier crossers to book their events and save some time. Next division, it looks small, as, by one more important divisions training, the personnel, seven officers, dedicated that, along with several civilian, folks that work in there. They deal with keeping track of personnel records, which is a big task, especially police officers because of our tikul certifications, the Texas Commission on a law enforcement as a set of standards that are required for our records and they occasionally audit those records.
So it's a pre-argist has to keep those things in mind. They also manage our police academies. We were again, we're running about two academies for a year with some overlap, Internal training. At the antico and state legislature mandate certain training. We also internally mandate some training and so the division keeps track of that training schedules, it provides classroom space.
Make sure we have instructors and again pretty good tasks. We're talking about 350 plus officers that have to have this. We also have a compliance coordinator. We are a credited agency through the Texas, Police Jesus Association, best practices accreditation program. We've been there since 20107, i believe that accredited agency again, it's a pretty big task to maintain that.
But what the accreditation does is that make sure our policies and our practices are in line with the best practices. Certainly across the state of texas but across the nation. And so again we get audited every three years by the agency. That credit says they come in. They look our operations of our property room and then they look at our policy and making sure that we're in compliant and we're pretty proud of that accreditation because it's it's no easy task.
The majority of agencies, in texas are not accredited. Of business and solution. Kind of make that mandatory. I don't think it made it through the legislation this time. Yeah, there's two hundred Yeah, over 200 standards that we have to manage and it's everything from how we do firearms training to how we manage our property evidence and Pretty proud of that.
But it takes it. One person just to have to keep up with that, and that's available division. We also run the animal shooting complex which is open to the public several days a week we have as harden out there full time. And in several civilian employees part-time, i think we have one part-time's car.
One full time. Civilian, who's kind of the range safety officer? It's a great complex and i encourage people to use that but it's also good for our police officers, we have some police specific training areas there and we take a full advantage of that two times a year at least.
Our administration division. That's where i'm at the chiefs assistant chiefs. We also have internal affairs which reports directly to us. There's no. We don't want any layers between internal investigations, so those detectives who are assigned to internal affairs report directly to us. We take every single complaint that comes in and we invest in the matter.
How outrageous the sound or how true it looks sounds. We investigate every complaint. We feel like the city of Amarilloark, our citizens deserve answers when to have a complaint and so we have two detectives dedicated to that. We be investigating and we give answers back. If we find a problem, we solve that problem internally.
If there's not a problem that we just help, okay? We've investigated, we'd be like we did right thing. And by law school we did So that's that's a big part of it. We have public information officers, starting carboher and a couple of other officers who are assigned to that division to help manage our public information.
We get a lot of requests for programs requests for interviews, things like that. So our public information office managing that Clicking technology. That's a pretty big job. Obviously, the city has a complete services division separate but we manageable almost 300 cars and just ends within the department by sector in a cars vehicles, in general traders, and every other things.
So one lieutenant and and that we tendon has a couple of three civilians staff to help manage our car situation. They don't actually do necessarily the overall repairs but they do some minor things like helping, keep our radios, writing help and keep life trying and then if we have a major issue, then we have a satellite shop that's managed by police services to help keep our cards running.
And then finally our emerald regional crime center, still conceptual, that y'all saw the news article last night on the 10 and you know, was about a lot of rooms that need to be. Built. But we're getting closer and yesterday council approved one of our big pieces of that project and so we're very excited.
Our regional crime center will help officers the information in real time such as video, feeds license plate, reader information, Them are social media is another area where we get information from the real time crime, center, and bring all that together, with the goal of giving officers information before they even get to the call, including aerial surveillance where we tested out and are using cerebral small flycopters, that are able to get to the call.
They can actually we've had one that attractive pursuit million or not. And that's improves officer safety. If we can back off of that for student, not have to drive SP monitor things from the year, much better than getting an ISP for students. We have a helicopter available from dps, but it's not available.
The bulk of the time. Maybe they've been probably a week a month at the border and then when they're here we try to utilize them but it's very expensive to run. Unfortunately dps. Takes on that expense. We provide an officer to help with with Tracking and communicating to our officers.
But the drone system. Frankly is just going to be much much cheaper and probably just as efficient at tracking criminals and finding lost people and things like that that will use The next division is our record services again, over 50 people in this division. That that handle Everything from open records request which is probably the biggest task of that division.
They also handle our internal records management system which is where we do our reports. The handle arrest reports, i would just such a massive amount of information that somehow gets neatly coordinated and and we have a division manager. Who does that been there? A long time, has a great skill in that area, but she has a large team of people who help around that.
We kind of break that into four different areas. One is data entry. One is a validation, validation is basically, when we have stolen property, making sure that it's still stolen if it's entered into our system, and we check on that frequently on our cases. The other division or section is customer service.
That's the, the people who take reports over the phone or when we get a word online, they get that entered into the system. And then again open records request a team that Has become frankly, experts on that, and are able to work with our legal team, at the city, to determine the proper course of action on open records request.
Some of our initiatives that i'm again, violent crime. Is our big focus of not that property crimes aren't important, but we're spending a lot more resources, trying to reduce violent crimes to hold offenders accountable. So we have a shooting response team. This is basically detectives who volunteer to be on the team and go out after hours or any time of shooting occurs and work on these cases.
Most of those detectives already belong to the violent crimes unit but sometimes they bring in outside health. If they have a lot of witnesses or a large shooting, like we had a couple of weeks ago over on south georgia. We also have a gang intelligence team led mostly by our NPOs, but our face units, a part of that.
And pretty much any officer who has gang intelligence needs. You know, we require them to fill out information and send that to the coordinator. Lieutenant Kevin is our community engagement lieutenant but he's also charged with kind of managing the data that comes in for that. Also project site neighborhood, continues projects, safe neighborhoods is a federal initiative, our local US attorney leads that up.
It allows a US attorney to have a few more resources to help prosecute in particular gun cases where we have felons who are in possession of a firearm and to try to reduce crime in some of our high crime neighborhoods in particular violent crime, and they have a research analyst every quarter.
We get a report from that researcher and it's kind of an outside set of eyes that look at our violent crime and help us identify where that's occurring. So that's a very helpful partnership that we have with the US attorneys office.
So more or less. What we're working towards and especially with the crime center is making sure that we're using data to drive our decisions. As opposed to just what we think is wrong, we can back that with data the knives system came on board in 2019. That's the national integrated ballistic information network.
If we have a gunshot fired, we go out. If we find a shellcasing, we collected we send that to our lab. Or an open lab and the technician enters that information from that shell in there. It's kind of, like fingerprints for, for shell casings, each gun leaves a distinct bar called a shell casing.
And so, what that helps us do is make connections between shootings connections between individuals and one case it identified a murder suspect on a cold case from, and that murder had occurred one year. Several months go by somebody's magnet fishing, in the lake. Pulls a gun out. Turns it into the police.
We send that through the system and immediately identifies who previously owned that gun. So it's very useful tool. We do a lot of crime data analysis. We have a team of analysts, we have three analysts and one analyst, supervisor, they spent a considerable amount of time, doing research, social media, in our existing networks, trying to identify a criminals identified crime trends.
They also produce reports for us when we have request for information, such as hey, how many burglaries did we have in the south lawn neighborhood last year? They can do the research and get it. Set report, pretty quick. We've added a lot of tools most of its software and that's why our software cost about considerably over the last couple of years.
We also allows crash data, unless this year alone, i think we're approaching 20 people that have been killed in car crashes. Know, we do everything we can to reduce that enforcements, one piece of it. But we also, if we can identify in traffic engineering issues or other things that can help produce crasses, we do that.
And then finally i think i've already talked about the regional crime center. They are cc and how that's going to really benefit our city. So finally, you know, overall needs just be supporting every line here. And that's just what we ask for, from our community, from our council, from our management.
And we generally get a lot of support, but we need support in our community for programs that will help our young people, especially anyone comes to violence intervention for our youth and i don't have all the answers on that, but i know that anything, that helps our young people find alternatives to getting into a game or getting into a violence.
I would say that, that's something we need to support as a community, you know, parks. Parks is a big deal and parks and police clan and because when people and young, people have good facilities and they can go and have recreation at with good lighting, good, good equipment. I think that helps someone so that i'll always support anything that improves our park systems.
We also need to help with community-based programs that reduce drinking and driving. We can arrest people all day long but until We change people's thinking, where it's not socially acceptable to allow somebody to drink and drive, you know, that's going to be where the real chain happens. We arrest about 600 people every year.
Unfortunately, we have about a third of our actual problem closer to half of our crashes that occur. Where somebody's killed is involved some of these imperative drinking or oral drugs. Look for support from mental health resources in the community. I know the county is working a lot on that, but anything we can do to help our mentally ill population, find the right resource because again, jail is not necessarily the right resource.
Hospital, may not be the right resource. We need to get them out so that they can live a happier, more comfortable, life and not be in conflict with other members of the community. Again, we'll ask for support for technology improvements technology moves faster than we can keep up with it.
But we're we're working on that again with our climb center and some other internal things, we're going to probably have a lot of ask for the next couple of years, regarding technology and technology purchases. And then recruit recruit recruitment. I told every one of our employees, your recruiter. Just like, you know, even though we have a couple of officers officially assigned as recruiters, we expect everybody because, you know, who you want to be a police officer in your community.
So if you can identify those folks, send them our way, and we'll, we'll give them signed up and give them on the force. That's kind of a quick over really quick. Overview of our department. Is there any questions? But i can answer on that part.
All right council, it's our turn now so I've got a few questions, but if anybody else would like to go first, not sure whether
Cheap. And we all love. Really contact with AISD LA formally in their own. Completion. It. And these are a Us banking out of that with some extent. No. Actually we added an officer last year to our AISD crew. You know? Talking with mr. Loomis. Which he work one at the ISD police their goal is to get as many officers in schools as they can and so they certainly don't want us to back out.
They're just trying to supplement that as much as possible. You know, this is my opinion someday in the future, it could could evolved were at, he takes over all their schools, with their own police department, and at that model works great, but until then, we're dedicated to stay in the schools helping out working alongside AISD as much as possible to make sure.
First and foremost, our kids are safe but also make sure we, you know handle other crop problems that occur in and around schools.
I was looking here on the average response time of party calls and non-priority calls. You know, when Is where is that base? Like on average compared to other cities, it varies pretty widely. Some cities or, you know, depend on geography and the number of officers they can get down to three or four minutes on priority calls.
Um, it's hard to We could probably break that down further because there's several levels of priority. For example, priority zero is an extreme emergency and if we broke that down, you find most of those calls are probably in the two, to three minute range versus others that are still a priority.
One like a, for example in drunk driver in progress. Somebody's falling a drunk driver but it may take us a while to catch up to get to that. And so that 10 minute range encompasses the wide variety of priority calls but dispatcher do a really good job of breaking that down and when they know something is a life and death emergency they get the officers there quicker but 10 minutes of is the overall time or all of our priorities zeroes and ones.
Go. What can we do to you? Make their time because it didn't have what you say. What do we need to do? Um, some of it would be shrinking the size of the city, you know, we were spread out our 100 square miles. So, if it takes a certain amount of time, you know, obviously if we had a police officer on every block, we could cut that down to a minute, but i i don't think we can afford that necessarily but we can break the other issue that we would add.
You know, even if we were to say let's add 40 officers again, trying to get pulled officers higher right now, it's a little bit difficult, we're willing to take that on again with these 19 openings. We're absolutely in the mindset that we're going to fill on 19 but the practicality of getting there.
So, you know, certainly increasing the number of officers could help that, but there's geographic. And there's also, you know, the time period that the call is, is getting entered takes a little bit of time because people have to find out their address. We have to get some basic information is as being done most of the time that's sent over to a dispatcher.
So there's a one to two minute time period of actually getting that call out to the officer than there's the drive time. On top of that. As part of the recruitment this year, is that just more of a pay issue? Where is that just across the state note with the people want to work in the police force?
Unfortunately, it's across the country out of that. Chief's meeting last week with other Texas chiefs, and we talked about that all the time. And, and fortunately, it sounds like we're no, no worse off than any other city. It can be related to pain benefits but a fear portion of it is related to perception.
The perception that some that young people in particular have of what profession they want to come into. And that's why i say we've got to talk it up and let people know this is a great job and i'm very advised because i've been here 32 years, but man, our police officers, most of really enjoy their jobs.
Again, we get a lot of community support. So we've got to change the perception. On on that and obviously keep the pagan competitive. I was talking to the Odessa chief, Odessa pays more than we do, but he has a very much higher percentage of open down there than we do.
So it's not always paid a lot of it so that job satisfaction and for incoming people to perception of valor, they're going to enjoy the job run.
She, what's our average? And you may not know this, but what's our average tenure, uh, on the force? You have any idea? Um, i don't offend, i know what are Our turnover is about five percent per year. So every year now, we're going to have about 18 positions. Probably a third of those at least are retirements that people have just aged out or before whatever reason decide to retire.
Another portion of those are folks, that pantex always and i'll just call them out of your pancakes that it's a great organization but they they take away two to three officers every year to their security force because they know our officers are well trained and are going to be good security officers.
Sometimes officers take on other ventures or go to other jobs and then occasionally we have officers that discharge aren't cutting it and we have to let it go. Okay, tough question. I guess here. What's your biggest to ask this year? For the budget? What's the biggest needs? You have in the department?
What's your biggest? Ask me like Needwise not dollar-wise, but need was we say, hey, we got habits. Um, Probably the technology pieces that we're asking for, you know, the one that we got approved yesterday is one big piece, but there will be some other stuff coming out, you know, construction wise and otherwise on a building to support that crime center.
That's probably the biggest single piece asked. The other big ask is for the personnel. We're asking for five civilian positions and the reason we're focusing a little bit on that is again, our civilians doing amazing job, and there are certain jobs For example, crime scene, technician property and evidence technician that that our civilians have does exceptionally.
Well, we don't have to send them through a whole police academy to do that. We much shorter training, period, we're asking for an assistant manager in our records division. Can begin. That's a huge. Task and our manager, you know works very hard but when you are trying to support the management, they're all we can.
So our civilian positions, i think are critical because that keeps us from adding to put police officers doing my job and that's more police officers on the street. Okay? So you so you feel like the existing personnel that you have Uh, just capacity wise. Third max. So, you're having to pull officers, you have to do something.
That is a civilian could do, right? And a property is an example. We and we usually use law officers, who have maybe some limited duties, where they can still do some, some clerical work. But in our property, you know, we're adding another property technician. Because if we can increase their capacity there, that reduces the amount of time, the officers have to spend booking out.
It's our goal is to have officer have a piece of evidence that come in, the, the evidence technician takes that verifies some information in their dog, in the past we just had an adequate decision. We offering a lot of information taking minutes or hours even if it's complex so that that's why we feel like the civilians have needs to be bolted more to help do some old tests that are equally.
It's important but don't have to be done by itself. Okay. And then uh, paywise #Compared for this abilities of officers, it's pretty lopsided. Our civilians. Don't get paid enough citywide but certainly within the department. So we're We're working internally on that and we made some good progress. We're getting great support from from city management, on our strategy to increase our civilian day, to make it to where people want to stay in one work.
A lot of people love their job but we've had several civilians, leave us. I say i love working here, but i got to have more money and so they'll go to a somebody who private signal that's paying more or sometimes less stressed. The other thing within the police department.
Our civilians have to pass in that ground check and add to do all the almost all the things that police officer has to do because they're dealing with sensitive information. And so, that's an added burden for, for my opinion, not adequate paying a lot of cases. Okay, so we talked about turnover in the officer side.
When you said that was that includes the civilian side as well. The turnover in our city is higher than five percent and i don't have a number on to talk on my head, but i know, You're tired of 5%, probably closer to 10 percent and it's generally our newer employees who, Again, they get in they love the job and they find other opportunities.
And in case we do have some retirements, we've got some older, I need to use the word older but more tenured employees. I've been there a long time and they love their job medications, they get to retirement age. So the biggest reason that you would say would be hey, the first time.
Absolutely. And those are the five positions that you'd really It's like and again that helps keep morals sometimes on the streets. Just okay. Okay. Thank you. How much do you all? Have budgeted program. Um, in this year's budget, i think it's about 1.3 million over time. What can we do to curtail that?
Took a tail over time. Um, cut services. And the only answer we have, Well it's that's one answer. I mean it stands we can. If we say that, we're Willing to do less in one area that we could move people a lot of our overtime in unpredictable response. So an officer gets a call late and shit, and they have to stay over and we would have handle that called, and they've got to do a report by that.
It's just most of its unpredictable, we have minimum staffing that we don't want our control level of all a certain levels. So if for some reason somebody called them a stick, then they will either hold somebody over or call somebody in to have them work that shit within what's happening.
I probably takes the biggest portion of that over time.
I i really feel like an intercom service and that's that's something. We're going, i believe. And that's why, okay? To me. There should be a way to figure out a better scheduling. Or something. When you're looking at 1.3 million in overtime, Compared to your body, that's considerable percentage. Yeah.
And math in my head through that. But, you know, our overall salaries around 40 million. So, in certainly 140th of our salary, Since i'm just overtime. I mean, i'm 100
And i just wanted to. Be able. Figure out the way to do with emotional efficient. I think we passed them that we need you.
A couple questions a couple of non-minute questions, first. So did the track or do you have this the index crimes and crime per capita anywhere to, or is that available? It is available because i would think that would even show more dramatically. I mean, you talk about what when we've seen decreases in crying that if you look at Per capita with the growth of population, we're seeing the turkey client.
So let me ask you this. If i ask 100 amaryllins where we are on crime in the community 99 we say we're having more crying than we've ever had before, you know, even people that lived here. But when you look at them i guess on the part one crime, we've seen a decrease in the state of this in the bottom.
And Um, why is that? I think some of it is more awareness of what's going on, you know, with And that's everybody's blaming social media for everything but honestly we just get more information than we've ever gotten before and that gets amplified so you know you hear about the shooting that occurs one day but but it's reported for several days and then it's kicked around social media, we see things in social media that could happen a month ago and suddenly, everybody's talking about it.
So, i think there's some overemplification of stuff, but there are some some crime problems, there's no doubt about it. So we have to focus on on that, but we also have to do a little bit of marketing or less and so we tried to put out as much good information as we can because, again, the bathroom memory of our population and emerald is a great people, but we do have a small percentage of folks that causes a great deal of problem, but the marketing of it is difficult for us and we want everybody to have all the information, but if we put out every bad thing that happened, it was just like happening.
The reality is, especially when violence around the occurring, you almost have put yourself in the way of that to be multiple crowded occasion, random things happen. But again, most of our homicide, the related to being involved in pain. Five to that three hours club, drug dealing and domestic violence.
And then i hear a lot about gank. Tell me a look. I mean, These are two of them here. Five of them here. What does that look like? That's how many just kind of a summary of what when we when we talk about gang activity? And and amarillo, what is that?
What does that look like? It's a lot different than it used to be, you know, 30 years ago people would associate themselves with a national bank of the crypts during the Latin teams or something like that. Now, we find the hybrid type games where there's, it's really hard to track because they change from month to month.
One one month, paper. There might be a group of five individuals and say, hey, let's call ourselves some good kids. And we're going to do this thing growing up. He we're going to deal drugs and whatever and then one guy gets to different franchise and he decides to go join another reported from jail and we have a group so it's a whole lot different.
I came to you exactly how many games because it changes every day, but we're trying to do a better job of tracking that because we know there's this core group of individuals involved in the activity regardless of working. And so we definitely focus on people as well as identify.
What groups And and how much of your your crime that you deal with when you say is game related. But that's hard to quantify. I think i would venture to say and this is been studied a couple years ago. But i would say probably a third to half about crime when we're talking about robberies or shooting or homicides, it is related to gain activity or by person who let's associates themselves to became.
And then, Currently how many, how many open positions do you have? So 19 is a little bit and then, how does that break down? Officers versus civilians. There's that those are all officer positions we have. Probably six or seven. Civilian position. Closer to 10. Okay, this is over, which is pretty big considering, we're authorized 70.
So again, so 19, 19 officers, intend civilian district. So really and and then we're looking at potentially adding Or more. To the budget, i think of that correct. But five actual positions of building the massive turnouts before, and then we do. How many do we usually do? Two police academies a year district.
We just started going back in june. And start another one in december. And then any idea kind of and then and you said you have nine coming out, i think. And the We just graduated last week, 9 grand, last week. There's a few more classes to take. And then, how many more do we think that will?
And getting this deal about the same number, i think. So we're changing some things in recruiting and reveal a little more comparative recruiting Because again, we need More than 100 applications even against you know what happened doesn't people? And then so we generally take two cents of applications to try to get the meaning and the problem is the background investigations and everything else is really cool.
Background investigator work hard to get all that done at that time. The more applications, we can get to hire that number will be will graduate nine in december. When we'll start another academy at same month, The poor additional number. We're asking. The reality. It'll be done. Well, i'm always optimistic.
And then what about in your senior level officer level? What is i mean? More that may be in the retirement. I mean, they're going to be just more. People were replaced because not all you had an attrition Through the lobster or other people. Leave me but and the leadership level.
We don't see a lot. I mean it varies sometimes comes in ways but overall we're pretty stable. As far as retirements that number tends to be between time and 10 people per year that retired Are generally, you know, that they can retire 30 to 20 years, some people they've got military or other, Experience with another agency, they retired earlier than that but that's that's almost common between that 20 year and 35 year marking patient, people stay beyond that.
We've got a few officers that are being off 35 years. Of the zoom in between 20 30 100 years. That's when people really look at their retirement. I think i have a question, probably for a walker. Boom, when we're clearing the budget. And we found out. We're about 25.
Shore. In the police on from a budget standpoint is that was 25. In this budget, yes. So whatever, authorized strength, they have, um, we budget them for that, authorized position as if it was filled the entire year. So if they're able to bring them in, at any point, during the year, there is such a capacity available.
Another question for achieve here. I'm in the couple. Completion of contact me headquartersville. And they were basically talking about the police department bill after people work all night. And they would have you investigated three weeks.
Yeah, we've got both a phone reporting system in online reporting system to kind of help save us from acting sinus for that on. The best that otherwise there's nothing that the officer can do on scene that would add to the case. For example, I'm trying to think of a good example, but You know, like a bicycle that disappears off the porch.
There's really no evidence to feel like we're on Steam, we recommend the person to do that before online. They're still going to get an investigator, the three weeks would kind of be an arbitrary number because it could be three days. It could be but but every single case whether it's reported by police officer online or on the phone, it gets an investigator side to it.
Investigate industry odds. Those stolen back in the middle of the night. No witnesses, no suspects, no video. We'll probably not going to be able to move forward with that score just activated. Whereas, if we've got video or we've got ways to identify folks, and that investigator is taxed with contact identified.
We did I wanted to just go back to Charlie's question on over time.
The interpret we're good about overtime or not, the grind on it every year we're growing on it far. It's it's a lot easier to manage over time saying facilities or somewhere like that. I want to go to jail. Because he's got challenges with custodians and everything trying to cover 20, something thousand square feet each.
But In entire police. It's it's a much more challenging issue than any other anywhere else. If i'm down to trash truck driver, i might be able to change my routes. And just do it with less people. Or. I also had the option to not pick up some downstreams people get mad about that.
But, And we try not to do that, but that's awesome. In place and also fire. We have minimum service levels of fire in the I got to where people on that truck and police that God had certain other people out on the streets. I got to have certain number of people chase down investigations You know, the thing.
So, When that happens, you have bringing another officer that's qualified to do, whatever that job is senior enough to be able to act up into that sergeant job or whatever. And be able to do it. So, Uh, we do try to drive on overtime as hard as we can.
Every single year, it's a little bit more championship, it's too much more challenging Issue in public safety and did saying, Pick any other part of? Well, i'm looking at from a business standpoint here. I'm paying an offer time and a half. Right to work over. When if we go rise.
They didn't force to begin with. I would actually cut the overtime when we get more production. With the people on staff and actually save money by cutting over there and that works and that works in fire. We've over hiring fire and we'll have 15 really 18. Additional firefighters. This is coming here.
To help us with overtime while we're building station 14. We only have 15 extra because we've already authorized that it was 15 firefighters. They're going through academy right now where it's already finished. And we can task those police a little bit different in that we have been able to get to over our status or even to a full status.
Uh, and i don't know when the last time would work.
But, If we can get to, Authorizing, additional strength is only useful if we can get to full. We've also going to have the capacity to send people out after hours or after their normal work algorithm that's danger and acts. Because while i use the shooting on george's, and example, it's going to require a several investigators and so we called the investigators out during the time and ask them solve this problem and i homicide clearance rate is high because we've given our home scientific historically.
The latitude you better work, 48 hour strength, that's fine but you've got to get this case all And that's a lot of pressure on the checklist, but a lot of that has to be done with. I think that a challenges any officer that pick someone up. Overtime on that ship.
Just a process that person into the jail and Do all the pet. Reporting necessary to deal with. Leave the shift. So there is Almost required every time with many oxidation shifts. And man, we were in a position to be foolished and it would reduce that over time with that.
Especially in the minimum staffing area. Do, what would be magic number? Do you think? And i do in my mind that this question might come up and i don't have a magic number, i think There's times when we have 40 people on the street, especially during over that, and we're still covered up, there's other times in the middle of.
Now we have 16 officers out and nobody's doing some things. So, again, looking at our data, it's hard to predict, which day of the week is going to be busy. It's hard to create. We can predict which hours will be busiest, but sometimes we just get a surge of activity and just creates a lot of unexpected over time.
And other other times. So imagine number into the target state. Certainly war is better. I mean, i would agree with that. We could staff 40 or 50 officers out on the streets, 24 7. That would help recall on him now. We prevent all these other tasks to do as well.
So i think our short-term solution is to recruit get more officers. Get closer to our Our authorized staffing levels and we can reevaluate. How many borders, what else can we do? Um, Just kind of shotgun and going back and forth here, online reporting. Was there anything we can do to help from?
And the cities. Engagement in trying to educate our population, because i think a lot of that. Um it's just the fact that your expectation was, you know, you you make a phone call or the black and white would show up within a few minutes. You know, you make your your stolen Firearm case and then go work or whatever.
So what can we do to help you and communicating that message? Just more more educational, what that process is, you know, maybe with our innovation team here and others that can help get the word out. In the end if the person says i need a police officer. Absolutely. Then paid cc has instructional, just sending officers even if it would otherwise qualify laws and reports.
But we try to encourage that on the front end to reduce the number of police cars that have to go to relatively minor call. If i realized stuff it hurts me. I, i understand that who have to have that empathy for our community that regardless of how trivial and the grand scheme of thing.
It is it's still important. So we recognize sometimes people just need to talk to a police officer and we send them, but if we can educate folks of, hey, if you make this online it's probably a little quicker to get done through all your information. We're still going to have an investigator on that case.
I think that would be helpful. What do you what would be your opinion with our city? Marshals office. That's, that's being able to kind of
Time or the peace officers available. Would that be something that would help you guys out if maybe some of their their task or to go, you know, and, and do that one-on-one personal engagement they can do those. Okay. Can either do the investigation i believe? Is that something that you would see as a good fit for that new office?
I think. So, we'd explored that internally having As public, safety technicians, who are not police officers, but could still go have a face-to-face conversation with somebody. We, we did that with our parking enforcement and that's been a big deal because that reduce the number of calls and ostrich had to go out on just parking issues.
So, we, i know, we've transferred that over to marshall, but when we first put that parking enforcement officer on their task was to go around town and enter two calls on. You know, there's a trailer park you legally or there's a an old abandoned car in front of my house.
Police have to do that. So, working enforcement is a good model for that. Public, safety technician. Okay. Yeah, i'm pretty encouraged with that city. Marshall's office kind of coming around. I didn't really feel quite like that. When i first came off that i do see a lot of overlap in areas where i think it was greatly help us.
Release, the smaller things and And get better outcomes. The other guy that i'm really hung my hat on. Is this guy named rich? That um just keeps coming back with all sorts of good things, so Do you have anything that you already know of and your pipeline that bridge is going to be able to work on for you in the way of That interface with our customers and our citizens being able to, to be, you know, online recording the easier with some of the AI tech that he's going to bring about.
Not off the top of my head but certainly we're relying a lot on information technology. We'll put that huge strain in that department by this crime center and some other projects that we have. So certainly we'll be relying on on that particular area for a lot of support technology-wise in the field and i promising The arguins research around both safety and what the implications are solve circles looking for the opportunity.
Is going to get to you and he's got some other departments that are easier for us to pilot in. But then, you know, once we get a good model bill, we know exactly how the function then here's is. There's more risk involved in this game, so, but i i'm encouraged with that.
I think that'll give us a long way. Down the road and Um of quality of services. We can provide as far as reporting and the task and you get
TFO, do they have some additional task the tell us what all they're doing because now that's something that would be circumstantial. You know, where there is that overlap that communication needed from And inner governmental, but tell us. What else did those guys are doing? There's time to primarily to our covert unit to help with investigation.
So Most of the time they're involved in some type of investigations the vulnerables or drug or guns related investigations, that they're actively working on. So they're not just sitting around and waiting on the beds to call. They're working for us, but they have that federal nexus. Some of them have awesomes in the federal offices to kind of help maintain that.
And again, their ability to file federal cases, particularly in felon environment cases and drug cases, a huge difference for us, you know, that the state system works at a different speed than the federal system. There are as particularly with violent crime. It is helpful for us to file federal cases because they just move so much fast.
Driving six months from the time we're filing case, they're generally some type of disposition where it could be two years of the state system. That's just okay.
Five percent of the time. So if somebody gets 60 months of every prison, they're going to be in jail in prison for at least four years about four and a half years as opposed to the state system that can get about one, one to 10 and to be 10 years since maybe a year, okay?
With our civilian. Hires we have 10 openings? You guys aren't 24 7 operations. Do you have flexible hours on the civilian side? We do and we about nine months ago, we Went to a model even though our building's actually not open to the public 24 7. You know, they're worth being that 24 7, most of ours civilians that is working daytime hours.
You know, not, including AECC, obviously our civilians. Our given the options in some cases of four day work week working a longer day. Some flexibility in coming in earlier. Staying late is it helps their family situation. We've tried to really modify our business model to meet the needs of the public but at the same time, you are employees.
More flexibility tech. We just had a suspension yesterday. Tell a song an arcc. What, what is left on the ask. So you've mentions some construction, you mentioned some other Um, maybe hardware some software, whatever, you know is there? What do you anticipate that? That asked to be in college.
Um, Probably over a million dollars in construction, that money is luckily been argument set aside Laura really helped us out in the last couple years identifying funding for the construction of this floor. Half of the physical will be classroom space. The rest will be the crime center and then we're also looking at the fourth floor, our locker room area is in need of remodelled into.
It's been there for at least 30 years and that'll always look like before we moved in. But as a funding been set aside for that mr. Vanforth working. On the plans, we had a meeting with the electrical engineers a few weeks ago. So that's moving forward. It's just a big project, so we'll be coming forward with the construction on the fifth floor once that's done and we'll be moving to the fourth floor.
And again, that'll probably be a product closer to too many. I think coming instruction on the portal, but that'll give our officers new new lockers new lockers space, a better security enhancements because right now, it's kind of open. Just a whole big revamped, it'll be a long time that officers will be out of the building.
Probably closer to six months to a year while that's being done. But once You want to get back in? I don't have Random walkers and brand new shower area. And sanitize everything and just about over the field that building and we feel like that will not only be the safety announcement but a morale boost.
Okay, who's going? Yeah. If i had jumped in and this has been a little while ago that we reproved on this, there were still one of numbers that were kind of still influous and i think they still are possibly um, But right now, Um we have a about 3.2 million dollars set aside from various funding sources um to Address the fourth and fifth floors remodeling costs, which also may have come into the arms ARCT and and then i believe there was also a little bit of some grant dollars, maybe about 300 thousand.
So the last time we looked between construction Some. Technology needs and then some additional internal IT technology. I think our early estimates we work in the United million dollars short is that it's what
Those dollars could be used for the construction, but they can help offset some of them like technology. Yeah, how much dollars per year how much It was a million programs running jackson, well and so we might be able to back into having a pretty close to sufficient way. Okay, with that.
Thank you for that. I know we want to push and there's design construction and roles that we want to make sure that you've got all of those stuff in place. So that, once that construction is not even straight into that exposed. Just a couple other questions and obviously, Pick update on your reserves.
How's that program going? What good? We should have a story. And a couple weeks. I think we have five or six. Officers, who Pretty easy workforce that come back to volunteers reserves. So among 16 will be swearing in those labs and obviously they're worth a lot and they'll be coming in from time to time to open.
That was felt. And if we didn't defense like we did the flood, we didn't follow them. Okay.
So on your cards, I know we've got a two-year delay. All right. And we're still delayed. And so those black and wines are very needed. Could you have your? Everything, or would you already have this? Where these are the things that are needed and these are the things that we're waiting on, like you've mentioned yesterday, you know, warranty items or things that we're just on the waiting list.
Could we go through that and see if the logistically there's anything that would be considered a smaller repair that we could handle local. Um, being we go in order that part ourselves but we move something up to get some of those vehicles. Back out there in service. I think we move that we'll have to work with mr.
Lavender to make sure You know, we're not. Message of, you know, we're police officers not mechanics, so it sounds easy to me, but we want to make sure we don't go arrive within warranty issues or anything really scoot out there. So what kind of problems am i creating before you?
If we try to go pull some of those out or call ourselves Yeah, it'll be a balance of what is material to the car. Let's just say it's engine transmission problem. We're not going to me. And minor. To versus the time comes. I will just happen today. We build a cardinal and evaluated.
Bread. I think if we could get you know that evaluation from you guys, A general level then we would be able to hopefully contribute and pushing some money that way to get those vehicles back out there and service. Okay. Last question and then we'll go back to county and see if they're getting anything else we'll move on.
Any additional techniques in policing that you guys aren't implementing right now that you'd like to One thing we're bringing on board which really isn't a technique as much as it is. A philosophy is acted bystandership so all enforcement. This is a program, you'll take us a couple years to get through, but It's going to require some time off from, from the layer to manage or maybe both.
But we're dedicated to making sure officers have the best training available and able training is called helps officers. Understand use of force a little better understanding. How we can change our culture to make sure that we don't let each other get in trouble. And have a situation where else are used too much force and somebody else who doesn't intervene, but it goes beyond that, it goes into officer wellness, and helping our officers stay well.
Mentally making sure that they're able to get the resources, they need, make sure they're able to stay healthy and that's probably the most important thing. So that's, that's the thing we're not doing now. We intend to do is that he will program as far as other more crime? Fighting techniques.
I think our crime centers are these This will be a big or giving us that real-time internation. We've experimented around with the concept and actually are doing some things in the background. Now even without the facility that are proving to be beyond my expectations, But we're also we always look for new stuff and again we we go to chiefs conference that we center officers to trade conferences of their areas of specialty, to make sure that we're stand up to speed on anything, we could be advancing.
Chief, thank you. Any other questions from council for these two? Okay, i did have a legend question and i'm actually looking at, you have your budget variety, but I wasn't that an hour book is 139, but i'm going to the original services area. Maybe this is a large question as well, so when we look at open position, so i'm looking at, you know, salary wages and really overall costs But, This year, we budgeted 29 million 237 were salary and wages.
We spent 28 am 733. It's about 1.7 percent. I think under What we mentioned in? Fluctuated through the year, you know? But even if i looked at 29 open visit positions, i mean that's about seven percent. Workforce. And i'm just curious is, i would think that with the amount of vacancies that we've had that we would have seen a bigger decline.
And, Salary wages. So this this particular line coverage is the police officers, okay? And the 19 is just a snapshot of today's. So a few months ago we were we had more positions filled again, that includes our police academy so there may be time to enrolling three or four positions down for a period of two or three months and then you know unfortunately these one or two, i need academy, maybe more and then i retirements.
So we always carry that opening, but it's kind of a snapshot three days. 19, it'll go up. If we, if we increase the number in the budget, will actually be able to want 23 by october 1st and likely more than that one or two people, that'll retire what he reported.
And beyond that. That may see my math skills on other terminating that. But That shortage, that we're at today, may not accurately reflect the budget shortfall and budget sayings that we're seeing here. So if i can add it into that and i think we've discussed this a little bit earlier that we have a couple of departments, especially on our larger ones.
In our general fundamental police is one of those that we Um at least monthly are looking at updating projections by apparel standpoint and essentially what we do is we show all payroll up to that point in time and then we say is this the most recent payroll is that's the best information we have with that current timing.
This payroll information on the most recent payroll is what they continue to do through the remainder of the year. Here's where we will be at. So we have one that was sent out. I think it was just this last week and the number on the salaries number is 28 million 720 thousand.
So pretty much right on with what this projection is now as i think chief mentioned, That can fluctuate and he could, i mean, i certainly hope not. He could have several retirements over the next month that number might look completely different, but if kind of assuming all things are the same with the best information we have.
I do think these numbers are are pretty much in line. We do have a project on their overtime that maybe a slightly lower than what's sitting here in this revised bus budget for this year, but again, that can fluctuate as well, especially as different situations of rise over the last part of the physical year.
So So, i hope we get back to Tom's question, you know, you spent 1.3 million in overtime. And you netted a 700 thousand dollars below your, your schedule level. You're 600 thousand dollars in overtime. You know, on those two at the end of the day, And it can be a curiosity when you look at the budget of them.
Well, i know, we're constantly 10 to 15 short when this department was 10 or 15 or you know, we're running half staff but a full budget. Is what it feels like. And so that's a really good question and i think that's something to keep in mind. Especially tom, when you're When your business mindset doesn't doesn't roll into a public safety outcome for this, their their overtime business necessarily, you know, clock on and hey, we're going to let you work another four hours.
Instead of bringing somebody on, is that hour for that hour and a half on every other ship. Of those guys having complete whatever that task is. So i think that's important to keep in mind especially as we look at some of these other people a little easier to follow polices of tough one.
Less than you have known. Yeah, just just curious on the tmrs. I noticed that we budgeted about 3.7 instead about 3.9, we're going back to budgeting 3.7 You know, so the way the TMRS so is that is actually calculated amount based on salaries. So in a large department like police, Um that is spending some significant dollars in overtime.
It's not calculating that budget off of that overtime rate and so Um, So the overtime TRS contributions are not reflected in what it's more reflected in your revised spending but not in next year's budget and that's just a function of how Our software calculations work. The other thing i wanted to mention and this probably relates In on the largest scales of those police and fire.
Um, as far as overtime is concerned, That is not something that as we implement. Raises on an annual basis that we Apply the same increase. Historically, we have not applied the same increase to their overtime account. And so especially in the last couple of years as we've seen raises that were higher than they probably have been in a decade.
Um i think we are feeling it a lot more through both fire and polices, overtime accounts that they're not keeping pace. And i know that's part of you know, why we're looking to put potentially some extra dollars into especially like polices over time because they have historically been spending it.
And they also have this factor of it's not growing at the same pace as what the approves salary imprudes our each year. Does that mean okay?
Any other questions here today? Just one for me on click on the supplemental performing lossary where it says marshallary funded is that great interval off after a certain nine years and we're going to pick up the rest or 500 thousand over 300 over three years and we picked up the rest after that and is evenly over the three years cheap oriented like start heavier.
Goes down. It's pretty even. Oh, they paid. They'll pay out to a certain amount each year for the salary similar, like the safer grant. That's correct. And i think the state were grant The safer grant starts out heavier in the beginning and then tapers off at that point, depends on the year, depends on here, so it's all subject to the granny, i guess.
But yeah, it's spread out over through your period which is pretty someone
Any other questions from the chief? So i have one more question. Budget related in this lawyer. You pray answer. It it's our jailer expense. What's going on to? Two million. Yes, sir from 1.85. Can you tell me the increase on that as far as like that contractual or Yes, we're currently in some contractual negotiations with Randall County.
I think we've come to Um, a recommendation that we will be bringing Council and it's at that two million dollar amount. Their has been a federal rate change and anytime the feds update there, great that they pay for gel expenses. Um, all contracts have to be updated to match it and so i don't have the number for me.
I can't remember but it's going up to 95 a day. It was at chief. I'm looking at you guys do you remember? Yeah 70 and so we are forced to enter into a contract change with Randall County. And, We have been. Partnering that with them over the last several years, they did expand their jail out there at Randall County to meet our requirements, several years ago.
So there is some outstanding debt services associated with it that we have been helping pay alongside them. Um, through our gel contract and the way the debt was structured, the largest portions of the interest. I'm sorry, principal payments are at the very end. Um, that principle that decisions pays off.
I believe it's sometime in 2028 and so it's backloaded. And so, As we are. Continuing to Help pays over that. Debt service associated with it. We are walking into the highest. Um, portions of the outstanding debt service related to what randall County Um, issue several years ago. Can you give me a quick explanation on when the federal rate change changes?
Is that impact a contractors that impact the usage. So if we had a hundred inmates that we were, were having them gale for us. That's 15 dollar, increase per inning per day. Or if we had 150 capacity bed, let's say, are you attitude? Not out on full capacity. You're based on music.
The contracts based on a minimum amount. So we again, minimum and then we'll have to pay that but we don't over that minimum plus right now. It's 67.6 i think that that with an adjustment i'm not sure that number we're going to go down a little bit different contract.
I have an inspiration on all of it. Yeah, the until we get finished with the debt service on the module, the, the new module that they built over there in 2010 level. I've got to have 10 that will come off the debt service. Some type of 428, we're papering, these agreements in provides contracts.
That were bringing yell for approval to make notation that once we get to the end of that debt service period, we will then be a regular User of the jail where we're just paying a daily rate for however, many maintain these. We have In the facility. Just like every other.
A point. But having a Uh payroll on that debt service, complicates all these contracts. So they renew it every three years because the federal rate changes every three years The federal rate requires that every other customer could use the same thing. So they can't just leave us alone. They have to modify ours as well if they're going to continue to take federal obtaining or inmates.
The. And so, once we get to 2029, we're getting a much better much easier to explain position with our drill contract in front of the county, but it is. We will be talking to you about it very soon because i guess mine. A quandary here would be being treated as a you know, with the federal law could change and typical user.
Especially user in the way of the debt service. So we're now reflecting the additional cost due to a unique position on assisting in a desk service contract. With a rate change. So unless they're interest rate went up and they renegotiated their bank change. Why would there be any different costs on our side as far as service and that?
So if they finance in 2010, You know, say they refunded it with low interest rates of whatever. What is the increase in principle? So they? Well, so the way the debt was structured is that there was higher interest payments, originally lower principal payments and then the highest portion of the payoff of the principal payments were at the end of the desk.
I'm not questioning the Amateurization of it, i'm saying was the payment change. So if they're incurring that this additional cost monthly or annually based on this this death service that i can see the the leads into the additional cost from the city, but if the if the payment was the same, why are we factoring in the additional possible federal region?
And that's a great question. And that's the way that the city structures are that where we have essentially flat debt service payments, it fluctuates between principal and interest but it stays more like a monthly mortgage, you know, where you have a set now. However, the way their debt was structured, the payments grew over time.
And so they had lower debt service came in at the right after the decision to starting that that was issued in 2009. And it, they pay it off in 2029 and they went from for our portions. And again, based on. I say, our portion, the portion that went to the construction of the additional Cells.
I guess was about 69 percent of the total debt experience in 2009. At that point, the total debt service payments this and i'm just running calculations straight off the things that i can pull off the desk schedule, it was about For 69% of their debt, service payments in 2010, that's 435 thousand dollars in 2029, the debt service payment will be 1.2 million dollars.
So it's just it's and i don't, i don't know for sure why they were structured that way, but i do know that is why there is um some need for us to continue to contribute additional dollars as well. Um, as we have gone forward in time, and that would add a 95 dollar rate.
That would be 58 beds a day and it comes out to just over two million dollars is two million and two million 11 thousand dollars Um, and Our hope is in like 2029 when vet services paid off, we might be able to reduce that contract down to maybe 30 minutes a day with almost cut in half.
How many do we normally oxide on a daily average about 25? So, we're paying for 60, so right. Any minimum based on debt service. Have the same increasing based on their structure of how the structure and they're offering positive increased too. So their race going on, for example, to the other agencies that contracted we definitely want to be a good partner with Randall county and We're not i'm not asking these questions to try to try to look at anything contractually other than just trying to understand the reason for the increase.
So it's another 150 thousand dollars this year and then would we be projecting this to continue to climb over the next? Five years, three years ago, we projected to go out again and then we projected to come down significantly, two years after that. What's the death paid off? The and the next contract is going to have to capture that because the Devil off before the subsequent.
Federal rate change. So we'll have to make sure that. As soon as the dead rolls off our rate, our rate the rate changes to the From separate. So my last bad question and then we'll move on. Trying to be a good partner. Do we have any other entities or partners that we you know that need these beds that we're not utilized Um, so in the interest of at least needing department, let's say that i, you know, i can't subsidize those that out.
Contractionally, i'm i'm obligated that debt. But then can those best at least be used by other entities that are full and do we have that need or do we just not have to do that? My understanding is they already And these are our other entities that are vote, right?
So we would say it's just, i don't know who's in those books.
But there is there's a lot about this. That even to the judge into the sheriff. This is the frustrating deal that you you can't really wrap your head around. Not anybody to create this deal bear in mind back in 2008 2009 we had a craving jail. And we had to get out of the jail system, and we were having hands.
So we made a deal that looked like a good deal probably at the time state law changed where detain needs or inmates. The number inmates we put in jail has gone down precipitously Whereas, we were always helping to go up against the max, which was at the time once they 90 years like that, when we first came into the contract, they said, Now, we're down to Less than 25.
So, State law has changed. Nobody predicted that. It's, but they built it because we needed. We have options. I mean, if we wanted to get out of contract, we could contract with other jails and and save some money. But it's going to be a a regional night. And not be a department with the Department of Opportunity to be to happen with logical makes sense deal.
Count 2029. But we don't have a a reasonable way to address it and still have enough money to operate with their facility and pay their debt service. So i think we are in a position right now and i recommend That we I'll learn those. Do what we need to do to be an important with our department and pay the increased fees.
We believe we have well don't believe we we can we can show you all working done. For rental county is they will share their frustrations with us for having push the arm on this. Uh, we have put our relationship with Granville County, jeopardy, by pushing so hard to make sure that we can explain this to y'all in a rational way.
We haven't been able to get there other than to say, we need to get through the end of this debt service period. So that we can become a normal client. This sounds like i'm making a negative comment against the judge to share it and allow us around not, they're in the same bed, none of them had anything to do to create this agreement.
We didn't need it. But we have it. And, I don't think it's worth saving a couple hundred thousand dollars now. To. Long, do long-term damage to our relationship around campus. I agree with you, i We jump in there real quick and then I'll let you have it. I also think that It's it's not a conversation that shouldn't be said with the new council in the way of it is increation.
Um, you know, in the fact that we are We're obligated to pay for beds that were not utilizing and those are being utilized by another entity. And, you know, and you know, in a respectful Neighborly way. And so i think that when that's reciprocal Um, in other departments and other services.
I think that works well. I just want to make sure that we are keeping track as we move forward. Some of the things that we are doing. As a city, but our city taxpayer dollars, and some of the deals that we've made 20 years ago. Um, that we're still trying to to digest.
So, As we moved into animal management things like that. I think it's important to know what what other things we got you that are moving parts and people to conversations more challenging conversations are going to be had and we need to continue to to make sure that that all parties involved.
See. The desire to be a good neighbor. From one entity to that. Council meetings. Well, so what you're saying, here it is. When you have that contract, there's way to go. But if we do, it's at the expense of that account, they're going to eat. Whatever the other two million dollar episode.
And our Challenge is not our priority. Typically accept that we have a role in this challenge that they have. We had a role of creative. In, like i said earlier, i can't say the logic behind it and the business agreement, the city made in doing that, back in 2010 was smart, a certainly didn't take into account future changes in.
Way, inmates are handled. And they couldn't have done that. So i'll give him some grace on that. So, The parts issue with AISD, you know, i'm saying, but what will the pool out? Now, i get the contract. The contraction is different. But we're looking at the city that has 450 thousand dollars, we want to be partnership.
So at the same time, we got the good stewards of what we got and that doesn't appear to you. Well, i think what we're doing with random county is is very similar to what we're doing, fantastic. We've been working with ASDs for years to try and find a way to get to an appropriate.
Possibly going forward. Appropriate relationship. Going forward. But they disagree. And that's why this has been such a long challenging process. We've been doing the same thing with randall galley and i think the author, the optimal offering, if it's not desirable. But the best compromise way forward to get us to a an appropriate relationship.
More important is to work with them to the end of this debt which is in 2028. So we can then the have a very structured and easy to explain relationship between 29 on If there any way to possibly negotiate, what we what we're doing now. Negotiate a thing of this, that we have something else.
At the end of this, is there a way to negotiate that like mayor will say to saying, hey, it's going to reciprocated, it's great, but we're paying the most additional dollars, and we don't need to pay necessarily to maintain enough. Relationship, which i understand. But is there a way to negotiate at the end of this?
We would like something to. What would What we've been talking about is making sure that all of our contracts from this point on acknowledge that at the end of this debt, we are a normal client. Just like anybody else. We have not talked about seeing if they would pay us money or something like that on the back end.
One because we know that, i mean, do something and we're paying for best. Material future and i think what we were hoping to achieve is to reduce down the number of beds on a daily basis. Um, as you can at the end of 2029. So right now as mentioned we were at, we would be at about 58.
And so we would want to draw that down, say maybe in 30 and so i think that is maybe what we're hoping to achieve in this contract negotiation is that at the end of 2029, then we want to reduce down that number effect which would cut down our payments threat but we got nothing for it.
We we get. We received well before was opening. Well we got a place to pick our knights. Yeah, they expanded the gel just The initial purpose was for us, i definitely don't want to move away from the fact that Everybody entered into this agreement with the need a legitimate need and Policing and being able to jail.
You know, those that were needed. Nevertheless like we're moving forward and i think for this council, it's important to take this as a one-year budget cycle, not a five-year. Conversation that we're having now that will never be had again. Um, what it's being composed as it's like, hey, this is this will roll off in 2029.
I'm not so sure that that's Uh, the end of a healthy relationship on the conversation. Moving forward. I think we can say look, we've got a two million dollar issue here. This year that we're looking at. It's 150 thousand dollars to us. Basically is an increase. Um, we need to stomach it but then we're also needing to look at Um, the trade in hands, as we move forward, making sure that we're all working well together, and we don't compromises.
That's very relational in the way in which we're trying to move forward. I know it's not black and white, but For most of you guys, that's the first you've heard it. And so, It's difficult field. It's not the staff hadn't worked on it for some time. Uh, but i think it is the ask of council to make sure that we want to continue working on this.
Not close the book and put it away on the shelf. Fill another council coming over mudded by a handful of other things. The mayor mentioned the AMW the handle management cooperative. Somewhat cooperative relationship. We have with a friendly county. But also, ETJ development management. The city, does that the county contracts, the city to manage in ETJ and has been a lot of challenges there.
Uh, flooding has been enough has been another issue, so there's a lot of things. A lot of road points right now, we're trying to work through productively brand account without Content. Enclosion relationship. I don't think that's a realistic outcome, but we do need to make sure we're doing it.
Responsibly. What what is our so Again, we would be 60 bears. Our eyes to be able to be used. That's what we pay for. Originally, we pay for 60 beds, we use about 25, they fill the other ones and they don't pay us more. So uh, what's episode if we have someone that needs to go but therefore, which are groups are effectively, we they take our they take our events, okay?
Okay, i know that's Thousand discussions. So I think this counts is just put it out there. Um, and it's good. It's transparent. So front. It's a willingness to have conversation. You can't be afraid of compensation. We're on the world. We're on the tail end of Performance evidence. On this maybe longer than that on this very difficult conversation.
Um, we knew we were going to have a new council. Uh, we knew that we're going to be finished until we had a new council early on the process because we were digging really hard for justification. We knew we needed to be able to say look i'm going to have Brandon council that has never seen with these contracts and my previous council only saw it once.
So, We've got to get to where we can make sense of this thing. We can Make sense of it ish. But to explain it to where it makes sense, is not a realistic opportunity. Okay. Um, Does the point of critique? I think we didn't explain it at all. Because it is a difficult thing to explore.
And so moving forward, i think it'd be better to try to explain. And i know it can be awkward and sometimes explanation would be like, sorry it's just as good as it gets but we made a deal. And then we can handle that, you know? And then, you know, we made a deal, we're going to honors and Um,
And then, i think you've got some good business lines that want to. From the aspect of saying we made a deal with honor to deal with what other deals that we currently making whatever. Uh, transactions are where we have and how does this affect our ability to police and take care of posts?
Let me try to keep us moving forward. So we don't get stuck on one week. Um, we probably are good with cheese, stepping down, and we have anything further before we left. These guys. I did want to want to. When i look at the combination of police and civilian, although we were over in the, the police budget.
We've got to share with the year. I guess we were about corresponding under in the civilian budget to overall you finishing your right end, right at what you have mentioned. Looks like that. Yeah. Peace, we greatly appreciate your time and energy and everything you do. Thanks for a presentation.
We found that. Thank you. Appreciate you. Um, do we want to take a quick restroom break and we fix our issue? Okay, so we're good on the next presentation. Next presentation will be fired that correct on the step. Let's take a five minute break. We'll be right back. Population going on with the Parks department in emeralda students.
But we're the same busy, i'm glad you're feeling this morning. Thanks for your thumb, chief Mays since his regrets. He was unable to be here to scheduling conflict. I think he receptive, you go all I'll try to discuss that but again, you've got the Pseudo 18 here. We we like we know you're going to do the good job of giving us a very entertaining personification out here today.
We've been a while myself. Do what you did? What we've got here in front of you, is our 2022, annual report, there's a hard copy that you all should have in front of you right now. In that is also a letter the chief made to put together speaking to some of the needs that we'll discuss here in just a little bit but I just wanted to have.
Anything that was within his, Voice. I'm burning you. Having we received We start off on these. First page is just a letter from g. Kind of stating no review of how the department. Is doing for the current 2022 years. We do like 123 some of the stuff is dated.
As we go through here, i'll try to update some of the information that has changed since then. One of the main things that we're looking at page four, Team block him retired and is now working down state. So this is a district people or who's acting there for deputy I think we have the test next month.
On this page, we run through how the account is the department's building down on a divisions. We have an operational side and we have a support side. Under the operational. We've got the aircraft crashed, rescue compliance. Ems. Fire suppression. It's also members referred to as hazmat. Technical rescue our friends.
The support side is comprised of our fleet services communications, which also has some ideas people who are factors that will be living with. On the next round. Emergency preparedness health safety with visiting. H5 runs through our mission statement. Core values of very important to us until I can support for you.
All to know what about As we move through this. Page six has a little bit of an apartment history, kind of a fun read. If you're looking for something later, A page seven for those of you don't know, the amount of fire department has 13 fire stations, we've been approved for a station 14.
We're still working on the land acquisition at this point. The personnel in order to hired for that as part of the 15 historical solution to earlier. Locations. Throughout the department or other staff right now is 295 of those 295 to 280 are on ship. And that's going to be our agent b shift and c shift.
Those ships run 24 hours a day and begin at 7, 30 in the morning and don't leave until 7:30, the volume. For one of the only departments in the city that operates under the schedule, where we got staff in 24 7 with the same personnel, Our vehicles, our top outline there.
I'm not going to run through those right now. Page 9 talked about our organizational chart, just a rough overview. Part of the letter, the chief amazing pinned. Talks about the need for the desert chiefs as we start looking on page 10, It talks about the human structure for what?
Each one of these units are responsible for on any given day on 10 11. As you can see, there's quite a bit underneath. A personnel. There's actually six chiefs that are two on shift each day, so we have 24 7 coverage. That number has not changed since we implemented station 11, 12, 13 and additional company for station five.
Over the last. At 25, 30 years, we have not increased. This number shipped personnel, fruit, Churches. On page 12, we start to looking at our response data. For 2022, total runs. Equals 22,246. We're currently on pace to have a one to two percent increase this year for the same numbers.
Relative to the breakdowns. While we are the fire department, one of the fewer things that we do. Fire zone account for 1221 for those calls. Whereas our EMS and rescue is now 15 thousand. Sixty three calls a year. 24 years ago when we started, we were running approximately 8500 calls to 2010, fire stations.
Just to equate. That to today we're looking at, you know, close to 23, 24 thousand calls. With 13 fire stations. Supposed to been very drastic increase. Page 13 talks about. This symmetrics of how these calls are broken down. Typically the high point. It's gonna be around 1700 each day.
Our business found here to make. And one of the troubling statistics that's down at the bottom is our number of fatalities that number has continued to climb Those last year, seven fatalities is Not a number that anyone's want to have to see in print, We do the best job that we can to get our Personnel and apparatus food scene to affect rescues, the best that we can.
Oftentimes, with the way the construction of buildings, are nowadays. Have on plastic in them than older materials. It's very difficult to survive some of these situations.
Age working talks about the district responses. District one which is right down here at 4th and van Buren. That's going to be our busiest station. Our busiest district, i should say. And right below that talks about the apparatus, which engine i'm just located over there. Paramount not 40 is actually our busiest fire truck.
Age 15. We'll spend just a little bit of time on this. What these circles outline is our map of the city. Broken down into high associ circles. And each one we circles is about a mile and a half radius that we pinpoint from the station with how this bird.
Each one of those dots you see inside of those circles represents calls Anything that's outside of the circles was not answered and foreign responsible. As these clusters. Become more dense. Is into telling tale of where we're having some uncovered districts, which you can see. On the left side. All of your life of the Queen station.
11 station two. Is that big cluster there in the hospital district? That's what led to the discussions of having fire station 14, put in the hospital district to cover some of these gas. Throughout this math, you're starting to notice some other areas that are creeping up. What these are attributed to are the different annexation plans of the city.
And different world that the city's experienced over the last few years. That's increased our call volumes in the various where we can't get to.
Beginning on page 16 and just starts outlining through the program managers are for each one of our disciplines that are public affairs. 17, we got our administrative support. Probably enough can't be said about our civilian staff that keeps all of us going every day. There's countless hours and often.
Less gratitude for now wearing uniform, but these people are very integral to our organization. And our lap below to keep us going. The parks and drums on page 18 is. It's a very Unique program that are volunteers. Have organized. These are the folks that attend funerals, special events, As a ceremony ceremonial.
Portion of our history on culture. Has been very easy that program developed. Since we were hired on 24 years ago. Personal support begins on 19. Other grandfather's resting, 20. Ems of 21. Blast 22. High suppression 23. Manage materials page 24. Again it is just our program managers. I don't want to see it again to read you all these things but it's very interesting.
See how to performance put together just for some situation where I'm moving back to. Page 34. This, these are our fallen heroes that have passed before us. We always want to recognize these folks. There's another one that they're looking at for 2023. But i don't want to speak to them until it's important vision.
And then just on page 35, there's a few photos just The big thing, what we do on a daily basis and Are very proud of certain citizens of internal. As far as our needs go. We've addressed, Basically in three forms, what our needs would be. So we have a supplemental request that you should have in front of them.
That walks through auto parts. Fire protective clothing for our new academy personnel. Software increases. Increases to our annual physical. Department wise mental health. Awareness trained. Incentive pay increases for our paramedics.
Our personnel requests or the three different chiefs that are spoken to in the letter that ahead of you. We also have two reclasses. One was in the military component, looking to move to a budget analyst. And one of our other compliance civilians was needing to You looked at for training coordinated.
Our CIP means or rather limping and i don't know who you want to get into that in this meeting. So we will have kind of a separate discussion about CRP with Kyle senior, John, that will have either you guys come back to. But if there's a couple of things you want to mention one of the big items, i know that we're looking.
Um, To see the council would be willing to fund a match is related to that grant award for the airport fire. Train facility of what i'm saying that quite right. But um, Um, just making sure that we have to match dollars available to make that part of. It can be a completed.
That's one. Um, one of several requests that we're looking at recommending funding force. I mean, if you want to quickly go over a couple of things, otherwise, we're really going to probably talk more, unless council wants to do something separate. We were claiming to kind of talk about all the capital and each one point.
So, I could keep it high level if that would help. Yeah, i think the fire training considerably, good to hear. Um, that's actually a very unique task that we Of partnered with. Farmersman jackson's office to try to get some federal funding. The background of this. Proposal. We Basically an airplane crop.
It's out of the airport that we're able to train our firefighters with freezing. Based on the changing of the FAA indexing and what the requirements work to commonly constrain. The plane that we have wasn't suitable in size about to continue our recurrent training. Costs on this is classic significant probably upwards of four to five million dollars depending on how to look at this.
Knowing that that's not a normal acid that you can come to you all these walking throughout to
What we're having to do right now is the contract with love and fire department to go down. Send all of our personnel, their signing the airport where there will be in that response area, the same thing.
This would be. Ideal for us to use internally to have for our training, our personnel, as well as bell helicopter than other industry, gets out there. That could be Being needed. The same problem. Some of the things that we're looking at, on our CRP list or stations, both rebuild the new additions, Our stations are very are getting very They get the full use out of them.
Three stations that we have on the list. To be rebuilt right now or built in the 70s. What facilities is having to work with us to keep these things limping along. Around the sock up, the floors to get the plumbing collapsing. We're having concrete out front, it's deteriorating to the point, we're having to replace driveways.
These are truly outlived their life expectancy. Local stations two, four. And six is where we look at again, we can discuss those further in detail on friday, but just wanted to put those on your radio.
Okay, questions from council.
I'd like to know. Why they decided to create an increase?
So if we were just looking at the last 12 months, Anything that has to do with the vehicle, having to become, scarce to find Expensive to fix. Just in our fire starts offering example, a new fire truck has increased 30 percent within the last probably 18 months. With that.
Several of the parts that are on, those are It's in proprietary or something. A manufactured specific part that has to be used. It's an accident, you know, say it's a for our branded vehicle, which is mainly we run our food. That would have to go back to for our to get that piece.
Whether it's Not so much of the engine components or the pump, the console water, but Things that build the truck on the outside. It's not something that you just go to that but and take out.
And there is one thing, if you're looking at our budget currently, you'll time to page. That's also on auto parts. We we've not ever been fully funded on what we have overspent that every single year. It's not because we're baseboard Participated we've never been fully budgeted to the To the amount.
They need to be able to maintain your vote. So we still make things with but we have to pull money from other parts to the department and take that with also working to make that one whole Sort of got enough money question there and i don't know that we just don't want to put too much in there and wasted.
So we're trying to ease our way into that. Profession that yes or That generally, it's about two to 250 thousand. Underbody. Over budget underfundresses. But if you look on page 164, There's an error on the second to the last FIR 820 where shows, there's a different chief for eight hours twice.
Someone is actually supposed to be an fir 840, that would be a lieutenant for audio. I apologize that will make sure it's again, just As far as the gas bills, if you're looking at different cheese, delivery, heavy and badly that's opportunity.
Many other questions on. Years. There was to craft. Yeah, we've done a little more detail on the supplement offers, i know. Fire physical. When i was encounters. So what this we currently have a contract with PSA care express. That's where occupational medicine were documentation's. Our department positions What this number is just to get our current number of physicals that we have to provide up to the number That we're trying to spending.
Is not an additional increase. She tells you had. You had some of your firefighter skill. I'm not sure. Where was it? Love it goes the further. South There was a device that you guys were able to utilize the name of the It's a federal health and wellness screen between the last game.
It's the last game, i believe our association. Could probably speak better to that, i don't have any personal knowledge. Okay, using their services. So just to tag on where councilman craft the same. This this request here doesn't have any of that lifespan cost and some sort of okay and use that live scan involved in any of your budgets.
So, we had put into some additional fighting to To address, just whatever direction. That means the department is in a recommend going, but there's some additional program dollars in there to help with some up either. Scans or testing mode. I think they would work through formulating, a plan if county is dollars To make sure that they can secure the best sounds really interesting.
We're supporting the one and i really I know the Evidence that want to look at how they do it. What we're trying to do is evaluate what we're needing to test for best practices within the medical community of how to test those. And then about what that looks like.
Is the fact There's so many discussions, we need to have On our side, just to be able to figure out the logistics. Even stuff in a simple. This place comes in for two to eight weeks. What does that mean? For somebody that would onboarding Can we have to standards for somebody that comes in as a new hired?
Position. There's many discussions that are still being So right now you have options in front of you and you representing that you have a budget to cover those options. Along with music stores are saying machines. She says. We are evaluating what is needed. I can't speak to the cost of what that would be at this time, okay?
Lord, what you have? Sorry, i'm trying to get the right page here. So we, we have looked at potentially adding in about an additional 216 thousand and so that i think Can't remember what both app was on the supplemental, but i think we can fit some additional dollars, kind of towards that to make sure that there were plenty of options that they can explore.
And i mean, with a large department, it's yeah. So they have Sorry, i was over a hundred thousand more reset aside just four? Yeah. Not about the most details. We definitely don't want to rush this. We want to make sure that we're taking the property. So, Yeah, so they're current, your budget is about 57 thousand and their employee medical account.
And this would bring it up closer to about 274 thousand to allow some capacity, to make sure that they're, they have dollars to civilize the best. Students bringing whatever option they would like, She, you know what the cost is right now for that and The one that we're currently provide.
Okay, the number i got from achieve was the physicals this year were around 86 thousand life scanner or something. Like it would be around 17,000, okay? So, when you guys were, i mean, just We got a unique need exposed. Popular. Than that. Who knows what i mean, just plastic burning on the Southfield daughter supposed to that stuff.
So, a little bit more of that. Scanner, physical would be warranted. Yes, what we're trying to do is look at what the IFS. Recommending what the IFC is recommended with the international association of argues, studying all that information put together and see what the best practice is. So that went out just Taking one, place's.
Work for it were. Inadvertently subjective in our hopes to unnecessary testing skills. Everyone make sure to take care of and protective, but at the same time, each one of these, the preview results in a false positive is going to send the person. Especially with the mayor may not be able to get into a timely manner and they end up impacting, whether we'd be on fire truck during the times of to respond, okay?
So you don't have those numbers yet black from the last few people with what you're saying is they going to call positive during them. I think there has been a sort of email that sent out yesterday, that had a rough estimate of what the last game numbers would be.
Just get that that what you're looking for? Well, i mean the result what you're saying is false positive to come up that you have to pull off drugs and testing or whatever those kind numbers. There's been some conversations with some of the love. Personnel or their chiefs at least that there was a period when they implemented this initially.
If you better go in and ask who on the last game was going to drive a hard truck with him, drivers left on the department that they could work. So lovely things they work. Where That they're not now. From what we understand, they're moving away from So, these are all the things we're trying to build.
And this is misinformation is just what i did give myself. How long will it take to get old information? We need Thinking about, I would like to think in a reasonable amount of time. Probably 30 to 45 days, to make sure that we're we've got all of our homework done and You are new diligence, i think handful for defending budget time.
And do always. So if we have to completions That way even sooner we can actually Quote, for a good legendary octopus. What? Where we're going to do to get those discussions. I think would be good idea. Yes, sir. Because i don't think we don't have any able to make this week.
I think you get happy. Go back and look at play. Okay, make some adjustment where you want. I think that would be a big bigger to. More away here. Well certainly, we don't take it while you. Please don't read into this that we're not wanting to protect our folks.
We want to find what we can. What we can balance, the reasonable need with versus the desired outcome.
But before you said the dollar start to set aside to be It's included in this. Okay 2016. Yeah price for the last game option, one third of the project. Yeah. That one or any other option within that range? Yeah, that was a token very well today he said, Who drove at?
Well, the department aspects of looking into this, we've spent money. I mean, That sounds like we just literally put the money, but we did out. We did actually have a lot of conversations about it.
Well, yeah, we can. Yes numbers. We get some data on that.
Unit and then we'll be ready. It would not all the research, they need to do. Work it up HR so we're doing. Process. You know, one thing that that i would just tell council if you're looking at the 28 million roughly Health cost or claims and insurance. So we have an offsetting cost with an additional screenings.
So early detection and good screening can offsets you having the budget so hopefully it's been through 70. Even in this budget we realize that standings on the back end. From a decrease in medical coverage. You know, everything medication all the way to potential concerns. Um, So i think we could see something there and i don't know if live scan has symmetrics that they want to volunteer and say this shows.
In potential savings and other cities. Um, if i can get a jump in there, the 556 it shows as a proposed cut Um, But i'm not following where that is descriptive. So, can you tell me what this is consist of? Yeah. So, um, there is a request that that our department puts through for an additional three buyers distributions.
And i think that is also outlined in the letter that chief makes me candidate out from cheap maze. And so i think, She makes it all will, give us a little bit more explimented making on that and then i'll let jared walk through the reasoning behind Symptoms when not moving forward with that, from a recommendation from season center.
Yeah, you can start from the beginning of how many districts did he have on your outline? And how many additional and what are you forecasting with the additional positions for fire station 14, etc. So we're looking at, Back.
Very first section of cheese. Yesterday we've got a couple of different places that always wanted to look at them. Hey and this look that you got on the The main report, outlines that as well as paid 164. Work is our 1910 budget. The number of districts use that we currently have, we have six online which are covered two per ships, 24 hours a day, and we've got five that are in our day personnel.
We've got a communications logistics. Health and safety ems.
Friend. Little bit about them. Or five that we have on these to do with those things that we have online to take 11. And we have the two, deputy chiefs, and one full team Okay, station, 14 personnel. There are no teams that are associated with that. That should just again the captions the tents drivers and firefighters that go along with running the station.
So in proposed, outline is talking about the Improvingness and management based on just having a two piece respond to each fire. They're having to be pulled off. Those responding incidents on an underdog comes in. Almost leaving the vulnerable at that point, the devastation. Firefighter safety as well too. And the second world point and then increasing administration.
Efficiency accountable, we're talking about who altering the Or chart for each shutdown. It's got one cheap runs. That injured question, man. Families though. So if the additional free cheese that you're Would be needed. Once fire station, 14 back. There's a current need is look, it's only going to be increased for 14 of them, but it didn't have it.
When 14 was actually You, when you would have you wouldn't have to the manpower to do that. You're saying the currently 13 stage. You could use three additional cheese, just On the online recovership. We can continue to make it work in an actual situation, social media beneficial, especially as we continue adaptations.
So the additional, the three additional district chiefs will put One additional district team on shed. To the amazing command group. At all times, right? So this would give us the capacity to handle three firesons. Where we currently only have the statute into now, we could hire more handle, more fires than somebody would have to act up.
Is that consent commandment, right? That is correct. So, It would make us better people, more people will have family multiple harvesting. There is no. It's really recommending to not funding. It was really just trying to balance out all this, all their stuff on the requests. To put that in.
When you look at all the other stuff in those on there, almost all the majority of them, certainly all of them that will reach that number Are all other public safety supplement requests or their streets of something more requests. So, i wanted to make sure that everything we're doing for them.
The most part. I mean, there are things in there that are not public, safety or streets. But they also pretty small. Uh so as things that we also need to do in the departments but with the bulk of all ourselves we'll funding is where your streets or publicity. So it's really just a value-based decision.
We can absolutely shift and Going to do. Whatever else wants to do the resources are finite. So that's really what we're going. My pleasure is so that it says by asking for three years. You know, why hasn't been shut down the vast for the same?
And then my question for you did on these, my current district chiefs that i worked in days. Is there any possibility? He knows that you do need them, that you can move them back to work in 24s. And i don't know as far as how heavy that workload is on.
These students other than strategic deputies for some of these Been following their work stone. There's there's definitely ways to make these things work. It would probably involve having to bring someone else in to cover their spot. And whether that's This civilian to ask, if that's another Uniform to ask.
Certainly explore those. Like less than ideal based on the current workload of Chicago. Student days we have 13. I would imagine i'm not vibrational guide isn't much. Easier thing to shift, someone who has experienced the matter. Okay, to do that. During the night, that was because we have completed.
Another passage, i'm arguing against my recommendation. I know, but i'd recommend some need. It's really one of the financial constraints. Could i ask? Payment. Would he have opinion on this or Can you help us understand the need? And nothing really bad based on discussion so far. And so Well, let me ask you is having this council along.
This particular subject had any other questions as far as these three additions? Don't do we have removable internet at the same time? And it's going to,
It's it's difficult to quantify that as they're on a scene and getting pulled off to another one.
Okay. I mean to come in more regularly, the family more and more regularly that we're picking up more and more than eight thousand 25 years ago to almost 24 thousand. Now, Fires have been greeting at that timeline also would give we're still running the same amount of command officer for shifted, 25 years so far.
The need for that extra to management is their on a regular basis. It is not uncommon at all to be at a fire and just coming off, shift, plus seven minutes of clarify, you know, you know the fire. Maybe coming from the south side of town. It might be 10, 15 minutes to get there to assist out of his band officer.
You're talking, you know, firefighters safety. And tracking. Man and city command, right? Like we need that guy there to help you. You need that guy there for safety and that other cost comes in. And now your support, you're on your own. There's you got you and your whole job.
On a personal owners, that would be there and it's happened. More than one, we've been on multiple of our fire and then had another fire coming in and it's just scrambling trying to get back in to get cheese. Coming in off-duty and covered. A unit to try to get some of these other players.
And you're talking, 30 minutes have a noon. Today's bars. And No burning on his skills, we've never seen. And, you know, as far as the civilian injuries and death. You know, speak to that myself. The curtain on the set virus become extreme. Those important to have those guys there.
The earlier the better and all that man's side to tell them, coordinate and held attack. With the improve on state to mentioned. That's our broader control and tackling. There might be one other option. Jerry, the more and i were discussing they are over hired by three. So we are kind of cost of three firefighters so let me lower costs to promote up.
It is covered the difference to add those position so it won't be a full 536 thousand, it's just going to be the gap time level but So, there's also some other questions. Yeah. Yeah, explain that just a little bit more in depth as far as we've overhired 14. 500 position because of the future.
Station number. So what you're saying is you would go ahead and create a district chief position or multiple In lieu of a few of those firefighter positions of new STE so you've got existing FTDs. Maybe you can adjust some of those knowing that now we've had the academys we're fully staffed.
There's many more or flexibility than But let's begin in the body. Just a little bit on the overtime. What is it? Look like. And then, A follow-up question on, that's going to be the callback the change in that and what that does. So you know you're overtime. At 1.47 million happy plus budgeted because i don't know yeah that's correct.
Um that's in there i'm scheduled and they're scheduled over time it's about five minutes 55 And, You kind of dislikely, explain the difference between only applies between the fire department. Not any of our other team. So based on the average number of hours that we work a week their tool which helps scheduled over time it's basically just the amount of overtime.
It's built in. On a normal work schedule. You won't get into the maybe six. I don't know what we could maybe briefly talk about that, you know, we're in moles millions. Um they have they have like an eight hour day which You know, it's But i know that. Okay, that's correct.
So they would have more of a 40 hour books for that day. Um, where Fire has two situations going on where they have some employees that are 40 hour have 40 hours work weeks and the rest, actually, the majority i think has been 56, our work week, so they actually work more hours.
But then with the scheduling involved that's within pools in the schedule over time. And depending on what we were depends on how much it's good. A little results, unscheduled is different, unplanned events or training, a different things, much into the way the responsible to is that also the callback a callback would be okay, holding some of your incident, calling them back.
Again training. Things like that it resulted in something outside of their normal work schedule.
And you limited. It's all that chat. That being taken away by chief mains. I believe it was last week. There shouldn't be. If we're fully staffed, there should be lists driving me for overtime which should result in a lower. It's not going to change that schedule over time, that's going to be kind of positive.
I was curious on the 556. Um mr. Friedman, if you would project in there with the the over higher for the 14 positions and maybe have those FEs can move over and then if you can weigh in or forecast on the 1.4 million overtime, because it wants you to expect some savings on that.
With that cat, these big. Potentially. Yeah, we just had to run those numbers to get to the specifics but I'm just curious how close to that top 56 number. We can get with any existing budget. Without having to look at this decision of you know, it's limited resources. We just don't have money.
Can't do it. Um, if we can move existing funds around. And manipulate those positions better than what i'm hearing. You know, are chiefs say, is that there may be a greater need for those different teams than there will be any additional five letter positions for a Um, and then we wouldn't expectation 14 to come on for how During and a half of the best 18 to 24 months and that's rolling until we have two years.
You know, we've got extra one of those 14.
So let me summarize and make sure everybody's on the same page, we've overhired, which will reduce our Overtime. That's already budgeted in budgeted in at 1.4 million plus scheduled, over 500 thousand, So almost two, two million dollars. I'm not correct dementia. There's some assumptions of you probably built into their Assuming these staying fully staff.
Okay, whenever we draw below that number, that's going to intern drive more, callback protection. That's going to be anywhere from 58% pre-coated. It's probably around 15 people. Post covenants. Again, that's with the addition to academy when we're looking at maybe around 20 a year and and academy will graduating when they've already graduated in their online currently, as of last month.
But then, the next one, i'm saying, the next one would begin, january 11th. Okay. So, Continue forecast. What that academy would produce? You know. And subtract that from your nutrition regulate percent. You need so many numbers, you should be close. We're structuring the, the next academy size to be able to do the same thing as fast as to keep us disparity over hired.
Uh, and make sure that we can when we get those cadets. On the trucks that that we have accounted for the attrition that took place during their academy. And we take place part of the position, the next category. Uh, so we're probably living around 15.
We have the three over higher right now. Well really, really want to say we have 1805 right now. Was definitely. Uh, So, we do have a capacity to Take some of those positions and use them for the district. Chiefs probably still going to have Delta for a couple hundred thousand dollars just because of differences and pay.
And things like that. But that's a much more manual number. Than violence instead of the course of the 19 years of his need to make sure that we have the additional firefighters hired. Oh, so we would probably either in this academy or assessment Academy hired, an additional free to compensated to the top of those three businesses that we put on shift.
And we put on the fifties, And i just want to make sure that personal favorite. We understand how the numbers are working. That's inside this book right here. Inside his book, has budget to dollars for the 15, that will be paying decisions 14. But there is not budget in dollars in their right now for the extra three they truly are an open taken shit.
Yeah, we would be taking the three overnight. Alligated those positions. The district teeth. Create promotional opportunities for those three people equipment. Okay, no one, you know? Thank you and created additional key promote and then And then if you don't give us just a couple minutes, we'll get you what that successful number is okay.
There's achieving firefighters. So I think we would be comfortable in. Circling this moment and putting it up and saying, hey, this would be something we would be interested in coming back to you in the next couple weeks. To give all of us a little bit of time to digest that and see if we can come up with any better solutions.
Now i appreciate that. Seeing if they can do a quick math problem but i don't know that. That's necessarily what we would have to do here today. If you want, we can just Adjust before the next meeting to include those mr. Chiefs And then you can see what that what the impacts on the rest of those are what are proposed impacts on.
This is what it normal. And i don't see any reason why we can't accommodate. Within the within the book within the budget. What we're going to have to take the money, the the Delta money in some way. So we're going to have that representation.
I think one question now, we just put it up to that is okay, we come back and say we are adding those positions. We're trying to use these overfield positions. If we if we need to say go up x amount. You guys find that in your budget somewhere? I mean, is there enough value out of this?
If we say we can, we can meet you halfway by planning ex part of the repositions. But we can't fund them all the way. We need to find some expenses, somewhere else. It might just be something just to think about not that we would have to go there, but at least saying, hey, if these are important enough for us to, you know, to really need them and they can make a difference if you had to finish out to pay out for them.
Where would that come? What would we lose? What would that what we not lose just kind of thinking about that and come back with it? Certainly And i don't want to overspeak what we've value engineer or budget almost to a Default in some areas we were rationing paper towels.
Try to do any way that we can to drop on some cross-saving. Sounds good over time. Was definitely one of those that Has not been under spent in the last several years. Again vocab. This is our first encounter with being a police staffed and cross some time. Yeah. And i appreciate that.
I had No doubt that you are sometimes. On our side, we're trying to value, engineering, our revenue sources. So we're trying to figure out how to do that and just and just, you know, thinking about what those options may be and just consider exam. And then all of them like, you know, making this decisions I've got a, i've got an example of the step lane.
Anyway, between the PC environment for the three of the Delta of 172 thousand. Broadcast salary and benefits. Okay, just looks pretty concerns research. So, it should be more like, 150. What would be? What would be the consequence if you didn't get three? You know, if you looked at one or two, Well.
If anything would be appreciated, don't don't get me wrong in this if it's for going to a shield it's hard to implement. Time on one day.
That happen introversion. Right? So if you were looking at two or three, You have a significant scheduling issue if you have to do, as in the same problem that he would have to watch. But you end up with one or two or if you only did one, you end up with four days four or five days of five days would be Where you don't have.
Three pcs. And for our personnel on the streets, that would be very confusing today and they have not knowing What what you've got to have to work with? Okay, so i think we're hearing what you're saying on the need for the green and the overall act. Um, I think we're, we're looking at.
Also it's a budgetary options, there may be a few other changes that could come up in in some structuring With some other departments and so that could affect a few things as well. And i think council will be good coming back to this. Um, A couple weeks from now and being able to move forward with all of you.
And I'll help the And from from our side, what would you need just to look and see if we can find the additional dollars within our budget. And how we could possibly structured, the delta 173 to work within our budget. I think it'd be nice to know that information to me whether it was whether it was this or something else, just knowing, okay.
There were, you know, we're stretched in, but we had to do something, whether it's been there just knowing what those documents may be. And the impact that that has just so that if we have that information, if they've been when we need it. Well, what i would propose would do and i wouldn't say
I was for supplemented.
Require setting. And a little bit more.
Within their existing budget because it's already tight. Who.
As level one question for you on televisions to get emergency require a lot of fun and other companion. That actually was a portion in the supplemental request and it's actually broken down to basically, three. A personal cost and equipment cost of good with that. Would be roughly in the neighborhood of 90, 95 thousand with updating of the vehicle.
Yeah, nothing. That number on this up a little bit 556. Is that the personnel? And then, And should be in a circle.
Okay, well make sure we've got to go. That might be in that problem. Um, No, i think we'll confirming with that's just the personnel cost.
All of our personality class and then another hundred thousand 69 seconds. We just want to scatter on y'all support right there so it's kind of all women saying they don't really need anything. Forecasting people. Couple questions just on this year's. Budget because i think i've seen some of the variances of what you're asking for and i think i got to get understanding of those.
But if you're even finished about 1, 1 million over budget, when i'm correct, A few men. We talked about, About 300 plus thousand of that came out of repairs auto system, we have to do. And then The mrrm total wound up being about about, 600 thousand of that. What is that was our variant?
That is their retirement contributions. And again, that's kind of a function of the same thing that's happening with police that we, it is not. What that one is calculating very awful salaries, we do put in some extra money for their schedule over time but it is it's not calculating off of the approved unscheduled over time so that's as we're spending those dollars.
That's usually something special on that. Retirement contrib. And so, but we're budgeting up to 4.9 million on that and salaries are saying roughly the same. So we Last year.
Yeah, and so we have built into an additional dollars to help compensate for that scheduled over time. Because that's something that we really hadn't been doing or the system did not calculate. The system has never calculated that unfortunately, and it has been common practice for us to do that from fire's perspective and i think we have a few years where it didn't get incorporated, but it is incorporated for next year.
Okay. But i don't know whether they're wearing the other major overages. Those were just the ones that i mean that's about 900 thousand of the 141 million. Strategy. I'm just going to say they're having some restructuring within the pension plan so that anything over 300 hours wasn't going to be included.
So that may change that number for this electricity, on the first time we've seen, yes, if i could expand upon that. So the Fire pension is different than the TMRS kitchen that all of the police and civilians have. And there is a board that oversees the fire pension plan.
And there was a recommendation that came through to look to do a study on capping the A contribution. For any overtime works above 300 hours in one year, it was taken to all of the fire employees, all the active members of the pension plan where yeah, active immersive attention plan, none of retirees, just the active members.
They voted to move forward with that change. And so we are currently working through the final implementation from like our payroll system, but it wouldn't it to perfect one, one of 23. So we are just barely entering into that stage this year. We should see some of those effects by things achieve things.
I mean, sorry she masons point in this next fiscal year. That was an important move and it took a lot of the systems from our cartoon. Part administration to trying to fix and known problem. The the cat was there to keep firefighters from fighting and pension, in other words, Pumping a whole bunch of motor type so they capture.
So that meant that everyone else in the fire department, wants one, firefighter gets to the capital, they're no longer available from anybody. And and mandatory overtime is there, because we have minimum staff and four men four-person trucks which is a big plus for our community and a big plus for our department.
Something most important don't have, but the flu shot that is we have to have people on those drugs. So we have to mandatorily have people fill those photos shifts. I think it's more and more difficult is education year. Um, So, when we kept the overtime contributions to retirement, that released, The cat on overtime.
So if a firefighters willing to go out there and really found overtime, really do the overtime, we have we love that because it it eases the burden on those that have other jobs or have other reason family. Demands, that would keep them from being available to take that extra shifting impact on personal life.
So i'm hopeful that the results that we see after this first year, we really possible. So to clarify, i don't know that. In the budget with the 400 thousand dollars reflects. The savings that we would have since it is captain, be under that And i don't know that we understand, we know what those dollars are still kind of this point.
We're still going to experience the overtime. So well and i understand the overtimes there and in the intention day. So in the match or whatever, so you're looking at there, is you budget it 400k. You don't know, you can't forget how much lessons. So we budgeted it based off a salaries and put into an amount for unscheduled.
It still does not account for. I'm sorry to scheduled over time. Still is not account for pinching contributions on in the budget on any of the unscheduled. So it would just probably Lessen. Some of that over words that we see in a lot of years. Exactly, okay. Would you historically been over?
We have well, when they are staffed. Yes, when they have turnover or vacancies, It all pluses out. But yes, as they are saying staff and actually slightly overfilled right now. Here there's certainly feeling those effects of that.
Any other questions coming?
Crafty got nothing else.
Um, Cheeks. We appreciate your time and then presentation and we would ask and you would go back and take a look at those additional items that we're talking about. We're going to work on that blue staff for Marsha. But if anything that you can bring in the form of a margin or a contingency that you do have in your life that will help offset that we'd like to work towards those three different cheap positions.
That's very much appreciated. Thank you all for your time. Falcon thankless job and we certainly don't. It doesn't want notice with us on the app of the 295 plus the three over hard to apparently have been and women were in proudly wearing our uniform and representation. You always appreciate that.
Thank you.
Things are. Um, so because they are heavily tied in with our Emergency communication center wanted to see if we can move forward in our books if we could pause victoria for a second. She's of next with animal management, welfare. But if we can pause her for just a second, let's go to page 177.
And that's the emerald emergency communication center, and i know fire has some infidel added, as well as police actors. Yeah, that's sounds good. So, if we can get AECC up, there will be going on that.
And good afternoon, guys. After we are good morning. Is it still one? Good morning. Um on the AECC so emergency call center. All right, tell us you know as much as you can i don't know if any of the council has been Um, to your department. So it'll be good.
Educational. Williams. So, have our management coordinators summer after with us. Uh, we go manage the azc on the burlington in which has originally was the Police department. So basically AECC our mission is to provide rapid and actor responsible for the requests or professional profession and compensating properly entering a hatering.
And calls for service. Gathering and relaying information, i believe in professionally. Obviously, we're the answering for point, or 911 calls. We also. Take admin calls throughout the day also. We added about 4. 911 call today and then All right, closer to 500 admin calls on.
Each of our Easiest or telecommunicators that worked for us. They are Tiko license. So we have to go through licensing for that and they also Get.
Their national certifications through. In the EFD and EPE, which is our protocol that we use on each each call that we Answer until they. They go through protocol and it kind of It takes the response and the priority of the call that we that we take for each call.
We do have. A QA. Program that we have incorporated. Uh, entails. Percentage of our calls are our cued. And so a percentage of our EFP EPD and EMD calls, So so what what the three disciplines are envious for our medical protocol? He is for fire and he's for police.
So any of those calls? A percentage of those are. Cute and a person will actually go through that call. And analyze it to see how well we follow protocol. And, and we get to be back that we can give to our Call takers and let them know how good the job they're doing it.
They're doing a good job that kind of what these graphs. Kind of intel as far as. On page 180. Talk about hacking plan declined. And all that. So that's basically what this qa version is doing. They're Grading the caller and letting us know if we're doing good or bad or where we can improve and kind of give us some guidance on training training on people.
So, it's a good. A good deal in it. Honestly, that, that program is a good portion of our of our budgets, having paid for for that service.
Um, We are. We're currently down 20 positions. Where we're 20, full compositions down. And then we're out actually over on our part time to try and offset some of that. Full composition thing. So, so short, so Were actually seven positions over on our, on our part-time about 20 positions down on full time.
So that going on down in one of our, one of our asks,
So let me, let me freeze restart. We this last year, we lost In a real organization of ATC lost. Three person out of a fire personnel that were over at age. You see that we had to Take back to the fire department. So we basically lost three three personality To supervisor than a senior supervisor is basically what we've lost and equivalent to Uh, what those positions were doing for us.
So, this budget, you're already asked for one senior 17 cancer to help offset that loss. And then two, Regular ship supervisors to have a total of three to make up the position that we lost. Currently, we're Supervisors are currently working. 12, 18 hour shift. And so they're they've been burning with with you know an overload of works.
We're trying to You know, help them. People is that what our supervisor positions? We also. Are in need of a Hockey specialist, though. We have them assigned, an active specialist. At AZC, but That position. Was what necessarily taken away from us, but the person that took he was in that spot.
Is promoted in his not just Focused on us. And so we do have IP issues that come up on a daily basis that that we do need address. So to have somebody at our You know, at our location, at least eight to five, Monday to Friday is something that we address differently, we need and A lot of our eye can issues give put off and it causes issues with us being able to Probably give stuff taken care of that.
Help us operate on a daily basis. I can just interject on that. This is a cat administrator a specialist. That anything that pops up that becomes a problem that would put a key in my woman operations that person needs to be stopped and our ability to be able to walk on for incorrectly deficiency, on top of and then also share that cabinetration with that person was symbiotic.
Relationship. It's more than just having someone in the building. Find us. The space without. Was born in the cap. Not just the 19%. Yeah, we all responding agencies have benefit. From that. Person. So let us just ask about how many other departments will benefited from that one position in.
So i think that there would certainly be benefit that this group certainly needs it. I was talking with our police tea earlier too and certainly, i know they have some needs that. I think new would save some benefit from it too. Then all that rich jump in if there's anything further than that.
Before i came on the world, there were embedded by people. They were brief asked us to Look really common for IP organizations, know that marshmallow where where their work is just for that department. And there's certainly as we increase technology and not working in public safety that particularly any CCC, they just open ground, what general lattice value can handle that common manner.
So obviously agree with sexually important in the embed somewhere and within the ACC was doing nothing but working. And, you know, IT is awesome. They do their present to take care of us but You can always spread.
But they are about as efficient if they can be with makes capacity, considering A challenge. You still have some more food in presentation. I was about done, obviously, azc does touch fire, police animal control and so it's something isn't working right, you know, on the pad, it affects Definitely the first responders on the street call.
So that's a big thing. Uh, what one of the other last things i've got is we did put in for a capital improvement project In williams on to. Upgrade our center. We moved in in 2009. So it's been over 10 years since anything is really been done to our Our facility and sort of stuff you know the carpet and the walls definitely could be touched up but we also are in need of Some consoles.
And so that was one of the things that we we put in. And capital improvement project for that. So that that is one of our needs. We have also been working with PR 901 for funding with with that. So we're looking at those, we're trying to You know, get some running from them and see what we can.
You give it accomplished
In that is actually a capital project that's in the recommended capital improvement plan. I was going to know. You know, if we haven't listed as an AEC team remodeling. Okay. So we kind of just wanted all together into one. Um and just for council awareness back in your capitals have.
I know we have departments that are kind of going through some of their capital requests as well. We'll go into that. Have been heavier details with child but if you look on starting on page 8.28, you can kind of see a list there. And this one that agency is expecting is actually the second one down in your book and we've got 700 thousand if you're more as recommended to help them do some much needed modeling in their area.
So i just wanted you guys to know where you can look in your home address departments, we're talking about it. Um, at the bottom of that page starts, the buyer, capital request that are recommended for funding and police is actually right under ADCC since those are the other parts we've already covered.
But again, we'll talk more about these attacks. That's not allowed. Yeah, lieutenant, we appreciate that. I know i've got a few questions. We'll open it to the council if you got anything. Questions. So, let's have weird about seven percent down this year off budget. Is that mainly nude and it looks like this sounds really shock.
I think that's heavily. What's been driving. Yes, that undertons there and there we we've made some significant pain moves over successful years. I know we were lagging behind and i apologize. I thought i'm quite repeating some of you guys, okay. He said but you know we have we're still unemployed, we're still seven but it made a difference in our ability to the staff.
So i mean i mean It was huge, the payments you made less two or three years.
Significant increase, but we're still a little bit behind the accounts, so we needed. We do need to change there. So, if we're down to one positions and we're up to seven part-time, i'm cold. I mean, how are these, how these people keep in mind, where there's, it's tough, we were working in 16 hour shifts and you can get off a call and you're getting another call and so they're it's back to back and honestly we're Where we are short.
Call takers. So across the board for our summer number. We had this, you know, just take a whole call, take her off the schedule to be able to function without killing everybody. And so our answering comes with probably going to be reflecting that a little bit. They do a good job of entering the calls and doing what to ask you but Definitely.
Not an ideal situation for sure. When he's talking about, 12 to 16 hour shift. Those are typically that eight hour tournaments. So to be at work, 12 to 16 hours to go home for less than eight hours. Come back and do another. So, we're trying to hire as fast.
And the raises that the last commission gave us helped out a lot. Standards.
He can't type, you know, you're not going to do it. So Not as easy as just $20 an hour can work for us. You do have to have a skill set. I want to let you know that our staff is making it more because And i don't know, a lot of people that spend less than Eight hours of home before they come back to work and this group does a phenomenal job.
We're trying to find some other ways to support them. One of those which we have not made. Is that headway yet? Is we plan to is through even just like our 311 services, we are hoping to help offload some of the call volume. Those non-emergency type calls as we continue to stage of that 311 operations, especially when it comes to like, animal management welfare.
I know a lot of those are not emergency type calls that they, and you guys know how to significant volume of those calls. If we can start offloading those into another call center, or another mechanism, to process those concerns, those request those called, you know, whatever it is the situation and make sure we're only getting the true, emergency type calls to this group, it doesn't happen overnight.
But this is, that's kind of the strategic plan, is what we're hoping to also help relieve. Pressure but this group is under because they are they are certainly tasked with more than their future. I do have a meeting with 311 actually to Trump trying to have several meetings out of this is a good how we can make talking about work and do that.
So that's that is the process. Another thing that we did are having problems entering trees, so, we calls and hadn't in line. We, we have a, you know, you press this one with this department. So that's taking some calls over here. We didn't have that. We would be
Right now. They absorbing about boarding calls from and if they did able to recognize that they shouldn't be able to create an application, we set up another meeting and we're going to talk about blood people. That have a particular skill set to yield to handle around to know. Where that calls your message.
Maybe there's a A lot about. What is my position?
We're less of operators. Traveling some of those calls and Doing the best of what was done and trying to be no, some of our business to a different business. To make one problem.
Can't wait. This is going to resolve a lot of this, right? The innovation technology. We're going to have. Yeah, i think it was significantly. Now, we're still around. Just the more of them we can read the right now they just makes them more efficient and then we get a little firm down the road, the Jordan and i were talking about at educational piece for our public.
On is when they use my homework. Really driving that message for our communities. Okay, that's great. So fully staff, y'all. It was 62 67. That was 16 miles to see. If we do the new position to ob67. So 64 with us. Figured.
Thank you. When was last time, y'all were close to fully staff.
By like riding with their heads, nothing more than the first time in the backed him and then we stop hiring. During human.
When the faculty, have some boys born. Bringing them in. Ground more applicants of course the babies higher but can't lower our standards, the staff. So Um, background really hard for people to get in. Sometimes one of the things we are doing the working with an amtech, So, these high school students are coming in for internships.
We have already 18 years old, so once they graduate, they can come in with us too. We actually have to have within right now, that we're trying to hire them, we're in our internship for my own world. So that can be above the forest. Um, It's a good place, but before we start with a lot of maybe go to the police department, but can't so there's 21 yet.
So, that's a good position for us. But then that, that young age too is right there. If they've made decisions recently then,
There's also a challenge with dispatch, I mean,
But there there is also some, it's a high attrition job. Because it's a hard job, it is a lot of wear and tear emotional.
Long time. Lieutenant. Your requesting supervisor present positions. He didn't have those positions. And you had pay rais. Where everyone across the board, which would be more valuable. In getting those outcomes, do you need more management? Over pay scale with workers or for humanaging. Well. What you have. And we still have a Occasion.
The big answer would be with a lot more people. Happy about not doing this and rather than doing a pay raise but And, you know, the supervisors are Keeping push to their limited by just the schedule and not having Enough of them to cover schedules and they're having to work a lot more.
So It's a loaded question. I don't know if you look at the spam and control. For having some ordinance is supervisors, should be responsible for And, you know, you can counterbalance that with viewers information, Had lost those three utilize, the highlights of 2019 and so in the comment through our members of these, so we're a little bit out of our spending Okay.
So looking at Kind of team building and morale what what can we do that? They can help you guys and Um, You guys do recognitions to do. Can we contribute to that? And can we assist in general a little bit more light on your department and the Pal Bible is that To find me.
Um, One of the first things i did was ask him if we can jump in on wisdom quarterly awards him. Piece of absolutely. That doesn't need a very different than any absolutely love in the family over here, taking the lord.
Work that? You guys have mention. To give the accolade we have a district award ceremony. Every year. The factor of the year and something like that, continuing to send people to conferences. You know, something they look forward to and out of town and meet around a bunch of other kids from different states in.
You have communities to google our finances. For that, the
Want many of the Recognize our employees or as well, a lot of works that goes in
Five milk, and we can Little things inside of our building when i moved. Something difficulty through your week to look forward. Something. Okay. Is this remodel one of our new purposes? For 11 fact that nothing touched and it would be like component,
Um, Appreciation than walking into a A new center request, that's not perfect. Even the wall color and the consoles that are professional about those energy going to across the state. And that's one of our biggest pushes for that. Was employed initiation that they understand that we we want to give them what we're asking them to give us.
I think we'd like to engage on our side as you guys, more and appreciation, promotion, things like that. I'm awesome. That would be something, we can definitely do, that will be helpful. Um, the other thing that we can do, I think is takes some of the Here, since the way that you got to do, And so, You know how how are you guys functioning enter departmentally?
Like hr or are we getting on top of your issues quickly or he resolving things in your department? Um, that way you can stay focused opportunity. And and i'm even know what we're doing. Our job. So we read that they're in previous time. There was some issues there. You recently.
And been better than HR. Honestly, we haven't had a whole lot of difference, what they chart? In recent past, knock on wood, but Um, We do have issues that come up to me. We're able to get them addressed very quickly on I, i think there's been a massive improvement with HR in the past couple of months.
Here with mr. Esther is Dedicated to making sure that ADCC gets what we need. Um it really good before we would wait forever stuff like you give me a deadline. When what's your importance of one? That's so personally just i think we'll keep doing great job. You know how to hold levels like
Okay. I know we have a an access to councilman crafts food and entertainment level itself. Maybe we can pull out of that and push that over. And listen to the And we definitely want to. Keep you prioritizing and you know, let you know that we're not living in the basement.
Questions from council. In your If you in the budget, you have with the position you have, how many of those are normally part time? Usually we only have two part-time positions that we hire for currently. We have nines, we're setting over just to supplement. So many positions being Being outsold.
Apparently. We're not. We were trying not to hire any parts on people to just convert zooming. We're trying to focus on In contact equation. You know, those part-time people Uh, what are they? What is their role? This thing you normally have? They, they just, they can pick up on the schedule.
We have holes or where people have taken off, they can help help cover the schedule. When they? Pick up. So basically our schedules published and they can go in and see where there's openings and pick those up and they put into the schedule. We have we have two types of podcast now.
Like what he's talking about reasonably had a couple of dispatchers that have gotten their nursing license? And so they they left AEC and they went to pursue the nursing career. Well, they still have a passion and they still want to pick up on the science. They stay currently license.
And they come in and we have a, we have a minimum standard of time and holidays for learned by the pickup, or take theirs and not just carry them on the schedule. And so we'll go meet those standards and save license and the other the other side of that coin would be somebody that want to be held to my mandated or something like that that's hurting their security.
Quick find into that, the program understanding of our personal works and our full-time employees. They nobody to their schedule bid on it often morning, so they do eventually get to this schedule that they prefer. But there's still remarkable if they're 40 hours ahead and addition to that. They get mandated on the word, short staff, and something called.
Then we have to fill that shift so that we'll find them, was specifically candidated, the part-time employees aren't subject for that. So they can pick up a shift if there's a whole, but you can't, we don't sell a part-time, our own you're supposed to get off at three or not until seven tonight.
And so a lot of the full-time employees. The first for them to go part-time was, oh, you're so short staff. You need me when i want to work. So, i'm going to work when i want to. But when we meet out of practice today, so it's kind of a garden manipulation tactic that we had to put a stop to And i think in the long run of the positive because we need more full-time personnel, About it before we put a self-confiring part time at this time.
And another question. And difficult part from that. But the percentage of the cause of your receiving that are animal management related. But if you had to give a ballpark testimony, that much that is The majority of our goals, we think about 400 out there today and i would say,
It takes the most. I'm a lover and majority of employees have more animals that if one of our employees is going to become time long or there's 90 somebody that's very hot and ready to play marital office, it's going to be overcome And, Suddenly passing into one capable of doing, which is just processing the information and passing along to the click, the agency.
And that's just a king in our hose that you really Bring the money to get some professional to train in that area. So mediate, that that change when we have a full and of course brand. Where everyone It is the verb of our cultivators to have a live or death call.
And then the next call they did is somebody complaining about The street dog that Of hospital here.
Which compacting that you can get investment going over the community broadcast. Well, And then 311 pieces of eight weeks. And i know it's
Well, and i think you can deal with a lot of animal control called calls are quite a few of our calls. I mean, and i think it's very matter of pictures snapshot to add to because in our community that we have because of the problems with so many strand, I mean, we just look at it, the budget item for animal management, but if you look at the percentage of cause and you're spend more spending six million dollars a year, you know, in your department to think about how you can better, serve or the amount of savings that could occur if we're not having to handle or with and even if it's 311.
And i think that just i think sometimes people may not realize the cost of the problem, if you see a direct cost by animal management but there's also the other factors that's costing us a lot of money to be able to deal with handle this problems of appreciate it.
Yes, sir. Um, let me uh, let me record this year this real quick and kind of Has strategic expectation. So we're moving at a very slow pace. Uh, in relationship to getting through a Large way, if there are anywhere yourself, we confused to continue which i know is time.
Well, spent and we're spending the amount of time. We need to on these individual departments. We know we're not going to get through them all and we're going to have an overall understanding of the budget we're going to, we're going to issue a tax rate without you know, fully going through or at least hearing all of the the different departments in the presentations.
If we continue at this base. So we can do a couple things. Um, we can choose to do that and we can highlight departments that. We feel like our More consequential, larger budgets easier for us to, to dig into. Or maybe kind of like departments that we feel like being less attention and that we choose not to review those right now we call them back in a couple weeks and schedule this to be done in and maybe a two-part pay to be Or we can, we can Shift gears here.
We can let Um, Laura Drive. And she can march us along at a place that You're going to digest some of it. And put in the questions that we're asking and some of the things when key and then on, they're gonna have as much of an opportunity in this process to do that, that would still be at an additional second week.
And that's even given us a friday. Call around here and expectation. So Just to click discussion for you guys on what you think, would be the best time less than Would you like to get through every department of a high level? And then come back and and selectively dig in, would you rather?
Bring forward the ones that you guys have already studied up on have ideas, thoughts are concerned to them and then we take the second piece later. Whoever needed. Out of state. Come back with a. With the smaller budgets and wanted. Dig into a little bit later, but focus on their Evening with that have any left.
Yeah, i mean i like this format i mean i think we can prioritize and i know it's thinking a lot of time and a lot of Mercedes staff on it, but i don't know. For me is just Time will spend more, not only about the budget, but As prioritizing what we want to get.
Computers. Okay, i wouldn't i would agree. I think that the areas that we need to impact the the most i think we're going to spend time on whether we say we're going to or not and even if we hand the rains over and let her drive a little fast i think we'll probably still going to keep slowing her up.
So even if we attempt that, i don't know what we're getting through it. Um That being said we have today and tomorrow and then we have a friday, i would i would expect after all of this by friday, Um, your attention span and your willingness to really engage, it's going to be roughly, 50 percent of where we were yesterday.
So i would rather push hard today and tomorrow, and not having anybody call back in here on friday. Go ahead and do a council meeting next Tuesday. And then the week after look at bringing in all of the other departments that we didn't get to plus any, it would give us an opportunity to go back.
I mean, i'm making a list here of potential revenues and potential. Savings and different ideas and thoughts into how balance this budget reproductive. I hope you guys are all doing the same because then we really after going through everything to compare metals on. Well, here's what i was thinking that this v5000 Or here's where i think this would benefits.
So after that, we do need to allow staff probably based on what they've heard us, say, and what we brought to them, and our priorities are our Our pillows. Um, Adjust the schedule on how we work. That would be great and i think we can certainly help to accommodate that if i could possibly throw out some The larger departments and you guys could say yes we want to do it today or tomorrow or i can use some weight because y'all nothing with that.
Okay, we've got animal management and welfare here. I have talked a little bit about they were probably going to be next or y'all wanting to bring them again. So then i'm i'm thinking we might put Wait on your mental court. Even wait on our judicial group. Um, Management services.
It is a small budget. They are willing to make some changes this year. And they were. They were at the front of our disaster. Efforts of Daniel was prepared to benefit their ways of Max would be back without this week.
Okay, okay. We can put forward. And,
Otherwise, i know maximum certainly appreciate you with possible so okay, it is a relatively small budget. Overall, i think we could probably wait on administration because those are much smaller departments. We need to bring those back on a second round support services. I'm thinking we could probably bring all of those back.
Leave your services we're planning on parks tomorrow. I've heard from those up. You all. I think that one you want to move forward with and the potentially library, okay? And then already we all want to cover six. Can just be round from y'all want to wait? Once i understand.
Yeah. Popular with
So, here's the other one. Yeah, here's some of the other big, i would say big departments, especially so utility so water and sewer during each airport and tall and waste. They're probably going to be And then you've got some where Um, i would say the environmental health remarkable. I'm trying to think those are kind of, they're not really departments but there could
So of those, the water and sewers you want to cover on our weight, Cover. Okay, drainage okay airport. Yeah, i honestly i don't think that was going to take better. I don't think it will either. It is a big budget. I mean, it's a standalone but i don't think it takes bread.
Pretty much a lot of grants and then really see it. I think if we took if you guys are okay with it. Honestly, i did okay to building safety city. Marshal's, office. Yeah, all of those code enforcement related activities. Because i think we're currently working business. Things would be helpful, it has a couple weeks down and then you can tackle all those together is when they function
Always. Okay, so and then i think these last big ones are Streets.
Um it's it's a big one. I probably associated in the You've had a crew of people working on that. And we're going to try to cover it at the end in 30 minutes. I don't know. We're going to get as much as we need to see it. I think it's a pretty Pretty important.
But then do i have anything that's going to catch me around a few weeks? I thought it was or parties. Yeah. And then i guess my last big one because i'm assuming we could push grants. Even transit. It's heavily grant funded. What about apple which i like to come in and see at least the first version of capital Kyle this around and then we can also learn back here capitals.
You know that program to me is one where you? You give the presentation, you can understand it a little bit. And then, you really wanted to refileverize anything, you wouldn't have any opportunity around law. But being able to engage problem staff for the next couple weeks and to listen, oh yeah i do see just needed to be better for that.
But then not only puts column in front of us for paid 30 minutes to just hit them as project fast.
May or anything out loud here. Would it be good to bring cow in and just show you what's in the book telling people logic of how it even gets fireworks. And so you won't know Um, you can also potentially get you a list of things that didn't make the list and then and that's it.
And then send you guys with it and then maybe do a more in-depth, apple, and a couple of minutes, we think i think so. Okay, we definitely need to have that presentation when you receive you have capital, you? I think it's one presentation, so you're not reading it in a vacuum.
Otherwise, you know, i'm sure you can call some citizens. For the fireitization process is to actually point. Detail. And a lot of people put a lot of time into the societal employee being able to explain that we're walking through that and then answering a question happening. Very important gravitable for you.
That's the afternoon. Very end. It just get an old. Yeah, you cheered to that. Pounding word. Why the list is what is and talked about that list of projects that did make it? I think issues of ability to start understanding Uh, more able to do that apple. Like looking and schedules.
Um, i was one is needing the week of the seventh through the 11th. We would be trying to get. That we want to try to do, you know, one full day, you want to try to do two days, When your thoughts on the ones we're doing that, anything we cover in the nine hours, I would say what's your heart two days they couldn't get it done in one or one and a half.
I just include better if there's any possibility. So could we look at the nine and the tens on everybody's schedule is that that works with you? Um, i know for some of our, our business owners, like you have a Monday, Tuesday, to go get your stuff done, you can catch up on friday.
If we weren't, Problems. Do we think do we think we would need all of those days? Or can we do a day and a half? I think you'll know a lot more comfort thursday. Bloodline, if we built two full days, like Laura Spain, And we got you out of here at day and a half, you're still talking two o'clock in the afternoon, pray for your job.
Sounds like, You have to conflict on the 10th. Uh, and in the afternoon, i would not be available with I would think we. We will still love.
Responsive am.
Yeah, and then we, we want to keep our expectation, that it's a working budget or else doing this forward. We just need to make sure that everybody has a fullness of their overall budget. And the comprehension of it before we approve that tax. We can probably never provide is composed.
Budget proposed calendar for the This afternoon or tomorrow. Good. Actually we can make this calendar work that we have has been with all the different departments we've talked about on this day. Oh yeah we could absolutely do that. If Mayor of your business by clarify real quick mixture that i thought down the list.
We're going to cover in the rest of today and tomorrow. Animal management, welfare. We're going to talk park person tomorrow library. We have utilities so that will be water and sticker. Forward banks and drainage and then a brief overview. Students have to pick up on tackle. So if we have those listed you don't have you don't have them here until tomorrow.
Well, i was actually because we started utilities this afternoon. So, we can catch. Amw. And then we'll move into sewer water. He can give drainage as well. And then we moved streets out. So that would you think that's a full day today until we get to department at home and then we just start with parts and go straight into a library.
We might be able to put another group, i maybe two of them, right? Um, no, i think that's a good look. And that gives us a good working day. Thursday, we have the open trapped up. That anybody have a Another idea about, Everybody. Okay with that lest. We make the knife and the 10th work along.
If you're out of here going up one i want Okay. I don't know how many chick-fil-A's we've got over there. I'd love to feed everybody in the room. I would, i would say just for staff, you know, to give theirs first and then if we have level, you know, food and anybody else's here, help yourself.
Let's take 15 minutes. Get another quick break traffic lunch. And then we're going to jump back into the lowest juice.
Don't look like you're going to interface with anybody today, not.
Well, that's why i'm not talking to anybody. You're talking to a citizen now. Yes, sir.
This question now.
This before you were up first.
And i know we had a critical comment last night, but i think it's important to note. Then on the performance of our animal, make animals and animation. Our animal management is at a level that i don't know if i know we've never had designed here and i got here.
The term. Dumpster fire is not a compliment to solved away, but we were again, bad, bad the general managing a shot at our kingdoms here at the time. We were coming off the heels of A lot of challenges with double the budget annual management and we're still needing to add funds back in 2017.
And we went through a couple of iterations of leadership out there, trying to trying to figure it out, And machine, we have out there right now has got 14 staff. And,
That. But i just wanted to say that i have not worked with the team was That is partnership around like this one has my phone is due to victorious and we ship. I just want to make sure that everyone got mistake that right off the back. Because you also are always going to hear negative comments about an old man.
Is probably the most higher brand department we have and just like AECC said, if someone's going to be upset about something, it's probably someone who's very passionate about that topic. And and i'm not saying that there is an appropriate to have their their worldview balanced, the way they do, but they do a great job on challenging situation.
So, Reported. Okay, so, um our budget, we've got it in front of you. It's The funny standard. I don't think there's anything stupid like 69.
In prison.
Type conversation and so i thought before we come get into that comes with you. Well, that's still fresh on your mind where we are on a cc, they are exactly right. So in my staff, it'll say that we did 19 thousand calls that's going to be 19 thousand calls for officers were actually connected to the call where it requires an animal management officer after that's 19,000 a year.
So the other fulls that are that in over overwhelm, maybe think of a talk was unfortunately, with my background, i was very aware of ACC, and am i dealing with court. I work with every director that they've had in the last 420 years. I am that season. I didn't say all.
So we i was able to understand kind of where they were coming from and what some of the challenges were there. So with agencyc right now, what we're doing is two years ago. We went ahead and started establishing Online reporting barking reports is a cutie call that the city was getting.
You can do any kind of a report directly to us. So they'll cut out ACC where currently working with 311, we have gone through the preliminary stages. Of. Q and a for them. We've also i meet with Aaron Sawyer and the staff over at ADC regularly instead of our field staff.
And what we've been able to do there is go. Okay what's work? What hasn't worked and we've already been able to tweak some of those so that they don't have to go through so much and it's not such a time suck on their dispatchers. He was like they said, even when i was direct support services, what we'd always say, if there was going to be a security issue during a trial, it was going to be due to animal.
At the very volatile, very emotionally charged. Called, so we are working. Specifically with ACC to handle those kind of close positive saying that should not be going to a 911 center by the educate, the public. And we're looking forward to the fact that one 911 or 1311 comes up.
We'll be able to pick a lot more of that. But we do, we have started over a year ago, doing online reporting where they can, they can directly at any time, email us. And we're able to get back to Kumar and i know that i'm going to have Problem married in the city and something we're able to address.
So i just wanted to speak to that thing but when you see in our staff in human blood with that 19 thousand calls, those are, those are the ones that often have to go through. Dog by, so, um, and welfare of that. So that's still a fairly large number for our officers.
So with that, i know you guys had a lot of the biggest. One of the big things we have investors with an eight percent increase. And all of our supplies measurements, inflationary increase, when you think about having 200 plus animals and the amount of cleaning supply and then you have takeaway stock and that clinic That's also medical supplies.
So there is that we had to build that in and we were able to not aspirin supplement and just have it in our base budget as we We were able to look at other areas and take some stuff away. You'll see like our overtime. We experienced a huge overtime, some of our overtime concerns.
We've been able to address with Um, we've had a better retention with our animals, we go officers and so I'm what we have 14 in that department and so anytime i have a short there, it also add Extra overtime. So we were able to address that and kind of move that around and then you understanding too that if i have an event.
So over the lighting events that happened, we had animal management officers and animal care workers, who were staying 24, 7, with police, and fire. And then with the Red Cross that really hit our overtime budget. But what we'll be able to do is Right now, we're 25. For sitting at 75, 80 percent, fully staff, and that's kind of a common for our field.
And so with that, we'll be able to. If we do have some of that over time will be will be able to use it through salary savings, to cover it. So we won't need to ask things.
To take this minute to jump on a couple of items. But you i'm sure that you guys calls and as misconceptions, i'm sure you're getting calls from people. It'll be at work with in the past. On campus new. You should change you get that, i don't know notification line but i'm guessing this Um, One of the things that people were talking about you financial rate, And you've measure rate is going to be a function of side view facility and our money, you understand?
In this, in this area, we report that we don't have any rules that would be strict, number of animals. Whether or not those animals can breed that requirements that we prohibit tethering that we, you know, do some other things that is very good for animals or will reduce the animal population in the community.
So what, what what we do in our in our part of the state is, we generate more animals, Account, we are our supply. And sees our demand was a Business with Uh, the euthanasia rate at the animal shelter is currently for dogs. So we have one of outcomes. Of under 50 percent.
If you include all animals, just over to Um, And that's with an average day of what? So our longest day, we just had with a hundred days, what a normal kind of like 20 or 30 days right now. We really look at it. It's harder that other 30 days and it really depends.
There's a lot of things that go into that. If the animal adoptable or we push a lot out for our local rescues. But what we're seeing and parents brought this up about the use of interest, what we're seeing today. Why nationwide is it unique to amarillo? When you look at someone like the city of Austin might have a 97 percent Relieves great.
But they stop taking and three animals. You can't carry your animal there. And that's not where our community wants to be. And so, So when we look at some of those, when you look at someone like like Dallas, a surrender rate, it will take six days. If you have a dog, you want to surrender and take it to the shelter of public shelter.
It's going to be sitting weeks. So we're still at about a five week. We're I did talk. Two years ago, this is a long. I mean, the narrative needs to change and it's taken 20 30 years for us to get here that boat is not going to turn instantly.
So all we can do some of those proactive things to really address it that we can see, they'll be long standing in our community from veterinary services from vaccine. We'll start seeing that now. And so, unfortunately, the Harkins are going on right now rescues. All over that we reach out.
We have our own recognize where we reach out all the locals. We still work very closely with amazing society, with drinking project with lost pet savings. We're still having those relationships. But everyone is struggling right now. We reached out of the state and everyone that we've talked to is having you saying concerns about an overreaching amount of animals that could be economic.
There's all sorts of reasons to go out there. Some of the way we've addressed it through on being more proactive, is that we recently partnered with a national organization that has a lot of Contacts in the in the in the nation and we ask them and we'll be glad as a consultant you were able to get them to come in and they didn't charge us.
So they came in and they worked at all of our services from the shelter from the field from these are best practices and really reviewed us and we can see we're right to be we're addressing that. But it is going to take getting to the situation where what we're doing in the next years is really going to be able to effective and five years.
One thing i was trying to do is just kind of paint the picture for you. I want you to understand What? Quality team, we have. I also want you to understand the scale of the problem and some of the challenges that make that problem persistent So, some states don't have an issue with overpopulation bands for those in the north, in the north.
Those states have Much more aggressive rules. Telling you it's not an animal or what you can do. I'm not proposing that we do that. I am saying that when we have a very permissive property, right state, like we do, there are things that come live there. Uh, so We do generate more animals than we can take, and then this is going to be something, you have to deal with.
Um, The difference and the reason why i talked about victoria and i didn't talk about cheese majors or cheaper hotels for any of the lieutenants or any of the people that presented so far because i don't have anybody coming in front of me all, we're calling them. And saying we need to get rid of our, i need to get rid of our, you know, that's just completely.
Incorrect. Because of victoria and also Chris, this. Um Chris what was your position with? Of humane society in arizona. Um, i was the manager at foster and recipe president. It was a leader with the humane society in Arizona. So, We have both an established manager and leader, who was previously in courts for a long time.
Also previously, the police officer who brings a leadership of management skill. That's necessary. She surrounded himself was such a matter of experts who know exactly what they're doing about running facilities. Coordinating with rescues and things like that. So i wanted to correct some of that little share with the website.
Also. Um, We can we could if you all wanted i don't need to. I'm gonna go ahead and jump out a really big branch and say y'all don't just want to give a blank check and I'll imagine so big enough facilities where we can let animals stay as long as they want, as many as we want to stay, as long as we, That i know that's not the case.
I'm not proposing that But there is not a way to necessarily spend our way out of this. I think one of the realities that we're going to have to accept unless we can get a good transport program that can transport 60 percent of our animals. They can accept 60% variables, we are going to have using nation.
Uh and the scale of that, the scale of live outcomes will go up as we're able to get more people to transport to the states with demand. Those spacers typically a long way away. So that transportation cost is very expensive logical to assume that that's going to always be a not a major Uh, Rescue for us.
Are a major pressure release for us and then there was not able to necessarily take a whole lot of our animals, although we still facilitate transports as much as we possibly can. Uh, So, they're willing. Anywhere, especially when you have a shelter that does not tell people to know, If it comes from the counter jurisdiction, we have no choice.
But to say, yes. Now we do say no to sometimes for our jurisdictional partners, because we just don't have space. So that's going to speak to the randall county conversation, that we're going to have to have with them. And i think they have one time had proposed that we build another module and they would pay for it as long as we could continue taking animals, but the problem is, we're going to fill that module up and then have to start saying, no to him again.
While they're still paying us for construction of that loans. I don't think that's a logical way forward. Because of the level of scrutiny that we have and the amount of time that we keep animals alive that the shelter prior to euthanasia or adoption. Um, that's not really a feasible way forward.
Now legally, 72 hours, after we take ownership of an animal, we could legally use it. We didn't have any space issues and Randall County would have plenty of space to bring animals to but i think that that would just exacerbated the current problems we have when people that are angry that we utilize animals Uh, so I'm paying for you.
A little bit of a catch, 22. The solutions are. We've already got things working, very simply. At the shelter, we're working to increase our enhance, our relationship with the community. But i think one thing we're going to need to do is facilitate cooperate with rental county, possibly get, you know, kind of i think it'll be less expensive for them and they'll be more effective if they build a root of entry or, or even just a basic animal shelter.
Next to the jail, used to paintings to be some of the workout there and have a couple of deputies doing collections out there around. Like, i don't know that that's going to work on though. She's going to do that. I know that we don't necessarily add our current in our current operation happening ability to take on a very fast throwing Uh, animal population, incorporated, rental capital.
And i think that i appreciate that, Jared that up because that's the quandary for us. There's things that are saying that, it's me personally and you put our reality is is that with the growth pattern you the three of amarillo. So at the beginning of the year Um, We started saying that you had that be a city resident to use the city shelter because previously you could bring your animals from bridge, you know, and we just became the dumping area for it.
So we started saying no, this is our taxpayers. This is their services is their money. Our jurisdictions. I could say that. You know, we have agreement with our local heritation and the city cannon has done a fantastic job and we were super close with them. Starting to years ago when we start heading this and we're break out.
It's a we went to him and worked with Steve Brock toothbrush there and they they've got their their shelter. Kind of spun up. We have provided trained for them. We are also helping him. You want my participants. We can get it, cheaper to talk. So, we're willing to work with our jurisdictional partners.
We're done. Not able with our growth patterns every development, you have a home development. That's a family. It's also going to come with one to three animals. And so with the growth patterns out in Randall County, the city of Amarillo isn't going to be able to subscribe that. And so that was a lot of those conversations.
So we haven't been taking random county or partner county and Potter county has already partnered with some other people outside of the county. So they've figured out how to work it. I think i'm kind of progressive struggling with house to handle that. Um, and so For us. We are still over on the counter in 25 percent full.
And we're not taking their animals anymore. So that means we're addressing this gray animals and amarillo at a higher rate because now those aunt, those spaces that we had that were being taken up by other jurisdictions, Are now we're not doing that anymore. So those animals we are picking up more straights.
We are taking a lot more call where, um, so when you look at that, unfortunately, We're going to have negative rate, but on the other end we are addressing that spray animal experience. I think a lot of things that you guys will get Um, are Why didn't they do this?
Why didn't they do that? Some of it is legally, the city camera will hands are high. It is properly. And the state tax, it's an animal is considered property and Your neighbor says your dog can really mean and barked and everything. I want animal control, they're not doing anything.
We can't do anything lately. And so we work really hard on our officers being out there and giving them the information that they need to comply. It until he was quartz budget. You'll see that we are writing citations. We were able to use salary savings instead of coming back from more money on a huge CID that we had and all the animals in full officers trucks or completely refreshed.
So they have the same MUT, they have the same handheld citations in a filed, some important same timely manner. And so that is that our guys in the enforcement area, to be able to have their and talk to our citizens and help them provide explain the law because some of it is it They just don't know.
They haven't historically now. So we've done some of that with the court system too. Is Uh, if you get a citation, it's like defensive driving. They'll learn how to be a better defensive driver. So now we weren't close to the family room college and we had owner accountability. So you're not going to have to pay the fine, but if you go in, it'll teach you all the laws of this is what it takes to own an animal.
These are the requirements and that's where we're going to have to start with our community is really that education piece. I think i wanted to jump in on a couple of things. I know it was mentioned. Um yet we had even talked around the idea of the counties and adding on, you know, another building or something to your house or animals.
How many animals can we help with them? We're technically, set up to have 157 animals. So because we have amazing staff to work really close, he's dog passed them, and figure out can be these animals. Stay together are the male people. There's a lot to go into an intake.
I sometimes say, it's kind of like rooted intake. It is, i say it like a jail in that. Who's this person? What kind of issues can i put them in this time? Care area, when i put them together, we do those exact same kind of things at the shelter, with animal behavior and passing.
So, We would at the high. Of everything that was really going on this lesson when we hit a point of 350 a.m. So even if we were to add on the little things, it doesn't give us much capacity that as i think jared mentioned, who would fill up Liquid, i mean, possibly within a month or two another challenges, i think from a logistical standpoint, we possibly have enough room to maybe sleep, one more building in and that's it.
That's all this thing that's you. And we're landlocked. So we have that concerning as well. I did want to mention so it's not like we can continue this adding millions over time as growth occurs. We just we kind of have to receive at times, maybe how we're doing certain things?
And we look at some of the agreements that we have in place. Um, What's going to be realistic standpoint? With some of our jurisdictional partners Other thing is i'm sorry, go ahead. Did you have a question on that?
Right, we need to nail it. Instead of trying to leave the important, the way they do, Well, we have at this point, stopped taking it any of their animals. Unfortunately, it does create some confusion i know for their residents, We are no our Dispatch gets. Unfortunately, not some will kind of that public hate this spreads through, they'll say, i called the service department, they said, i can't, you know, i have these blue dogs unless the sheriff's department says, well animal management welfers and zoom in anymore.
And so then it becomes a city issue and it was never a city issue and they ended up calling our gifts back center, our agencyc going past them. You're not coming out to white fence farms and Getting this dog and RACC. Our 91. Operators are having to take these calls and explain.
That's outside of jurisdiction. So you guys will hear some of that. I think there's you're right. There are a number of others have. Same time, one of the biggest challenges, one of the biggest Any county and city relationship you ever talk to. They're always going to be conflict because you have an overlapping jurisdiction where you have taxpayers, who are both counting benefits and city business.
Many times. And thought process is okay county. You take care of once again, incorporated. Area. In Kansas expectations cities can address. Other needs of residents that are inside the city of those host cities, and those residents might be paying the line, share threatened two cats. The, our challenge is that we could Go in and say we need to have an exact accounting order and do it all just right.
That's going to create a problem with our relationship to the point where our taxpayers are going to say. I don't care how you fix it. Mario or, you know, in, i'm only say that because i've heard that. I've definitives other people in the room for example, The. So we do have to it.
Never is going to be perfectly in our favor. In fact, usually it's not enough. But it the question of is the juice worth? The squeeze is, i could better say it as We might be able to give them one problem. Exactly. Right and proportionate out the cost you got to write but across those relationship and inability cooperate with our jurisdictional partners, so much that actually were spending more in the long run a taxpayers.
The ones that lose So, we're trying to navigate this in a way where we maintain relationships to be able to cause and spend the taxpayers because it looks possible, all knowing that many times, we're on the box, the back end of Maybe the pay more side of the deal.
I'm not saying that's a good thing and you'll know you'll not find anybody that it's more frustrated about it and fights harder to fix that. But at the same time, i can't necessarily go nuclear. But i'm sure there's frustration. Hopefully i'm resonating what you were saying earlier. But i just wanted to share a little bit of a different perspective on that and yes we want to fix it but we can't fix it at all costs.
Well, no, go ahead. Please. I just wanted to see if we could direct our questions. Maybe two budget atoms here. The first and foremost and then. Um, like what potential policies or promotional things, could we be doing that? Well, Right. And so the chinr is extraordinarily. Um, Manpower. Exactly.
It's very when you go to most communities, most communities, love it, you know, Dallas Waco. What you'll see is that city, the government entity does not run that TNR program because it is so man and time intensive. So what they do is they were, you know, they work with, they'll say, hey, won't let Will let local non-profits take that piece and that is built into our city ordinance right now, that a local non-profit, they have, you know, very specific requirements that they want to be the 10R and and do that.
But it's in our ordinance and that is really one of the best standard operating procedures or best practices that an openness will shelter would have, is that a non-profit would do it? Because we're looking at our numbers and we're talking about doing calls with betting, how many animals? The other thing is really important is people that understanding also because there is attached with law that said there's been very specific requirements.
Even if this apparel had that, if you releases and it's not being taken care of, that the person who's wearing that community. That that community path program could be looking at so many charges on the state is very specific about that. So i think there's this kind of idea of that sounds like a great idea, but then you look at how do you manage it.
You have to look at The cost efficiencies, are we able to? What are you going to get us back in? So that's what we're trying to talk about barn hat program. And So that we can address it in a clear way to protect our citizen, but also protect the cat.
And their rookie question. What is pnr stand for in trap? Neuter and release. Okay. So it's it's a program where You know, if you have a feral cat in the neighborhood, he kind of Territorially takes care of that neighborhood. And and so, you take that cat, who's reproducing? Quite often traffic.
Neuterus you release it. Back there, that controls that that population in that area. It's a fairly fun popular. Um, Program from my uneducated. Public that thinks you're out there. Cracking cats and humane way and made your put them back out there to live or they just don't want them there.
They're like you you came out. Got it. Why did you take it somewhere else? And so, they just don't understand that. You've got to control the population, you don't have the money to do it, and this is nature's way of kind of hedging that with, you know, the man they neutering involve.
But One up one option until our declarify because our ordinance. Not allow for a private entity to do this. Yeah that's where it's specifically allows for our PNR would be any it's specifically says non-profit and that piece of ordinance that any kind of TNR program would be Could be with any of our non-profits.
So it can be an area, you know, it can be two different non-profits, And they're going to have their it's time intensive but we have it completely set up in there for them to be able to take that and run on Monday. So there any other policy changes than you can see would be beneficial.
Um, given the community, we live in, and the willingness to For the requirements of tree, this is personal property. These animals is personal property. Do you have any? Policy directives that you would think would be helpful. So some of the things that we've done and we've done is that i want to say it was a miracle about is that we did put a greater's ordinance out there.
So you see people who are So we to keep fried and of course, our dagration will take a little while because it says, you can only have one litter of puppies or have in a year. Right. And so, For that to start being able for us towards it, we've got to let that year process go through.
So it's been a year and a half between change that ordinance. And that some of that puppy nails, some of that stuff to see that. That their own corners, we work really close with environmental health. On transit comments. So we're trying to address some of those issues. Those are some of the things that we've seen, Um, that we have done as far as ordinance changes.
Anything you can see with our Non-profits rescues that the has worked in the past and we continue to promote you like more of or that didn't work. We need to get away from when you come up with better ideas, right? So, i think one of the things that we have is we recognize, So most people right now.
They have it. If they found a stray animal or a cat, they are not calling us first, which is okay. They're trying to get it out in the community or they're every single local rescue right now is saying we can't take anything. And so we have been partnering with them.
Chris and his staff has done an amazing job of getting because i know we don't have the money that a lot of places have. And so we worked really hard on. We get free food from chewy but they can only be used for our community, so we get it to our rescue partners.
And that's going to take some of that load off of their overhead. So if we have a great relationship with one of the local ones and we say, okay, if you'll be able to take these four dogs, you know what it's going to come with. 10, 50 pound bags of food.
And so that's going to help with their overhead and that doesn't cost the taxpayer or anything and it doesn't cost. The rescue and the non-profit. Anything that's how we'll be able to afford goes back. Seeing climates. Those vaccine clinics, guys are completely paid for by the Bissell Foundation. That is not coming from taxpayers money.
And so trying to do those kinds of things recognizing that we are. We don't have a lot of fluff. In the budget and so trying to do all those outreaches so that we can get more of our partners. More of our partners to community partners to donate is really been one of our key focuses, how do we make it?
So we can address the issues knowing that we don't have a ton of money. The other thing i think within our program, that is a really hard thing for people to understand is Yes, you can fix a cat and spare neuter cat, really? But you need a bed taking and you need the supplies, what it is to sleep, because you need that you need, sure you need all that.
So it's very expensive on that end and so right now we are so we have been very focused on the dogs in our community, nothing leaves, without being completely vetted. I think it's worth noting with any here within our budget because i think that was some questions that also came off about our contracted best.
We have found that that has been a more cost efficient way. For us to address. The animals in our care. And when i say that what i mean is, if you have a full-time bet that that has to take time off that, that is sick. And then we have to go play market value.
To take into a private bed, it's got to have an animal management office. And that's like we've got so many moving parts. Now, at the contact bag, we're sure that we will have Of bed there at whenever we need one and we're not having to outsource it at a high market rate so that has been probably one of our biggest savings.
When you look at the amount we've had, we've been about 107 thousand dollars for rent services for all these animals that It made market is amazing that we were able to do that. I think texas tag two were starting to see the fruition of what they are financially bringing to us.
Is that just in their first first year of having to serve your students? You know, they did over 75 thousand dollars worth of They neutered and as they get for your students, we're going to see more and more will be able to do it. We didn't have to pay for a bed.
When we had the red cross shelter spun up and we had, you know, over 20 animals there is that we reached out to our partners at Texas Tech and said, hey can you come in and fully bet? It? That didn't cost the taxpayers. Anything. It wouldn't behoria first took over this apartment, we had, but we had authorized strength of two full-time veterinary positions and we were filling it at that point time that way and she's been able to eliminate both of those full-time positions out of her budget.
And you'd less dollars um contracting with part-time bet on on kind of a rotating basis. But then also knowing there's a longer-term plan that she's talking about of bringing Texas Tech in more the students in more, which could even create further savings on downwards. So it gives certainly more flexibility from a contract point then having one fully on staff And providable benefits in all of those.
It just allows her operations, a lot more flexibility and we've been more successful because it is it's challenging to find a vet to work full-time in a shelter off religion. That is so different than what most individuals go into veterinary services. It's a hold essentially and i think from a management point of view, i know from a management point of view, or when i'm not having talked with the city managers office or if i have to talk to any of you.
Yeah, that we have more than one bed who's looking at these animals. That that to me really speaks to You know, we have the ability. Now if if i have an animal in our hair for me, Two to three different benefits have seen it. And so, you'll may have heard some concerned about veterinary care from certain citizens.
But know that there's almost a quality assurance in place by having multiple partners that are all looking at the same animals. And so, and keeping notes on it and stuff, i mean, much once allowed with it, is it in the older model? And we just one person and the bus stop with that one back.
So this way is much more Collaborative and increases or decreases the city's liability. When we have more professionals able to look at these animals. And one thing i wanted to know, isn't any other questions you all have? Victoria does have a capital request into start a project. Kind of a long-term multi-faced project to start with having some of the kennel facilities.
They are from the seven. Oh, it's 19. If they were built instead of you two. And so It's been asked every year, i know, one of ours that, like i said, are truck refresh was a CCIP Um, Request that we were able to do and use with some salary things.
We're not available to do it with this one. So basically they are close to failure. They were built in 1972. Now i can say something because the state comes in inspects us every year and they will say, the design of ours is actually a really good designing. The design of our kennels.
Have really worked best for animals. And for the situation they're in it's just that they are close to failure. There is not a time that jerry and his eyes aren't over there. And to the point it's close to failure and every time we can't have a kennel that's one less dog when you have their or two less dogs to work too.
So you'll see that as a recommendation in chapel as we discuss that a little bit more tomorrow. So are there other questions or things that we can address? I mean, this did Your total amount of position is 48, coming into the field. So, i have 14 people in the field.
And that includes our field manager and our student field to you. Bill. Yeah. 48, how many? So right now, i am sitting at i have 11 vacancies and surprisingly in 20 percent down i can say that we've had better success with our kennel workers and we haven't seen near the turnover with our field officers.
I think we're experiencing what everybody else has experiencing but please and fire. And everybody said is that we have people leaving for other reasons, we have college kids that we are also trying to work with Amtech, not only amtech but we also have the Vero WT interns and texas tech.
A lot of their students are coming in and we're trying to even a higher. Some of them from wt required, a part-time person, this summer, Trying to get them maybe once they graduate, but we we're seeing the same thing. I mean how many community adoption programs do we try to market that we try to do those to help?
Offload, something. Yes, absolutely. So, like, we just did one out. We did one with the library. Every time we can find, we're going to do Amazon. We we, were at a route 66. I think the mayor saw Chris and our animals out there and We adopted 26 annual dollars so that you know.
So we're trying to hit any place that we collect. There's a possibility. We are also going to every august we do quit in the shelter to work trying to do all that but unfortunately it's just not the ability to stop our way out of it. Especially right now during this economic kind of crunch for people.
I was willing to take on the responsibility of running by owning an animal right now, but we're definitely doing those kinds of outreaches. Um, chief May for the bar department and i've been talking and working to see what we need to have some adoption events at our fire department, seems like seems like that's a good solution.
But on both sides, it's win, win for the people that are loud or providing them home doing that. But we're leaving alleviating the stress. Problem shelter here. And we actually did a join adoption with one of our local. Rescues. That came a law waiting went out and we roll there together.
Trying to help each other out.
The. The increase on 174 under contractual services, professional services. Is that where? You've been married twins. Yes! That's where our veterinary. Expense comes into play and we actually eliminated a position. That we had held on give eliminate one full-time vet position a couple years ago. I mean it's shifted it to professional services and started this program of seeing how the contractional services went to practicing with this.
It's been so successful. So this budget cycle. She went ahead of an eliminated. The second one, and it's in that Professional services and that number may fluctuating a little bit to based on the circumstances of the year. But she certainly monitors that very, very close. And when you look at what we've done with that and we looked at the members of our deal, when you look at how many they've done in half, if we were paying market value, that would have been 770 thousand dollars to do in 2000 plus.
But in fact, so we're really being able to be More physically responsible with those dollars like doing that. Victoria. Is there any additional ask going back to Texas Tech? You know, since they've been a good partner, We definitely supported them the UC and everything that we've done to promote that hospital and college.
There are there any apps going back to them now that they're up and on their feet but you guys come to donate, right? And so that's been really good, they have been very open to that. So when we first started our rescue program, Um, all the kennels that we have were actually Donated from texas tech, because we do, they do basic first year.
Uh, things with, with dogs, with their first year students. So like pretty, sick, exams, and have. So we do transport some of our jobs over there for a couple days and we bring them back, maybe that with a transportation issue, they bought all those channels and they said you can keep So we've had that we have been able to like right now our contract.
I should someone pass is we have a lot of them going on. One two week vacations. And so we've sent out we're going to clear the sheltering. We want to fix as many animals so we can go out the door and so we contacted them and they are going to send that's over to cover us for that time.
So we are getting some services it makes it is trainings training on the same coat. Yeah and so what we were able to do a lot of Money saying that we had with our planet, going to be able to get onto their contract and buy. What they want and they were doing the mass buying it with attack at the school.
When you were trying to spend it up so we were able to think some money there and there are times we share like a blood machine that was possible a lot of money, but if we put it in there, they get the data for more animals and to find a we get the results.
So, there are those kinds of things that we're working on in Texas, Tech that we've benefited us. Financially. So, our euthanasian rate, Has gone up over. Or where are you? So and it is something that A lot of factors that come into play. But i just i guess my question is If we're being effective.
What members are we using to do that? And and you know when we when we're Part with about the tissue and a lot of things with emotion, but i guess that would be one back. But what other metrics do we use? And It's best. Guess what are we saying?
Successful now that you to Show the community event that we're that we're making progress and i think that was a conversation that i had the previous councils and i think that like i said it was going to get harder, it was going to get kind of uglier before about that.
Just for the simple fact that it's been put in any changes if a whole narrative came for our community. So I will be honest, i will always be honest to every single day. You can see exactly how many animals you might because exactly how many animals come into the front, how many are fields every single day?
We put that out on the website. Is that transparency? Helping our citizen know, we're bringing more ant like this is what our reality is. Is that when we start putting in say neuter, when we start putting in, Some of these vaccine, some of these clinics microchips weird, we're not going to see the fruit right away.
I'm going to be honest but we can use those mattresses and say yeah. In one month you might protect 800 again. And then nobody jumps there. I'm not getting mad or and they're not, you know, we're not having to euthanize because nobody claim them. And so when you start seeing those more, proactive is what you'll be able to see.
But right now A lot of our community is going to be very focused on. That in the nature range. The measurement effectiveness? Cannot be that is because until we have resources facilities and rules and we're not to have any one of those three, Not because he always stingy or we're in confident.
But there's not part of the state is not empty yet and also not going to allocate that kind of resources. The housing that number of animals for that period of time. So euthanasia rating is not a measure of effectiveness and measure of effectiveness needs to be a number of educational in themselves number of transported perform.
Number of the number of coordination events with rescue entities and we do that on a regular basis. You know? Um, you know, there's a number of things performance wise that we can look at and say are we being infected or not? But it is, it is, it is Inappropriate.
To assign a metric. To to say whether or not they're being successful, when none of the tools exist, none of the resources exist for that metric, to be a successful number. There was a time where we had us up, you know, euthanasia rate. I mean it goes down to maybe 25 percent 20 percent, something like that.
We had to like almost an 80 percent live outcome. But we were being inhumane as the way we were housing animals. We were stacking them up five or six deep in an account and we were just refusing to euthanize animals because there was so much pressure to not euthanize animals.
The that creates an intonate environment inside your own facility, that is also unsustainable. Because the number that will just keep stacking up like wood if you're not burning. Bad analogy, it's terribly. Now you please don't repeat that, but You see what i'm saying? We can't use that as a measure of effectiveness, if we, if we cannot be, if we don't hate, you have an opportunity to be successful value.
Well, and that's a philosophical statement and a state, an observation of real well. But if we were doing those things, then the outcome. What we should be changed? We would, well, we will manage the outcome as best we can. As long as we are realistic and recognized that those things that we do have the ability to affect.
Will not bring the effect of the will not will not eliminate euthanasia. We might be able to drive it down. And that's our goal was to drive it down, but until a lot of things changed, the dog. Can't change it, we can't change. We're going to them and that's kind of less that's kind of goes back to that community narrative of the last 30 years, how we view our animals.
And so really trying to change that narrative in educate People to understand that it is. It's going to be tough. And then the other thing i can, i know i can speak on behalf and staff, who are amazing. You care about these animals, it is inhumane and i don't think anyone that works for the city or anyone of you to hold an animal in a kennel, For more money like it really?
When you have a fasted into name, And so we have to balance that too. Where is that line? And so i know that's a hard thing for someone of our citizens, but for the most part the bitter percentage are going. Yeah, we don't want to, you don't warehouse. The other thing that we've been able to do to help management.
And i know you guys is that we've cleaned up our our database So those numbers that maybe we were receiving, Five or six years going. I knew everything i worked with everything. One of those drivers that all Right. Native name singular to it, but the one thing that was just different was that our data was installing As we all know, you can change those numbers around, you can look at it.
But now by asking able we went in and everything is now in a record management system, it's like a jail or cord or police department. And we can see where everything's moving that covered everyone. And that now, you know, when you get those stats, Those are realistic of what's really happening.
And five years ago. It was 10 pound paper. So that's a, you know, that's another if we say that's, i would say yes, but that would be a hard thing informed by because you're gonna go. Okay, well that didn't have a fact. The lab release drains. Well, i guess it's just, you know, and i understand that this was a A long-term problem in the making quite some time.
And we're not going to defend the Some of the problem i'm just looking for, you know what, what may increase are we getting, you know, how can we Yeah, that euthanasia rate, something a lot of other things type of factor in that would be able to, to have a significant impact on that.
But how can we measure and make sure that we are heading in the right direction, five years, right? And i think that exactly what was saying is that you have an account of their asking saying yes. So you know what we were able to back. We had vaccine clinic.
We worked with the empowerment zone. We we took the same concept as please instead, okay? Where we see our hot spots with animals that look like a disease, their beliefs and we went them and gave them all their vaccine. We gave them their food, so those are huge wins in those and we targeted those impairments zones.
To make sure that that we were doing that community the average. So those are the times of wins that you would want. Well, production numbers adoption members going up in something. Once we took adoptions over from the main society, numbers went up Uh, you know. They are much more stable and effective organization.
It's not a knock on the main side and they were just under material management, some occasionally to be good. But then that was, they weren't attacking a lot of animals and more transporting, a lot of ideas. So now we're facilitating transports and conducting on adoptions, the overall. A number of animals that were adopting out is going on.
Well, and And what we can see with that and we made society, something he had to hear about. If there they they have, i mean, we're still working with them. It sounds like every non-processed Whoever the director like it's absolute flows and for a city shelter we have to make sure that we have some consistency in there.
And so my heart goes out to all those non-profits, we know that that is a true struggle for non-profits and so there that is nothing on them. It's to there's probably to non-profit and how do you have that business model that works? For us? We have to look at it and say, okay, we can do good keeper and more effectively and can we do it in half?
That's what they're wanting. And with the consistent level, we're going to have months where we do really good. And we're going to have months old. You look about dogs, but we are going to continue to try and do all those events that you guys were talking about and making sure that you guys are aware of.
Those are events out there, is what we need to be asked of making sure that that information. So that you have more time for the new things and we know are going to bring about the outcomes. We need Is there anything that? You're currently doing that being stopped doing.
Um, you have any services that That following your lap or something? You're trying to manage to really don't fit. You're so forth. And not necessarily. No, we know, you know, we work really political a lot of different departments but that's a function of what we do. England have any other questions on, but Okay.
We know where you're coming from.
So, thank you can time. We and i want to appreciate your guys with Obviously support because it is as we've all talked about it is the thing that People get them once called specific month and i would, please don't hesitate in contact for her. I will always be able to answer those questions for you.
You'll have a Opening under board committee. You need one. We will not have an opening on board unless we have done. None of by charter are for, doesn't have a requirement to have as an account in the run. So currently, i know, the doctor Sarah was on that board, but he was there that large, basically, if he leaves, if we had any, that was definitely be something that we would notify.
You guys were taking that or not at large position. And in coming to you guys, too, for input, if you do have an opening on our board who you guys might know in the community, that would be able to thank you. Thank you.
Okay. Lord, you want to move into? Absolutely. So what we'll do is we'll bring up Avoid team with our water and sewer area and i think it might be best. I've known Jennifer Gonzalez is here. Boy is all of your water zero can be here yet. Oh, i'm sorry, i'm ready.
Yep, okay, so Apologize. Um, if you i don't Avoid is great, he is excited. If you don't want to turn in your voice to pay, Two, six. I'm sorry. Yeah.
207. Let's start on 207. I hope you all met uhamilton. That's Laura hamilton. Um, and what we have under current, kind of realm is Of our judicial compartment. And we'll let her real briefly. There's not any real payments that we're looking at in her area, but, and then she also oversees the court security funds.
We talked briefly about that yesterday, you never? We were saying on State law allows us to collect a certain speed on all of those citations we're processing. And that is something that goes to a dedicated court security fund. That then we pay for our most of our Bayless. Pop out of however, that fee is not at a level anymore that can fully support that security piece of the general fund is Transferring over a portion of funding to help with that.
So that's all kind of an injured Hamilton's realm. So with that, you want to be real briefly. Tell us a little bit about your carbon again. Well, i don't ask any questions. Okay, good afternoon. I've been hamilton and i am the full-time resident. That there are three part-time judges that we have a quote reporter.
We are available course records. Which means we have a court recorder there. Larger cities tend to have supportive records and as i counters, the reason we do that is so they don't clog up the county courts that log within things, that are called supports. So we are the only court order where we are the trial set.
Um, i also have Two full-time, bailiffs and two part-time basis. And then we have some folks that come from and Because occasionally and when we have the need is that they were a position. Also supervise the night magistrative program. We have two site magic spreads and that is a cooperative contract with hotter and length of counties assist with greater plantation between Uh, i think the police department and All of the judges in the potter angle accounting who signed search warrants.
And so that is just a review of vitamin carpet and You guys have a specific questions for federal versus a very small overall budgets. She runs very mean operation. I don't know if i'm sorry, i have to wait for a second. We have some full time. Budgeted judge positions that she's been historically starting.
What's important time said this? That's right. So we we actually switched it just for your For the history, we have the full-time position. But we have, we're using part-time judges to sell that. I try to actually change it and use two full-time judges. But because of the docket, Um scheduling and we just have too many doctors to be able to work with two full-time and one part-time, it actually works better to go back to the free part-time judges, i can be more flexible with the schedules and we are open eight to five.
So we saw the servers and saw somebody that has a warrant and 8 am Academic school, they they bring them to us and we talked on about their face. Um and then our judges are just a one to let you all know. We have 10 walk-in, dockets a week where if you have a ticket you can come in and see a judge.
It doesn't matter if you're having a hearing schedule or not, it's, you know, people just want to come in and see the judge and a lot of people want to come see the judge. So they come in and we see them in-person twice a week. We want to be 10 times
We also have paid virtual dockets, still the virtual bell to came about during covid with all the courts went to virtual, they have taken away that emergency power to allow us to just tell everybody, you have to appear virtually. They've taken that back away that supreme court Texas. Supreme Court came up with like 40 something emergency borders during covet but then finally took that power away.
But come from overseas, says by consent, you can still appear virtually and Are. The dependent really like this year, virtually are prosecutor, appears that several of those dockets and then provide better communication of prosecutor with defendants. We We become zoom experts on how to put people in and out of breakout rooms so they can have private conversation.
And our dockets are publicized on youtube. We immediately remove them from youtube but we do up to that so that they are public. Court hearings. Um, we have 10 dockets that are special dockets, that are held in different courtroom every week that includes usually a trial dockets once a week.
And some of those, we might have 20 cases, jury trials, bench trials. We also have A gel arrangement docket and we do that six days a week with seventh day, the judge works, but does not have to see people on that seventh stage because that's belongs the long business that breaks.
So so their judges do want seven days a week. And i don't really have anything special fairly straightforward weight loss than an area, but what,
That's currently under counties for the night magistrate program. Um, Yeah.
Have it set up in a special reading fun because it is fully restricted on what those dollars. Course. So, Judge i'm like in her operations are in that general fund piece and then that 185 is the special revenue funding that goes towards. Sending the bailiff for business, security happened,
Where the pretty caught up on the workload? We're getting pregnant. I know whenever you were The way behind and so give us the stand. We're way behind me so so During the emergency orders, we weren't allowed to do during trials, you know, they were very restrictive. Some, you know, i think judge estaba is actually Was one of the first to try to do during trial out.
On zoom, i don't think there were a lot of theory processing here on Zoom. We were the first court that opened back up. Uh, we were closed from whenever everything shut down in March and we opened back up Student first, And slowly worked our way back up to jury trials.
Um, but we are, we are all productive. Who are the other partners to church and judge suddy ratliff. And she's been there seven years. Uh, In the evidence cindy twinkle evans and taught henderson.
This man have a great day, thank you. Um, we're good to keep going. I think what i'd like to do, if you're okay, with an utilities section. If you want to look to your books, we're going to start with watering through. We're going to take it. You slightly out of order.
I would like to have Young college employees kind of talked, through all the water and serial departments, and then we'll end water and sewer with you totally willing, but that's okay. Um, so if we want to start out maybe kind of on page 523 Can you start going through water and sewer?
And, Just for a record. Um, water and sewerage all know in a separate fund. It's an enterprise fund, it's like it works essentially like a standalone business. We went over their cash flows yesterday at the front of the book in the summary section and again they're kind of a self-containing related Uh, operating humidity.
And so with that, John if you have a couple of things, you want to mention about maybe some high points on, um, there's a lot going on in those area and so we've already kind of seated up a little bit. Letting them know that there were some capital dollars that we paused on spending, um, in last year.
And some this year that we're bringing back forward in this new year because some some things needed to be addressed and came up quickly. And so, a lot of that kind of been a priority from a capital 10 point. So you kind of really talk about that, i think it would be great to expand a little bit on that and then just kind of talk through some operational points.
And we'll let you kind of take it from there and then ask questions as we go because of that. Here. Yeah, let me start with some people so, you know. A start with special discover shot of excuse me tonight. I'm going to start with michael prize. He's the assistant director of operations and maintenance.
He's an engineer that Comes to us, from originally from ireland, but from a lot of other places over the years, body scratch your accident. It's a strange combination of Irish Australian Canadian. At this point, i can't even place. Computed. Our question would ask, that's just hilarious. Cereal. Weird. Of course i'm sorry.
Okay. The other system director is Shannon pollison. And she's over regulatory compliance. Which is the loud and several other programs, long water industrial water and such as that. Steve, the main conduit both with these states, if our medical compliance agency, as well as the UK, And primarily support responsible for keeping us getting too much available and telling them all.
And then to my right is this debris, she's our business illustrator Keep handles. In the resources inside, also lodges. So most of your dollar questions she will be responding to And then, in the back we have Bruce Whose responsible for providing public works with the excuse for closing the land in front.
And rain with discarded with us. She's our analyst. Okay. Highlights, we're doing two things and don't remember, those of views aren't at the orientation outlined. We have a lot of capital profits, we're evaluating That we were coming really close to having a final capital plan. And then for some reason, this tester decided that they want to have loss of rain and water.
And because of the state of some of our infrastructure is literally tore up much of hollywood, which is one of the wastewater plants as well as some of our lift stations. And so we're doing that into the AP complete and a lot of possible too much match and bringing forward full council plan.
We could have a very solid five-year plan and be pretty good. Alphabet about 10 years Uh, Personnel. And that's why we delighted a lot of the projects that more Talk about the other piece that i mentioned in orientation. Were completely reevaluating all of our staffing. Uh, right now we're going to do each individual.
Job description. And each person imagine them the largest number. We're going to want to find has been the fight layers type layers of war industry standard tile. We have a variety of titles through the collection of distribution system. One of them, for example, was utilities technician, which is a title normal, use in an engineering group that was a black velocity.
So we'll make it what people looking for a job and tell whether they're applying for That was just implementing and response to be able to hire funding. And then right now, we're working on our electricians, our maintenance mechanics, There are no more. We have 19 of them. I think we have to work here, 15 titles.
And we're going to go down to three because Everybody that needs. And that's how it finds us to.
Okay, so One thing you need to know you need to be a little awareness on how we're structured. Utility billing is accidental, finance division under Laura but one division within this room to get into this section that's on page 515. Financial division. Rather than john, When you get to where Laura was on 523, i wanted to claim on division numbers of the top.
And that's where i think lord is going to step in and covered, because the 52-120 52 121 and 123s. Those are not operating with our little drive time. In general, general water is who are general water is generals, who are also where we have servers that service can bring through some of our criminal activities as well.
So a lot of really nice share a lot of things through of the water and sewer plants. So yeah, i'm going to flip through real quick overcome back to the questions in the department. And each department several paid 545. You'll see November of employees in graph. On page 526.
You will see under direct utility and increase their related to hang staff, but that was not offending reduction. In other departments going to get invest in specific on 529. Will see the water turn general fund. I'm going to clip over quickly to type 30. And you'll see where on 5 30 on sewer general.
And then on 531, it came here is happy that where we allowed the contractor to do tasks and we'll see a reduction in our tap fees and have related to customer service where we were challenged with staff that we allowed to change ordinance without plumbers to do those paths.
That's the biggest changes there. However, on the top of 531 and on the top of 530, you will see the meter charges for sewer and water. That's the total, that's the big revenue source in leaders of water and we'll go into detail. I'm just hit the highlights as i run through this.
I'll page 533 i want to explain water for production. You have three divisions 52 to 20 to 10 and 220. These are all operational departments. And they're all under shocked back here. The And so, Uh, you'll see a significant increase from revised estimate to budgeting. And and flip through there, you will see that generally related to cremal cost, and electricity costs, and criminal cost is almost exclusively electricity as well on time page.
534 585, 35, you'll see on two different chart. We have groundwater production produced at millions and criminal allocation and billions at total 17.5 billion. So, that's a dry year, but that's your code production. And i think each of you've been in my office under the vaccine that better, but, With those operational department and that does it cost to electricity.
There's a few others that you may questions. So please ask over to go back up and go through specifics. But i'm going to flip the water distribution on things. High forty five. Um, i'll take 546. You see a lot of the main break, the data of damaged by contractors, which is aligned hit by the contractor of valves.
And their data, this is under root logiciding back to the table as well. He does one wastewater collection. Biggest changes in these two. Departments is appreciation. That is a result of the capital improvements that we've been doing in those systems and we'll see a big change in depreciation. You'll see changes of other places.
That's the biggest one in better collection. Which we are served half number aren't in our decline of 8553. One thing i want you to bring with history on the wastewater collection five over two and there's a lot of good daddies in there, no crews respond. A lot of things, a lot of problems, but on 552 shows you, how many calls we have in a year for sure.
Calls received over 950 projected. And, and That one it says they're not stopped. Motor where we just do customer service work on customer service classes. 650 pack would go out and it's not the city problem, it's a private line, but that gives you some idea of how many times they go out.
A lot of that over time. Just to overtime. Do that short happens. Followed on vacation three is down. Um, Wastewater treatment. This is the operational compo. And both of those departments, john has a high player positions that are in the, the position, and they restructured those within the existing budget, to adjust for our ability to keep those positions filled.
And they're just now get implementing that hopefully to have, and you can see that the step paid high player. One, two, and three will. Hopefully, we can have an increase in a see better staffing on these programs. That's that's in the wastewater treatment. These are the operational components. Uh, electricity and Other cost of the practical and hollywood gone can go into the retail of what we're doing there.
About. The capital. All the way back into the capital proposed, budgets on 850.835 at the bottom of that containing. 35, is that list of Hollywood project to the 2 and 17 million that we closed, a number of projects that identified the priorities Um, the hollywood over some existing projects and that's where most of that fundamentally went is to have that for matching fund that we're grant or get design going so we can move forward and address the issues at Hollywood.
And then you get to back to page of Five 65, you get to the elab. Very flat budgets but i also want to brag on canon. This is served our region in the elab, and especially during the floods. You did a lot of work with rental county and counties in analyzing the flood water.
But this elabs with a regional team lab that's by a service as many of our pot of water systems. But a very flat plate. Matter from their war. I want you. You want to start the water through a general fundamental quite a few more details. Well, i wanted to Maybe.
Reiterate some things that boys mentioned. Um, I think the best way to look at this and of course is supposed to be sure about 100 different pages. So um i was falling and so this kid can you guys turn the page 25 for real quick. I want to walk you through.
I know it's i'm one of like take the 50 thousand little foot look at this or just in fact, We look at the schedule yesterday, this is the one that showed. Follow budget. For this year where we think we're going to end up this year and then what's supposed to come next Thursday?
Along the line between talking about, they're pretty glaring on this page. So i wanted to talk to for a couple of items. If you look at our original budget, it, you'll go down to the middle where these minister are at. You'll see that our operating expenses, we're budgeted at 58 and a half million dollars.
We're anticipating, those are going to come in closer to 64 million. It'll be honest. As i was going over this yesterday. I thought What that is. Okay, so i went back and loop through all that one. Okay, there's a few things driving. That one is electricity costs are through the roof this week.
So this year. So as flooding to occurs a lot more electricity is used as even water usage, just occurring in a lot to being used. So there's there's a lot of Sprains on electricity used in this year that we're seeing and there's just higher rates at this point without
Yeah, another thing. Okay. So that's a piece of it. The other thing and i think i was talking about this, this is in Related to hiring contractors because we've been short staffing areas. Remind me again. Boy, that is related to the task. Is that correct an increase. And so, there is a correlation between total salaries and benefits going down from budget to provides estimate, and that contractual services.
Peace going up. So, we are seeing a pretty even That he's there. So that's that kind of flushes out through this, the other big thing, but i'll be super, for example. Historically, we had been budgeting for those contractor costs in Several shots. So it was in a different area in the budget.
And after the past couple years that they've been doing this, i've worked with them and said, no, no we can't capitalize that. We have to expense it. It's got to go through operations. So that's kind of a change just in how we had a classified. So we fixed it in revised estimate and then it's fixed and proposed budget for next year.
It's coming for that operating line height. And that's about So it's a pretty big number, then the other piece that i saw in We did a debt editions. To fund remodeling over at city hall. And that is half paid for from property, taxes and half paid for from water and sewer.
We had budgeted it in the courier budget as a debt service critical and interest payment, but the way we're actually facilitating expensive. Transferring it to change fund where we pay all of our debt out of that, the property tax back deck is in. So instead of it showing up down in those debt service line items, it's up an operating as a transfer.
So you'll see if you look on this page, 25 you're seeing your debt principal and interest is coming down. But that operating piece is going up. So, Less i was anticipating for asking a whole bunch of questions on a couple line items and so i wanted to head a couple of those things off so it's all there.
We just kind of classified a differently in the budget if that makes sense. Other questionable one other big operation was we've seen chemical for treatment. Um, So if there's not specific questions on that, we can go through that information again. That are up there on page, the p increasing on page 33.
So, you're realization. About just a reminder we touched on that yesterday. So remember that's where we'll see what those B increases do to the bill. As we're going through and receiving. Defenses. The link back to that page. So i just want to remind him. So on page five, as, as a reminder, we had, we proposed that five percent great increase.
And so, then i page 33 is a super piece of it. Just for your awareness. Can you all may notice most citizens, most residential, either have a five inch meter or a one inches. So those are the most common ones from a residential standpoint. So they'll see the price range is a little under two dollars.
It's a little over two dollars or less on sewer side and right at just a little over three dollars to a little over or $2.87 on 58 on water. And then 234 three to do the rain Just put dolphins. So a couple questions little lost subject. Floyd i've got a couple different contractors that hit me up on slow field, requirement and gives me what we requiring.
Fulfill a sewer panel water attack. Just any excavation in the right way at this point, it's impact passes. And that's what grades the cost of musicaling over the past few years. But we were having extensive failures. A tremendous, do you have a requirement on the flow bill that aware of like in in the type of flow?
Bill because for us when we do it, it's actually a reduction cost for us to have to go and thousand fact that. So i want to give him the the complaints i'm getting there like 7500 So, their cost to flow fields like 7500 versus pounding on $2,000 because Yeah.
So Um, Look. Is this? What magnum? No, no. Yep, it's ready. So we've gotten similar complaints from. In the users. So significantly i'll get that complaint come in from a homeowner who calls in and says, hey they this thing's going to cost me this amount when i actually speak with contractors, i get more of the story that you're describing that it's effectively either a wash or Or to them easier, not to hire the people, their staff to do the backfield compaction versus Blowing it and flow field.
We developed a specific specification for flow, fill and work with our local, the local readymade suppliers. On that specification, making sure it's something that everybody can produce. And so, yeah, we wanted super super Live stream. This is nothing out of there. It's you can dig it with a shovel.
This is not concrete. The whole point. Is that a consolidates? It consolidates. Very quickly and without effort and then And it's ready for ready to pay over the top. So, you're not seeing anything. Hospitalized like as far as for us and i think you feel closer, The way we've done for the same, thank you, but What you're what you're getting to is we as the city are not requiring anybody to do anything.
Uniquely special to anything that we would normally do if we just fulfills any other project but backflowing back that is correct. Now it is different for some plumbing companies who didn't used to do this. These just put it takes material back in and we had lack of compaction and that's what Problem that the require might have a compaction followed by erosion, followed by failure, so if it wasn't changed for some plumbing company who work in the right way, who didn't always buy mobile bill, but they have some compaction requirement, but it's so many failures that we had to move to that.
I'll enter into, that was an iterative step over multiple years, where we had multiple conversations of, like, hey, if the industry can address this, Then we won't, we won't. Um, and over multiple years. Opinion. Right now, i was just surprised the cost. Now, do we have, are we self-performing some tax at a much higher price than what we used to?
So, i'm not talking about tap fees on talking about construction projects, Did we go from say charging? You? Fourth of what the actual construction costs would be. To charging retail and full price last year to what we had with an actual cost including this compaction competitive. And so that was an addition from previous years that that went in about two years ago.
So we when that first requirement for global field came in, we went the first year without collecting that back. So we were doing past analog of about 75 percent loss. During that first year, before we adjusted the task for you to actual cost based off actual death and you don't have an amount on any of those, those very per projects that are saying it's been and those agreements give, you know, if the cost more we collect more in in, we do it for last and the tax will cost less.
They get refund but then there's not an ending the city perform all that you're allowing contract to perform those and they don't have to be on specified list, right? Our biggest the yes they had to have to qualify to work in the right way and What that does is it expedites that for the builder and if our time friends doesn't work for them, they can do that with Private clever or contractor.
That is qualified to work in the right away. So it's been a we've seen people see it more as a benefit. And i haven't had very few complaints on it. I've had a lot more compliments on it. Okay. How many miles water and sewer? Are we replacing in here?
We just finished one that was about seven mile to eight miles of sewer on the pipe. First thing, and we've been getting on a good year. We've been getting one to two miles of water main replacement years. Two miles one in eight miles stewart, he has that's what we've been doing.
Now, remember in water, we have about 1100 miles in the system. How many years? 50 years old, 75 percent of it, fifty years or more. Is what we get 80% is in the seven year. Plus Okay. And then on the stewards saying brother scenario. Yes. Okay. The water and sewer in the subdivisions almost within at the same time.
So it's it's not enough exact size, but the estimate would be very much 137 years ago, mister said, all these places. So, The oldest one. I am aware of. We found the sandcast downtown. We found 19 ways. Okay. So you kept them. Well, somebody's got it somewhere. I don't have it.
Wastewater than 20 million dollar. Kind of overall, budget. I mean, i know we have 17 million in our CIP. Is going to fix it. Or is that you might want to wastewater? Is that big hollywood? Oh hollywood. Right now we're doing three hours to keep hollywood going without volleying our permea hollywood as of Monday, we'll finish our final month who would hit our 75% markle.
We have to act capacity, So the 20 million will not do it. This is Going to be at least five times that they You're saying 100 million now, 450 would be good. No care for my feelings. Well, that's why that's why this could become a sorry based on the existing, and we are developing funding plans for that within our existing projected revenue, and they'll be some dead issues just to accomplish that.
So, we hope to have some success with some of assistance from federal government or other resources. So this 17 million gets us to the design. Addresses some specific issue like the blower and some other things related to the need repair immediately and it gives us designed to knowing what that improvement is going to be and get that to an accurate estimate.
So we can really start putting a strategic plan in place of what that What the fucking requirements are going to be over a period of time and have strategically issued dead in order to achieve that. So, i think it's just a little early, right? As i said, beginning a longitude loss, I'll have to go to council 29.
Everything i'm doing at hollywood right now, is to keep it going and it's not buying us to lose facility that that we will have to have. Statistic funding is really funding will get as to a point where we have a solid planet. So this triage can you look so many years?
Can you say 20 million dollars will give us five years? Um, We want to be looking for a mobile treatment plant that we can put the end and take At least three million gallons, a day of the load right now in hollywood is having a lot of trouble for data day.
Um okay nice but it's saying sludge was washed into every component. That's red and solids that are innovation water. When that gets into palms to destroys them, Um if you remember the condition of the plant we walked through a couple months ago. Is a lot of worse than that.
The bottom of every tank is now full of smudge. So the operations are very slow, it's expensive. It's just pumping water and treating. It has to be double slug above the house. So, this is time. You know, maybe scare up since you expressions, i don't mean to scare all i've been doing public infrastructure for more than 40 years.
I haven't seen it quite this bad or promise. I'll get you there. I can't give you a number today, because If y'all have been nice and had the reigns three months earlier, i can, i'll give them today right now, you need time to do the evaluation. The only firm thing i've got is we meet with conceived you on this gift to which point they're going to order us to start the designing additional capacity.
And so, by any way in there, too, We are still meeting the working with FEMA. Identify potential avenues of fund that route. We don't know that. Yet, that final student hasn't been made and we also have our insurance in law. Um, through this flooding damage and so there could potentially be other revenues source of open up to us, but we know we're going to need this funding for matching more things that aren't covered under that Should we be looking at?
Other options as well. I mean, i know we have the river road. On the north side and get the northeast interceptor. I mean, we should be looking at the plant. On the north side of town. That is a longer plan than what we had of hollywood. We have to address the long-term plan up there too.
Um, There are some short-term. Things that we can look at. Related to Relieving that load. In other words, God has his birth plan to to get a temporary treatment plant, which is a good plan. But we can look at over the next few months looking at lift stations that we might be able to move from hollywood to River Road.
Now remember, if you do that we're going to put it through a road over to 75. We'll have both of them in the process of the same time. So there are will, it's a balance of concerns and how we do that. But that's that is one of the purposes of the northeast interceptor back.
One of the main reasons that pipeline was so bad valuable to this organization is to give us flexibility in that ability to move from one nation to the other and specifically we could we couldn't really if we had that pipeline today, we could relate two million, young hollywood immediately if we had that pipeline in place.
So it's a big piece of the puzzle without that pipeline, we don't have enough. And the schedule on completion on that right now it's advertising on advertised for bid monday and construction should start later this year and it should be in place easily by our goal of middle of 2025.
Okay. Um, Are there private companies? That do this. Like they'll put in the plants and And they they sell the water. I mean do we have descriptions and outsourcing them. Uh, the industry throughout my career, especially in the 1980s, late 80s, early 90s, There wasn't pushed with water plants and wastewater plants to go private.
Uh, A lot of aware of one of those that occurred in successful. Now, john, may be, i, i've yet, i've seen some and most of those Wind up with the plant just like we have it today from the private and you have to spend that money put it back and then you had it back over and it's in the same boat.
So, I haven't seen those models. These successful for community outside of the very small community that Can't afford. There are some very small communities. But what you see there, they become regional suppliers across the state, you'll see some regional wastewater companies are providing multiple in it these wage water and but they work better in the regional setting and that's where private business and successful.
Um, we can look at privatizing that plan. It has its challenges. Right. And then the public private partnership side, who hadn't been successful even, not in wastewater treatment. A little water treatment that i'm aware of. John, are you wear any public private partners in that industry that are successful?
Most of them contract not operation. There's several very large companies like viola. Yeah, several fields sold their North American group, but They're pretty good and successful, the public private partnerships, a little more difficult because there's no profit in water and wastewater. From every now and then, you'll see it by the welcome from my perspecting there.
I think where i'm at, i think we have more control with God than we would have private company. And donald, john has more commitment to us. And getting through this problem i think we could have that discussion better when we get the plant functioning property doesn't matter discussion that okay.
Hey john was it the increase in stormometers that love? Which hollywood? I mean i know it was not bad hollywood was very sick as you saw when you toured the plan and any y'all welcomed this from touring of our facilities, we all It took it from what we were going to be probably to rescue it at a high of a reasonable cost.
To where i'm having some analysis. Right now, my, my gas based on having worked in other states. Is that it will rewards. This is to rehab what we have. That would be to build a new training. Under train as a path through the plan. But i'm having a verified by Barber.
Which is a little consultant that we retained to give you some opinions of the cause since my experiences Local uncomfortable with the indiasulous. So that's what you're saying. Let's wait, you have a better picture, right? That's true. Roughly the end of next month. I'm trying to get a sooner.
And then after that, Michael, and i will need to walk through the rest of our facilities, because just because we have one dime. Doesn't mean that we don't have to tend to wounded on the side or otherwise they'll be just They'll be in that back in condition by the problem again.
Okay. Thank you. A couple of points to do when i had to the. We do have XL as a partner in the electric generation and they're working with this great. But that is the challenge of this team has some magic welding guns in part of that and helping to make sure what quality we spend down there.
But We do appreciate a partner patients with us. We've been doing so far, especially been people every time haven't had a problem with that water supply. So i think we've been outstanding job with the challenges that we have on the plate of maintaining customer service to a very critical customer.
So it's been an outstanding job. As bad as it sounds. This team is just doing great. So we're still supplying water to excel at their booth, the amount. We, or we were down here and there, i michael can give you all kind of details because he was out there.
With the guys and they were working on it. Um, but when sludged fulfilled the basins and actually spilled over to the acceleration as well, we had to stop for a while. I'm assuming They're still getting into Hollywood or just yes, our salt supply at this point. So, we're still good.
The word penalized, if we don't correct. Quality of water. The contract calls forth if our quality of water from wastewater plant drops to unacceptable level, Uh we're contracted to provide water out of our criminal supply or our wells at the same cost, so it penalize with us from the other side.
We have any other questions from council? Let me let me go to our B increase real quick. Yes. So, Water and sewer responds proposed. Increase is five percent across. Here. That's going to be sewer attack fees. As well. We went to the cost mechanism on pathy. So it happened to fluctuate based off those, what the actual cost is.
So it won't classify percent to another complied to what actual we just have a five percent increase to our rates too. Shannon, are you doing europe and Europeans at the lab 5%. I didn't know what was in their country. It on like the rates that are real. Do we undercharge for our labs?
Comparison as good as they are yet now. I don't know. Actual costs. Okay. We did a mount so much in our budget as we increase our heat, we are here.
Water supply and analysis, which generally With our functions between school. So, what was the increase last night?
Um, legendary
Yes, that is correct. And we did it again. So to look at all those guys in the Utah, talking about a two dollar average. You um, did you look at it with a 10 percent increase and then are you also able to tell us to the zero increase but maybe you're saying 1.5 million And 3.5 million with the five percent.
So, for those numbers hold true. He did a 10% increase. It would double essentially double functions and historically, that's where everyone's been, you have to remember, we are reaching things going within an army water. Bills. And we'll see a conservation of that. Some brain increases. In other words, it's not going to be linear.
You will have people drop off you, the water with our water bill, reaching the levels that we are now after the solution state increase. And i, i just don't think you can channel them being linear up at the top. Three percent of need to get so much. A 6 percent obnovating going to get you just as much as you're going to have some people drop off.
And one of the factors is going to impact that is the amount. And then they have the day-to-day ability and what their water they're going to be more efficient, especially if water buildings. That is concerning to them. So, as we put the system in place, We're going to have a better informed customer to some better manage their water and i anticipating that volume of the problem.
Riddles, look, she isn't much increase at might value. You do the more you increase the rate it. What i'm saying if you other community went through that in the past, but i think we're starting to experience that when they very well, informed customers. So these increases are directly time to the CID projects that you need to push forward.
It's time to most of the most of this is a again, adjustment based off that electricity cost in the operational cost that we've seen the remainder is to go to the CIP and keep that revenue to operational level where we don't see the Level of need that we have experienced it got into this.
And and if i can add to that point, you keep me honest on us because you've been here since longer than i have, but i want to say, we went all at least a decade without any kind of inflationary adjustment in this fund and when we were lagging behind.
And so, i think this is about the second one we've ever done in the last decade. And so, and it was because of the rapid increase. We are seeing from an inflation standpoint, you'll cost utility costs, everything across the board. And so, um, Wanted to kind of help stabilize some operations with this increased.
Knowing that there are some strategic things that are going to have to be done in the next few years. So if we can kind of get operations a little bit stabilized knowing that where they're going to be a need to do some increases to address them debt issuances coming up to As they become more known hot, that's very well.
And i am both were involved. In the most recent dead agent, you go through a bond rating analysis. And this issue came out, this is one of the things that they looked at is that saying we haven't maintained our cash capital ability to maintain our system as a level that we're supposed to, obviously they were right with Hollywood married women.
That that, that was a challenge. That was the biggest challenge in my opinion in the last vibrating that we went through the utilities. Yeah. And that we just hadn't kept up addressing some of the inflationary growth from the operation standpoint. All of our rape increases had been specifically done, tied to debt issuances and so that had kind of put us in a little bit more challenging situation.
We're working through our boundaries. So i think every factor we looked at points to that, we have kept up with inflation. And what we saw, what i saw in this past year, especially when they cost of the chemicals and electricity. If we don't raise the right time content for justice, inflationary cost will be back in that cycle of hurting ourselves in our system.
Do we have something that offsets that were? Low household income users. Oh, we don't have any specific programs related to low-income. In the billing system now, Without in general, whether it's electric velocation. Their group has some utility billing assistants for certain circumstances. And there's assistance for homeowners replacing utilities through that community development block grant system.
I don't know the details of indentation can explain it. Well, they were, they have stuck. There's certain entities that can help community services can help people with assistance, on certain water bills qualified Um, one other thing and again, we we are Working through a rate study that may take this a little longer than anticipated, but our last great study.
Which was about five years ago. So it's a little outdated at this point, but it did state that our tier grapes are subsidizing the base rate So what that means is everyone pays on face amount for the connection. Be connected. And then we include the first three thousand gallons in that case frame and we had a discussion.
And this was freaking accountable but about okay we want to balance that where, you know, the tiered grapes which means the more water you use the higher, the regular them, do we want to make it aware that base rate is really more self-functioning and they said no based on the demographics in our community.
We're okay with the tears, he still subsidizing the face and so i know it's not it doesn't fill that way in a lot of times, but just please know that, you know, there is that base rate of built into subsidy with the rest of the range. Yeah, historically that that was 2,000 gallons in the past and 15 years ago.
They raised that three thousand gallons included in that connection. Basically. Now you do have residents who devised the base rate by the gallons. And, and equate, the base rate within a per thousand gallon charge. That's one way to look at it but the industry across the nation uses its base rate method.
There's there's some other mechanisms, we'll put the majoring people use it base rate method from connection and part of that is that we have to ability in revenue on the good bad years. And just pay the bill. That's a stability in revenue. Component of having a base rate versus per thousand, young charms, all the way.
Now, our city to the south loving that is charge, each thousands? Starting with the first house. Well, the last time i checked and I'd have to reject this because it's been with the last race study, but in 3000 gallons, they were much higher than i thought the base rate and average user is almost there.
Part of it is. We're all the same water supply. And they got a ton more infrastructure to get But that's a component of the great setting that we would a comparison to some cities. We don't have an updated and get you passed when we had and we can go ahead and compare some of you need it.
I think that would be good to take to consensus comparison. Last question. Um, What we charging? You know, our other tier stations. And are we increasing their their cost as well. Oh, We have a special rates, we've had those throughout, so, Employment. You have. You have different special names.
First off. Now we have the typhoon that's been the longest going special rate. With the tyson and we're in negotiations for that. To upgrade builder cost and make those more matched. City commercial. Sorry, is it fair to say that? If we were to increase our rates for our citizens, we would increase those other customers.
At least that standing for both, all of them call from matching increased rate for the for the percentage on an annual basis. One that does, it was. Hollander. Canyon does it because they buy raw water from cremont, but i think we charged the creme on that. So, the state of texas, we provide how your canyon and heart with raw water out of pipeline used to canyon.
So, They are open criminal adjustment. Based off of that. And there was Oh, you're sharpa one but the charcoal going away is maybe not have a I am no adjustment, but yes, The others seeing canyon. Uh, icon. Our future POB, those special rate In our other outside, the city serving customers are adjusted percentage wise to match.
Now the other one that did not have that same percentage was excel. Reclaim water. And i renegotiated that from the council and that renegotiation, 24, but that one. Now we got a CPI adjustment, so, whatever inflation is, but that one went from 1965 to a few years ago with no adjustments So we've adjusted those, i'm not aware of another one, that doesn't have the investment.
Okay, so i'm just looking at our water meter sales. You know, and you're looking at 61 million. In 22. Yes, 60, 60 million in water, 27 millions, who are. But then i flip over here to my five percent increase and it only lets me one point five, so i guess maybe i'm a little lost.
How that's sewered. So water doesn't have 3.5. Okay. Yeah, i was looking back and forth doing Actually, luckily Lord, doesn't matter, not me. So 3.5 million increases in water sales. Okay, edit, it's straight across the board. Unless you have a certain contract that you really negotiated. We do have a small,
Very small because it's about, And we always are kind of going back and rebalancing it because water water especially already talked about this influxury. Greatly do to the temperatures and sprinkle That those two have a massive influence on it and it seems like we haven't had any kind of leveling career in a while.
And so we are always kind of going back and making sure we try to budget on a normalized level. So if it comes in it's super dry. But yes, we will get more revenue coming in, but if it comes in, i've certainly wet here. We are not crippled by a lack of room, so we kind of try to budget, right?
Doing that one clarification of your questions there. We have a number of customers, a couple hundred and found a few more that are outside. The city that don't have special contracts. They pay per ordinance, one and a half times to see they for water. Perfect ordinance. So We have a number of this if they get approval for outside the city service that they can want to have time to dim the ordinance and they pay the same percentage increase.
As internal. Anything else from council? Just go back to hollywood road for a second. I guess i'm going to make sure i get this. Obviously with the problems we had a complicated by the sliding, we're going to have to make an investment of that. Is that in the measurement?
We would have had to make any way. 10 years from now 20 years from now we're just making it sooner or did. The things that happened is that costing us more money than it would have under natural. There's two pieces of One is the capacity which we're going to have to do on this timeline anyway because again flow is exceeding.
The 75 percent limit The planets related for 12 mtd 12 million gallons per day. And we're pushing over nine right now because of the 75 to the city, has commitments to go to 11.7, within the next couple of years, which goes we're going to be people as capacity. So we would have had to be able to build some new part of the plant that passed.
Separate from that is the various components tanks and pumps and such that the plan. Uh, that were deteriorating. Um, the interior writing a little early. I think when we got about 50 percent of the life out of a large number of them,
But they were deteriorating and i was putting together a plan. The capital plan to replace them with magazine.
Um we're having things to check out before example in a few visual. But one of their one of the third required things, Kilted about Which means the full of the undermined. Completely, we may have to use the smallish that thing now and it can't be require. And the brain, deteriorated to the point where Because of rehabilitation those so high there will be cheaper because we have that capacity anywhere that are building another train, maybe reveal two or three trains and just abandon or decommissioned as a technical term.
The exist. Whereas, before we would have been able to rehabilitate all of that. And still add path. So the cost is going to be a higher right now than what it. For the time in years of doing, Other than Because of the rain, i'm late to council about two months.
I should have better information for you right now today.
And then, On 27th to the quick question. The. Very right there, at the end of revenue is about proceeds from long-term death. Yes, that was from a dead issuance that we did this past year. It was proposed, i'm sorry in the current year and we have it, it looks like we didn't enter it in to the budget software, but it is following through on, you'll go two pages, one page board on page 25.
It's the one third of line item down. It's in there. So yeah, we did do that then. And then, So in our general sign, when we have extra for where it goes, that goes into the capital, But yes, we're looking like like far away is water, sewer, whatever and we have.
Savings or we don't spend in the budget. Where does that money? Anything it gets rebalanced into the next budget cycle and go forward with recommendations for capital project for just and so, just water series. Yes, it that's a great question it all. It's all wired ceremony, it whatever's not sent, just stays in water, and syring gets basically realocating and other.
So the benefit of operational efficiency is at a much as we can possibly say, they can go. Pay for something else or absolutely? Yeah, absolutely. And you've got a great team here that i'm going to agree. Looking at everything. So you're doing a great job on them. From here.
We're kind of got away from the department but I went through, i went through the departments very quick, you were going more detail on the departments. Yeah, you covered it pretty good. So I know we talked all the way around it, um, It's a very flat blended outside of electricity chemicals.
And in a few other, you know, contractual things like Tom, getting the plant test that other than that, it's a very flat budget through all these divisions. And i will say that they, um, They are tasked with former leader budget similar to what we went in general network. They getting start with current year operating budget and that's kind of where they start the new year.
They do have supplemental requests in and out. We did not provide you guys with a list on that but i can i'm just running through it and they're the biggest item, was the two million if it's the change from us, putting in a capital project to pay for these contractors to be main breaks tasks, those things will be putting it into operations manually instead, but i'm also seeing, you know, he's got some items on here for Pump and motor repairs.
We thought a couple of forklifts on here. We thought some trucks that need to be replaced in the department. We thought A couple laptops. Just some very minor things. I'm not seeing anything other big things. You've got capital, you've got the joint software and well we're going to talk about that.
Yep. In this second that's the biggest one. When we bring Jennifer controls, have to talk about utility. We will talk about a big change that's coming over Texas group too. In the lab has been a president. We have three minutes, three point six million for upgrading select facility. So that's in capital we'll talk more about that tomorrow with Kyle but y'all if you want to you can certainly put back in your books that a capital section.
If you have any specific questions, if you turn to page, Um, Sorry, baby 29. On 829. You're going to see the recommended project that the water and sewer group is recommending to use this 33 million dollars, force. The first one, there is a 4.6 million dollars software that we'll talk through carriages a second, but it affects make sure that we're properly building.
It collecting to ensure we've got funding for operations of water, service with all their capital projects so. But other than that, you can look through the list. There we are not composing, a debt insurance as mentioned. She said something so special. Looking to come out of just um cash money through water obser.
It is one common this year is going to be primarily a design year 18, your big house. You're going to come on on years soon three or four reacting this shot team economy to paint page and then make sure we don't have any fairly questions because we talked through a lot.
And it's easy to kind of get lost in the numbers employees. You can correct me to find extra sound better this city. So we're running the water and center department on 65 million dollars, 68 million dollars. We have potential to bring in a hundred and 13 million. This would be an annual.
Look, i'm looking at proposed budget. 68 million, operating less depreciation and then scheduled capital 25. Schedule capital is 33 and then you get services, you know, for 30 million left over. So what i want to say to council is we're running our water and sewer department. That roughly 50 percent.
Um, Cost versus what we would call profit and businesses but not In this aesthetic, so you're going to have 60 million dollars. At the end of each year with these given, Figures. To run these departments. And and we're going to schedule very cost during that they were. Yes. Okay, yeah.
So the reason that i'm saying then because we're looking at a hundred and fifty million dollars, In one, you know, let's say we have both points that we could get done for that amount and then we have 1100 miles. Um, Two room one and replacement or maybe? Yeah. So So, the main replacement will shift to will look for grant funding through, especially the department of interior on that.
Piggybacking, on creme law, they use that That for their funding source on grants. So we'll look for for alternative funding sources for other programmed. In this like a closed, some of these will happen to move forward with some other program. But as we move through this, we'll be looking for funding sources for all of this related to other options.
I assure you at some point of God gets that plan for together and we're going to put in a dead influence plan to address the construction and related to whether we add revenue or use existing revenue as we see, the revenues will see what we can do with existing revenue or have to have a rating creek to fund that rental.
And i will work with the Texas, water development board and look for those. Interest rates that we've gotten in the past where they have the AAA rating. We had our triple, a rating and you compound, those in. Am i system with zero percent? When you compounded those two ratings together, so we can anticipate qualifying for some of this.
Through the clean water state, revolving funds and federal EPA, we just are hitting the tip of the iceberg on. What we are know. We have to know it. None is timeout knowing to know which program we're going to go get so Let me ask a question knowing that we have potential for some schema funding.
Through the flooding. If we read it, if we reach intolerance And then we are running, roughly 63 million dollars. That will have to plan for now, that's with these, given five percent increases. So if we took those away, we need 50. Five million dollar. If we chose to wait a year.
To implement these increases. Uh due to the fact that we're all talking inflation and cost of living and goods and everything that's already being hot. We still have 55 million dollars that were able to put into our CIP project. So If you told me, well, that's not enough because i can get all 63 million dollars worth of work done.
And i need to get it done by this day. Definitely go for that. I think if we said, well, no, we couldn't get to that much work. Anyway, we're basically billing in advance because we need that money, because our future project is so large. That you know our community doesn't really know yet.
How large the issues are? We have main breaks, we have all sorts of other stuff so talk me through that from your side and In handicapping you if we didn't put a rate, increase immunity Uh yeah. So the veter for hollywood most of that because it will move forward immediately with this budget.
So lowers design on what john's information comes in. We'll get put those in place. There's some other listing, background, forgot the exact ones, but those projects will all move forward in this year. And so what would happen? So you know there's no exact science to saying yes or no to that question.
What would happen is it have it has a more magnifying effect if you don't raise the rates. Now, when we would have to wait on those capital projects and realize the revenue before we start, so it can actually delay off our projects. So you hadn't run a risk where it says Starts raining and it rains for six months and we know revenues are going to be down then the only real adjustable.
Opponent. Is that capital? So, It would put at risk to start dates of those. I'm sure you were not going to finish 17 million dollars worth of work on that in the year. However, Uh, you keep in the public setting. This is where it does differ a little from a private business.
I have to actually have the funding toward the contract, i can't afford it based off. I want to have revenues next year. I can pay the debt issues that way, but i can't afford a contract. So i would have, i would have to split up the design into contract which is going to positive much more money.
Now, is it worth it? No, we haven't analyzed that, but you run the risk of Putting your projects. And costume all my Uh through that process and then you also have the risk of delaying the project because We have to wait and make sure the revenues are realized whereas with this amount of revenue and how we did that don't revenues exist and we can move are there projects that won't you know will start in the last quarter of the fiscal year.
Yes. Is there anything significant that i see being put off past that? No. So it could run a risk of delaying, some of this and I ain't saying we would delay hollywood, i think it would delay, the others. New hollywood is going to go no matter what we did, and we've got to fix that now plant.
So, there's no way that it has staff. We're going to stop the hollywood design. It's the other projects and the soft. Billing software things like, that would be at risk for being delayed. Uh and those in my opinion, that those are just a critical of hollywood to our success going forward.
That we get those projects in the mix and get balance. Okay, appreciate the answer. Is that does that help? It does cancel question.
World. What could we look to depend? Say that again. It were this much cheaper than like Lubbock or surrounding town, basically, with 10%, increase in this diapers, i haven't done that. I think we, let's say that. Let me do that research. Tom if you let me do that reason because this a few years, yes, that stable exact year.
And i was gonna mention to, i think one thing just to keep in mind is that um, also we know there are potentially additional increases needed coming up so it's maybe just how you all want to handle it if you want to do something larger now with you know potential larger ones coming or something smaller.
Now with larger ones, i i don't know, some of that might come and overlay as well, so i would tell you my thoughts on that. Pull out. I was still holding back this year because i still want to see where we land with fingman and And that process before i say we're going to have a late increase issue.
Debt that we pay for ourselves with our customers. So i think the design time that John correctly and you're from now, Moving into the design of this thing, but i don't think we'll need to award. So i don't see a whole lot of difference of adding and rating increase next year to do the construction initiative debt.
And we know much more information to know where we're asked, and we're like more solid on. Our financing plan is for this magnitude of a project. We looked at our tax rate, which we're going to go down. They might be a good time. Increase now.
That come through are those reflected in this account balance or those being. So, they're in a golf project and most of that, you know, some of that already spent all the terms of that They're probably just in my family, eight to nine million of that. Still thing available to not be in that project, but we don't know that I actually have a knee, i won't be here at 8 o'clock morning, because i'm having a meeting to go one that final plan and i have a mediation And abandonment to do.
And i am sure that a significant portion of that funding is coming back to this. Power and division. That is that, that would come back into the same mechanism when we put it into the available, cash for all the allocate my project next to fiscal year. So once we identify what the remediation is and less than abandonment plan is, we'll need to start designing those contracts.
I get that in from it, and then i bring that available funding back to this process the same way. So there's there could be a significant portion of that. Come back in next year for you to allocate the project. I think council would appreciate if we could give a bigger picture from you guys so that if you have future projects that you know.
Well we were going to ask for another five percent later or this is what we're anticipating. Two, three years down the road. I think we would like the opportunity to either. Say, look, we're fine with staying static. Where we are. And knowing, we're going to have to move this much in two years to be better.
Based on something else or to say no, let's take this over three years. Three percent in time to still get to the same and it'll be smaller than those two different philosophies. We're not necessarily getting to look at just because we're only able to see what we have right here.
So if we can see bigger picture, when you come back, that'll meet up a two years ago. I had a really no solid 10 year, old plan or dead issuances and rate increases. That i would. Is, it's not accurate because that considered the frame replacement and other Other things that are still on the table.
So we'll bring that back. Thank you, good. But if i'll get this quick, as i can to you, for discussions, Look at your text. So, unless i see you, you may have one final question. Well. One thing i think because we talked about it in this room, we've talked about it in public meetings but obviously I don't know if it's information has gotten out about this, but i think we just need to be very proactive and this is like this is not the easiest benefit to understand.
It's kind of complicated but i think we need to be looking for a way to make sure that we're communicating to the public. Exactly what is going on and why is going on and you know, part of it is on us. I mean there was some things that happened That, you know, shouldn't have and even take responsibility for that.
But obviously, we're going to have to make it investment and i think everybody wants us to be taking care of our way foreign wastewater. But i just think we, you know, we're talking about these parts of it. I think we need to be, you know, just thinking about how we're going to make sure that the public is aware of.
Here are the problems that issue. A flood seems to be a blessing in the skies, in some ways, potentially it caused something worse. Could get us some additional, you know, funny but that flooding is, is another factor that's causing, you know, this damage and to be able to, to, for the public to know what's going on because it's a major investment.
They're going to have to help pay for that investment. I think at the end if they realized we want our wastewater for treatment effectively if not we're going to place the material problems as an investment that we've got to look at and that were they're trying to handle them.
That's what john two, main projects that we're going to have to prep plan for. In Hollywood and then our future north treatment plan. But there's also criminal too out there on the verizon two's, you know? So there's a lot of reasons to start incremental increasing one of them. So we have resources still do projects about massive increase in water rate, it will still always require increased water rate to do criminal too.
That if we start doing it now, It won't be a giant increase. So just get another increase. But that's To the mayor's point of the philosophically. We won a big increase down the road, and we want a bunch of little increases now, And also wanted to say that, You know, we talk a little bit yesterday about debt, that's outstanding and could be rolling off at some point.
Um, We in water and sewer, they're in a pretty similar position. It we don't really have much rolling off till about 20-29. But there, there are several that instances that will start rolling off at 29, 29th, 20, 30, 20 31, you know, some of those areas. The other thing we can do especially with these once we have better ideas of what we're looking at, what we're going to need to is you get for We can work with our financial advisors to look at structuring things around.
Even some of that rolling off. That might potentially help absorb some of the impact of this going on along, with criminal law to just write around. I mean, right around the corner thing speaking but not too far down the road either. So we just need a better idea. Once we kind of get to that point and we can kind of look at it with a couple of different angles to give you all some of my thoughts, some ideas and kind of get some depression on how y'all are doing that.
It's just, we're all just a little tiny of what you say, three months premature on this. Um, we'll be there pretty quickly the other Forward challenging thing is we're going to have to approve a budget before this budget before i can. He's going to get definitive answers also impact so we can bring some more information and if i don't know that we will be quite to the point that it sounds like a dollar one investitute that But we can bring some comparisons to some other communities.
We can certainly do that and then all the things we do know, we can talk through, but i don't know that this situation will be, will have good solid numbers yet. No. But the budget that we have available is good for the design. You're one, when we start, that's your cheap.
One of the projects It won't be a lot of stuff going on on the ground with the new stuff from the permanent improvements. However, there will be a lot of stuff going on in the ground. To keep the plant going. And by a lot of stuff we'll probably talk about.
10 15 million dollars worth of fan days. We would have to use over this year. And that's, that's, that's funded God in this 17. Yeah, that's all in this example. That's what he's talking about is that'll get us time. Yet to In one year from now. Will have good numbers.
The yellow army up. You'll see them because i'm getting the sales will be pretty large, but my successor will enjoy. Building company. And, Okay. How many departments did we covered? Well, i i went really quickly through the individual religions, you would have questions within those operational budgets want to go through that or you can now it's very glad it's electric.
I think you covered all 100 pages very well. My question was, did we skip over any that we utilities? We moved to solid wood. Oh, we want to talk with you a couple minutes, okay? And then i think we can wrap up water and sewer unless you all had anything else pressing, if one of them i can keep the other thing for two or three days before we're going to let john go ahead and shut down.
So um thank you and Jennifer, do you like you know and then so if you want to now turn your books back to page 15. We can look at our utility billing area. And again, as coordinates in utility, billing, presentation of building components is the revenue. Component of water financial area where progressive operations run from water and zero standpoint front through.
Employees area. And so we have dinner crooked voluntary is head of our utility billing department. I also want to put a plug in here, that it is not an official separate inner part department yet, but she is also running our upscaling of three one. One. And so she is has lots of call center experience because she really filling has essentially been the city.
It wasn't always just water bill questions coming in and so is a natural thing to to start kind of dual purposing. Some of the staff in that area, which is just grown and grown, and grown, and so Jennifer, can you just real briefly? Tell us the department that you all are covering from a 311 standpoint?
There's your calls in our operations at this time church right now. We're covering animal management. So it was in community development. We've also have discussions with AECC on taking on some of their non-emergency calls as well as the city marshall's office. Um, so right now today With us. Go vibes since june 22nd.
And we've taken 868 calls off of them, community development was our first one. We started them april 27th. And that one has 5,689 calls that we've taken off of there as a department and solid ways. We started May 15. And that one is 4600 calls everyone. So, as you can see, they are starting they, i say we're slowly ramping up very long one, it is not slow from their end at all.
I don't know that we can staff jennifer and her team with enough positions to keep up with the volume. But i do want to mention we've been um, i think jennifer definitely has struggled with us a little bit over the past couple of years because we keep saying we are going to break apart.
For one one, we're going to have utility billing and we're going to have a standalone 311. That's going to work almost like an internal. So like IT like fleet like our insurance then However, we've been a little hesitant to be the full break apart until we get all the software and technology pieces.
And those are not there yet. So we Jennifer and her team have been such troopers to continue to do all their utility billing responsibilities and manage all of the 311 call kicking operations that we have and they're doing a phenomenal job. And and i mean they're doing the legwork behind doing all the mapping of you know the call chain like when someone calls in on animal management or welfare and they are have a question about this.
You say that, then you do this and this is what triggers to go. Some over here or over there, you know. So they're doing all the mapping pieces. Which is going to be the backbone as we start putting all the technology pieces in place. So they are doing so much work behind the scenes.
I don't think they get much recognition because they're always known as utility billing. And so, everybody's calling the water department. Well, there's so much more than that right now but what i'm hopeful, maybe this next budget cycle, you're good to see this massive break apart in jennifer's department and we're going to be fully expressed out 311 and setting it along by itself and and essentially part of everything they do out to all the using departments, we're just not going there yet.
So jennifer has been wonderful and bearing with us as we just keep piling on the workload to her and her team. So with that, that's been one of their huge things going on. And so you'll see some weird fluctuations, especially in their personnel. A couple of things that play there one is we have?
Been trying to gear up as we know part of it. Some of this 311 support coming on. And so as we're trying to kind of strategically, start building the framework to then pull it apart. That's one of the biggest things you're seeing there. Um, another big thing that you're going to see in jennifer's area as you all probably know, back in 2017-2018, we implemented a new utility billing software and it was anything but perfect on the rollout.
Um, and so i think we might have even made some national newspapers possibly. But anyways, i i I know we all builded a lot of calls and so continue to Um, We do have some great things coming and so jennifer humor walk us through the one that's coming up really quick.
We're still in all from this cutting council meeting but i'd like to kind of announce a couple of things that we've got coming. Yeah, we We have always had an issue with our payment customer coral, Adam transmission into this new software in 2017. And, We have gotten to a point to where we're trying to catch up with our customer service.
Part of that is the implementation of this pay AMA portal which is going to be launching with utility billing, but it will be a service. A payment portal service that will be established in every department that takes in some sort of city service. So, It's it's very streamlined. There's different ways to pay.
There's a one-time payment option. There's also A portal where you can actually register and keep all of your Your information if you're wanting to create settings within that portal. On auto pay, whether it be credit cards, each check, however, you want it. And then there's also a new feature that we have that is paid by test.
So Every time to accommodate to what our customers are asking of us and, and providing services to them in a way that is cleaner easier to navigate through the portal, and it gives them a little bit more option on how to pay. And i will say i'm rich and iClope because i think i'm pretty pet savvy.
For the most part i would imagine riches. Um, and we both um, have you know, hit our head against the wall with frustration with our online payment system for utility billing, like i have the time cannot navigate it. I'm a rich has struggled has come in and asked me questions on how to pay a water bill online with our current system.
It is not user friendly. We know that we have been complaining about that with our software providers for years, it isn't? It is, it's true. Yeah, burning your IP professional and build my own ihei at home. And i had to go to utility billing to help update my credit card and if i'm having that issue there was no way that this is easy for me and so we have known this and so we've been trying to explore what auctions we have to been under contracts on another software for a little while.
We're past that Jennifer wins. Go live. And so we have a new payment portal that's going live on mother seven august 7th. So i'm we are almost there. So it's very perfect timing. I mean, Tom that you had asked, can y'all updates on how to pay water bill because nobody can figure out how to do it?
I was what they're going. How did he know we have this coming. So it's fantastic to on tuesday. We're gonna, we're gonna kind of see our first big announcement to the public. If the council meeting Then we're going to start pushing social media pose. We're going to have it on our website.
We're going to do a press release. We're going to get the word out and it is going to be so much more of what most the average person is used to going online and making a payment on any other website. It's going to be a lot easier, it's going to make sense, it's going to be easier, it's going to do this Jennifer and her team a lot more ability to navigate home backside of of the software as well.
And so i think that's going to be a huge win that is coming very quickly in this area. Um and then behind that, we have continued to struggle with some challenges with our existing software and we started is at a not overly successful. Go live launch in 2017 with our software and we have struggled every step along the way.
And so we have recently issued an RFP to look at replacing our utility billing software so we are actively in that process as we speak. Those were the dollars that were in that capital project budget and we are going to get a solution that actually works. Properly, for citizens and works for our utility billing staff, because we have run into many challenges over the years.
Um, rich. I know gets tired of us all complaining about the software. And so we have personally putting calls all the way up to the very top of the organization just to get things resolved at times that have not pulled still got results. So Um, it is time, it's time to move on.
And so, that is what we are working to do. It is not an overnight change. Um, once the rfps completed, i'm assuming it a product. How long do you think before implementation? Is what about a secure, 30 years, a year and a half? So we're hoping in about 18 months or so.
Things are going to look into a lot different. So along with that, then for auditorium, taking all of this stuff here. So Um, and so i think i've lived and breathed this world with Jennifer for many many years. So we work on all this but um, yeah, go ahead.
If i can add yellow important, part of to adding oil, is it means it always looks the same through our sins, they don't care what the back end looks like, or what that software is as far as to as far as their experience, it's always the same. And so the the plan is Jennifer mentioned is let's start with utility billing but then on down the road, if someone needs to pay something else to the city, they can do any kind of one soft shot, you know, so it's always the same, it could already have your information in there.
It's just ease of access for citizen, then the other piece of it is. Ami coming in jennifer you want to talk about that because there's a way to kind of connect those together. Is that correct with the AMI portal? And the payments do? They talk to each other? We have so there's also an additional piece of consumption portal that will work with our utility bone software as well as the AMI leaders.
Um, and payment is so that will all work together. Like Rich said to be just so of one thing for the customer. But all of those would be working in the background for us to to navigate through the consumption portal will give them the ability to Within their, their account.
If they opt into that app, Um, if they do, do not want to exceed a certain dollar amount or certain thresholds, Um, on their water usage, they can go ahead and set that up within the consumption portal. Um, and they can do similar things within the payment portal, but those two would be working together.
Uh, they would also give Information on. If you have a leak, that's protective work. It exceeds the amount of water usage, anything that's going on on the property, it will detect that within the consumption portal. If you're opting into that app and deliver that information to you the attacks.
Um, or email notification. Um, now with The UP software that would also work with both of those the biggest problem. I think that we're having right now with our software Um that we're currently on is that there's so many manual processes and we kind of Gone back in time on what we're actually doing and it's not an efficient as we needed to be to serve our customers on a daily basis.
So, Um, with these changes, it's all can improve the accuracy the efficiency within our department. And so, um, Example for team makeup about 73 positions. I don't know that they're ever fully stacked. She's got a lot of turn and prepositions. I know that but She just know they are serving about 75 thousand customers across the city on and then they're also now serving all the customers in those areas, we talk about that.
We're starting to transition through 311 type operations, this is extremely Busy department very customer. Facing department and one of those that technology is going to change the way you can serve our customers. And so it is coming or just not quite there yet. And so, one of the ash solutions, inside the budget is for continuing support for those technology efforts to get this new software.
So, 13 is not doing as much manual work and work to providing a much more accurate and better experience for our customers.
Well, what are we going to do? I know we've got a ramp up sharp pain was so dark, right? He's been a great job. Um, what do we can do when the new system rolls out as far as this place? What we're going to do here?
The AI all that is going to redirect them. And will be in the product directly walking around anything. Little mentor. So we'll think of the AIPs almost has as A call paper. Yeah. And then we'll base staffing on how much we're able to offload, how to operative. And again, tonight, i don't think wearing we're close to the staffing.
That that jennifer's team would need to serve the entire city operation. So we're keeping that in mind as we know this piece is coming on so we can balance it. You don't want to get so big if they were having to drastically, put it back. If if as we're analyzing it, there may actually be more staffing needed there may be less stacking you, but I will say in some of those areas, there is enough nutrition going on that i can.
People that without Anything plastic, the same model will apply whether that's a person or AI. It's still in a service that that we're full charged entirely as an as our own service that the department's models. We have 11 days. Okay. 11 out of 72 or 77. Free. Yeah. Okay.
Um, Just construction related, we're building a new city hall drive up. So we have our AIP that's going to help. We have our online portal piece, that's going to help. Are we going to have that much needs for multiple drive-thru lanes? In your opinion? Um, actually yes, because i think our community, we have a lot of people who Like to come in person to city hall, to pay their utility if you think so.
But there's a lot of the traffic and Elderly day. Don't really. Watched or can't come up to city hall. So that was one of the purposes on why we have our mobile unit because that is operating and having drive-thru right now for our customers. But I believe that that we would still need that.
In order to operate and that could also be useful for our vital statistics department, as well. Um, because there's a lot of the traffic for model statistics, okay? Um, I'm looking at. You can help me Laura, we had roughly 600 thousand dollars more. Being personality in this budget. Yes.
And so, um, part of that is kind of Restructuring of some positions to help better support, utility billing function. And the 311 function is taking some Um, well, part of it is to address some of acting for entry level pay in order to get that a little bit more stabilized because so we don't.
So we fill it and keep some decisions. And then the rest is, i think getting the proper Supervision in places. We're starting to build out to structures. Okay.
So, when i'm looking at the numbers, i mean, i guess we Over here. Because i want to say it's 1.9 Yeah, so we We budgeted. 2.2, we spent 1.8.9. And so we're going from one nine up to two five. Thousand dollars. With 11 percent vacancies right now. So, if you continue to run, you'll bring in.
You'll be what Y'all average 50 thousand sixty thousand dollars per position. With benefits. Oh no. According. Let's go, take five hundred thousand dollars or so that you're you're running on. Less than that. I'm lost, i guess in the total because i have 73 positions for 1.9 says. So, how am i doing that?
Just in the total cost to run the department at 73 people. Um, While they're missed. And the other thing is professional fees, if anybody can help me out on that, 300 thousand dollars for professional fees. The professional disease of in order to use our staffing levels within our major leaders.
We have used attempting to see as well that also includes our door tax feeds for professional services. So it means of liquid tags that we send into our customers, we have a group that goes out and change those as well, so that those are the two biggest ones within that professional services.
Can we give a total on what we've spent on that or our against it on that this year? Because all i have is an ask me on page 521 under professional fees. You know, we spent in 2020 that's about 172 thousand 0.1 to 69 and then we just have estimates.
So i'm curious to 250, yes, 250. Who would get us there? And then really looking at 600 thousand. On your overall and and how we're affording the total of 73. He has teeth and that 2 million dollars.
Um, well, i'm looking at one nine. Seven five and i have a total of
So that that average is out and around point 25 thousand dollars summer parties. So with more common full-time, we're covering that plus we have 11 vacancies, right, correct. So what? I'm trying to get a handle on, is if we're advocating, 25% of 35,000 worth of budget here would be how many more employees?
Okay, there's a lot. Imagine, especially as we're now rolling out supporting me the support measurement for these other departments, which are specialized region going on. And so, we're going to be able to get employment and not spend a fortune on training or not. Yep, writ
So, you're really going from 2.25?
Uh, we can show increase in compensation in Chinese those position still and try and make sure we're still. But this is a good illustration. The difference between the non-level typical department in public savior. When we have a bunch of people gone, we don't necessarily Um, Service capacity of this.
Or on call on phone. Um, on those days from our missing team. So it does show up it savings, rather than Okay. But i think we see here though, even in, i mean, And it's 345 thousand dollars more in this year's budget for this and last year, What we're only add to people.
That relates to. 70,000 each for that, but weird. No, no no. It's also increased compensation. Okay, yeah, it's a restructure.
Yeah, i think if we could say, hey, this position pays 18, dollars an hour, we're trying to do whatever once 21. Then we could track that letter. Give thing that, i was really look to. And i think this is possible, because we can look back a little last year.
And we can see what a great job you guys have done. Through struggling with, you know, And where the software is. It's not functioning a lot of manual entries. We're going to plug 500 thousand dollars into that and let's say that that happens within six months. I don't know the time, but within a relatively short period of time, you're going to become more efficient.
Can we build in a restructure name, you know, increase or your existing team that you've built and you came and run just as efficiently without adding these additional positions, it's about keeping our total. Position to open where you're not running on 11, vacancies, meaning If you're not one, if you're not 80cc where you're working 16 hour shows, can we pay those people that you've already invested in?
And that we're, we're considering team more and still not the savings here on our total budget versus kind of doing the thing of hey let's add two positions. Let's build in restructuring. Add more ad one. And then we never look at efficiencies and then we potentially could be overstaffed and you then are in the position of how do i left 10 of these people go.
That i've invested in or what not. If if our AI if our interface and our 311 starts corresponding But i think that we're all on the same page. We are. Yeah, that's exactly what she's starting to work in. To this budget is i think some step progressions, well for her, especially in the call questions areas, in fact?
Yes. So that's we're trying to get that set progression to those dedicated to the boys that are sticking around the problem. I think that we've had, you know, in the past just today, it's been a revolving. Both in terms of pain, the entry level page into our department is very slow.
Um, on top of all of the things that they have to Know what's in that department within the group and it's not just the call center. It is within utility billing and vital statistics as well, because Those are utility billing employees, help with our vital statistics department as well.
And that's what those positions were for. Those those two part-time positions that we're adding in is to assist our vital statistics department. Um, is their their overflow in, in what they do, want to be able to basis? And so, another thing that she's got coming is as AMI comes fully on.
Even how literally this is, they're going to look and feel differently and they they know this. And that's that's a change that's coming. Will it produce a net savings? Um, i don't know that. We know what that's complete. Certainty. Yes. But we are not going to have people out reading every single leader in amarillo, every single month.
And so that's something that's going to change them all inside. This budget is well, And we're not there yet though, that would be something that we we would hope you would in-house those professional teams. Because i would think that our door hangers and things like that that we were doing, you know, potentially on the on the professionals fee side, we could in-house for a lot less.
There. I mean it's it's Quarter passes, especially with Everything else did water distribution, and utility billing capital, and on our army, the readers are reading approximately 5 to 600 meters a day. And that's per person, that's not including their rings and problem leaders that we have to go back on.
So, That water distribution is pretty much the same boat on trying to keep those employees there. The staffing levels of in order to do, make it on those leaders. Um, so With, with all of that, it's going to be difficult for us to to kind of transition to to that.
Now i'm just throwing this out there. We can reevaluate it as ami comes fully on and that everything changes with those meter readers. Absolutely. I think otherwise, i think we'd be looking at needing to add staff to, then bring those professional fees in the house that we're spending on all of the store tax.
So, maybe a question of you if you want to start doing it now we would need to kind of look at positions or within the next voice. Am i A couple years. Any of my schedule, we're seeing some leaders in 11, so we anticipate the phase, two installation, and again, august to september.
And then they came up. Okay, so or in a couple of budget you're needing Really looking at those positions anyways. Um, I don't know what we're paying for neither meters. But If you're saying you're getting 500 meters per day, That correct. Third person questions are rereading one. Um when dogs and weeds and come in five degree temperatures like envelope, i feel like that's a pretty large bag for for my students in employee.
I don't know how that species but that, you know, that one there definitely could be paid with an intense for that amount. Um, I'm probably less likely to look forward on some of those positions as As increased pay scale is really receivable around, invest in existence employees that we have an increased, those pay rates and work with less people.
My experience is simply that increasing of baseline higher on doesn't no good and in your ratios meaning your turnovers just as high. You just spent more money, five out that roughly 50 percent of the people you hire that hires, you know and that whatever your staff is it really doesn't change.
That's just business. I think that you have to deal with as a manager Um, were you going to say something to me? Yeah, and i think another thing that's going on in her proposed structure is with these steps generally. It's something the thing would be eligible for at a certain point of time to step into it.
So the way we would need to budget for it is assuming everybody could step. Reality. Is that not everybody who's gonna step in one year so you're going to continue to see savings. I think on that salary line items. Does that make sense? But we want to make sure we have capacity where she somehow it's a fully staff.
Rockstar department it, everybody is eligible. Just stepping into those increases, we've got it there for them. Um i wanted to also mention one thing on that professional line item. There's also the cost of printing or monthly bills. We outsource that service. It runs through that, professional.
Church animal presort out. So we've got that we've got the door hangers and then at times she's using some temporary backing services to support. They can see which is gosh.
Questions can count have that to mayors? How to make clarification. So i think what he was saying was we don't need to meet a readers. Why can they not transition to the door? So what you're asking? Yeah. We will, we will keep some of them because we're going to have to do some manual about cannot be done.
Well plant, at this point, is for the rest of those guys to go over to Important distribution and assist with other people, right? Meter and stuff meter in stores are repairs. Yeah. Okay, but i mean, if we have not, we can do that if it's going. If we can do a cheaper than the Outsources type real quick just to say like my overall concern is, and i'm going to say it again.
I've hung my hat on this guy over here named rich. But i'm a big believer that with this technology and with AI interface and with the community that's going to see after One touch of the screen, how nice and easy and smooth. That was That we within a year could be putting ourselves into a position of okay.
Let's let 20 employees do. But at 30 employees, go, let's find a place for these 40 people. You know, we're short in ADCC, we're short in police. We're short in the fire on civilians. So i think your naturally going to try to move the ones that are good city employees over there.
Want to stay and say yeah that'd be a good challenge. I'd like to take But i also want to want to hedge my bed in in adding you know 10 positions here if we're running efficiently with 11 days and i'm not saying you off Well, in all the those vacancies have just recently come up within the last, i would say three weeks, Um, we've had, you know, transition people who are transitioning into areas where at higher pays and so, those are our real struggles is that the pay within our department is at a lower rate where we cannot keep those Dedicated employees or those efficient employees.
Um, That's, that's really the the problems that we're having. So, it's And some of these are and it's across the board, it's not just a customer service representatives or agents, it's leads, which are kind of like an assistant supervisors. You have supervisors who are transitioning into higher paying jobs and so it's just kind of All over the place.
Well, and one thing i wanted to say, i think you were kind of alluding to this one thing. We talk a lot about over the years about is on her, especially with three one. One ramping up. It's almost A good graining beginning point for someone to then go on and work at age completely you know like so they kind of come in and cook.
The boys are not paid at near at the level today is but it would be a natural progression and you know as maybe some of these tools. Come on we may have some really grateful employees that we would be ready just to step into A whole different thing, but they're already used to kind of the Paul taking and the working group situations with customers.
I mean it is a different job altogether but it does seem like it could be a great, almost a training place for them. And can i'm not trying to oversimplify and i think what your issue is is that you're probably a really good manager and director and you're investing in your personal, you're training them.
Well, you're doing a job, that's why you're seeing them. Qualify out and look for that. Of things. So, Where i'm coming at it is if i had 50 people in the department, With a 600 thousand dollar ask ask you that as a 12 thousand dollar a year increase. Firm position now, i know it doesn't work that way, but i'm just saying simply Um, you know, that's a large percentage increase per position.
You know, if our entry level is 25. You know, so well, what i would need and i think what council would be great in benefited because if you could bring back like, hey, our entry level is 25. We can't get anybody working. We need at least 30 or 32, or whatever.
And then here's how many of those we have. And then here's these additional key positions that we need to supervise. And so if we can if we can formulate that i think it will help us get where we need to be okay. Yes, yeah, exactly. We just add all of it.
We don't have that friends today but we can get that to you guys. I also, i was just doing a quick math. So It's going up. 345 thousand. Um, Over prior your budget and oh, yeah. Yeah, and then if divided by 73, that's 740 700 dollars per position, which i know in.
That is not how that actually plays out because it's not an even overall but Just a friend of breakfast, the plan, there's a plan for progression, we're trying to create an opportunity for advancement inside that department. So, the people have something to look forward to and the main reason to stay So these salaries are not made of the general funds, that corral them.
Well, i'm sorry. They're, they're not if we Y'all are taking all this call. Are the other departments can be paying against employees. Yes, we are. Starting to track that and that is that progression set? That will be taking. Yes. So that's it. The water surprise water. Quick movement, trucks.
Um for our meter readers we have i think one or two, it's all staff right now and it just depends on where we're at. You know, summers are are really are busy as times for our meter readers and a lot of people just don't Like the extreme weather that it would kind of have to go through.
Um so just depends i think right now we have four meter reader positions that are that are making it Um, and we have three that are Coming in from just our HR registries Um and then i think 31 that maybe becoming from our temp agency. No one should do.
We say, Temp agencies. Important point. I believe that right now, we have a contact with some of the 15 dollars i think starting for me to readers but Um,
Maybe we know how much they're paying. Well, it's 15 is more than what we think employees but less than what we pay for them. It's also more than what the attempt important is getting paid because the dedic agencies. So it isn't savings but you can't count on country.
Is not in your festivals. Yeah, it's hard to contempting to see because that printed system from actually driving the vehicle. So they have to be a passenger on any sort of looter route and we have to, you know, move trucks around to pick those up. Um so it is ideal that we do hire within, you know, they come into our HR registry and apply for positions there that ideal for us because then we can get them on driving.
Go back to the walking thing. So, Are most of those utility billings. I mean are if you had to make how much of that is to be coming in today, they're Um, Yes, it's also With those two out and vital records has one one separate registry or register there.
And then Utility billing has three registers and so they're separated in the payments, okay? Of it. I guess my question is, when you look at the resources, really Put aside for people to come in and person and pay. You know, what kind of resources are we committing to having to take that?
Then i guess also we have to put together bank depositives. We just approved contract, yesterday, of an army car that has to take. You pay your share of that. I'm just wondering how much, and, and i understand what you're saying, and some people come like, to come in person to pay.
But i guess if you look at other utilities, They really don't provide method of an inverse and payment option. I mean you've got to pay either. You know, you got to pay Online, whatever. Maybe AT&T may have a kiosk in their store, where you can come pay there. But they're not, you know, in most most places are not allowing, you know, people don't walk down to take the building because i just wondered how much personally.
I think that we have. Over time to try to work with our citizens more so than maybe some private company tab, just because there's a different, um, Yeah. Relationship, that citizens feel like they have with governments, then they might with, like, a private company. So, we have worked to try to fix commentary or citizens such as possible.
I do know that. I i think jennifer and her team would love to say no more walk and payment but i don't know that that i don't know. That's that's realistic for us. Um, we have a lot of cash paying customers, a lot of cash paying customers i understand that but but they can't pay cash to pay their sbs and i understand but but we're still utility but i'm just wondering, i'm just saying, i'm not that we change it but you know if we look at the possibility of reducing the extensions.
Yeah, because that's a lot of money that we can read out and take the compensate other people's in your department. Well, and our even looking at, you know, as we look to try and whittle down on the new city call, you know, do we really need to put a drive through in there.
I understand that. It's convenient, but i just, i just, yeah, it would be nice. Just to maybe we could get an idea of what the the, you know, community reaction with it. But we're going in places where to, i mean,
The interest in the same. How much is it costing us and i think the drive-thru subjectively reduce our Walk in your body.
Is. Elderly has been not having a while yet, but the I i would i've never been to a city that didn't have an in person payment capability. You just playing with them being the first well and i'm okay. Well maybe the first person i'm just saying This might be one of those things that The economize the question can with an in-person.
Well, you know, we've sort of made quite clear, we had the harsh pain process. Which we're going to change right next month. And you would think we make it easy. It's a lot easier for somebody to get on their own.
I mean we if we sell the project, right? I think, when you cut through, Pain on the people.
We could certainly. Um we can certainly come up with all sort of ideas for you guys on that. That is not an issue at all. I'm looking at this back here and it looks like about they take about a 10 to their customers every month you person. So just to understand that that's um The population that were we would be affecting.
Um, so we can certainly talk through closing time on that. We do have a lot of citizens that either don't have capabilities to do online payments. Or Um, you work with being able to services, to provide To provide assistance in utility bills. And Requiring that customer to come in with your seats to set up arrangement.
Um we also have our fire hydrants where companies introduce them in and he issue contracts instead of accounts for fire hydrants. That is a requirement for them to come in office.
Well, i can't do it because This was back home. Yeah, sometimes. I think. We try to complicated thing for all gather, every nasty people come in. And i don't know, maybe. Your ladies that are taking the payment now, for, why do you bring your bill in and we get there at you.
I mean, they can do tank of change a huge part of that, too. Is like where was dating? This? A lot of the cast payments that are coming in through our departments, some people just don't have the ability to have any bank accounts or have the ability to have a credit card.
So they have to utilize those money orders and cash payments to pay in person. There's always going to be back but it's the same percentage that have problem with their electric field or have problem with their telephone bill. What funding everybody was talking about? They all have about a dollar.
Well, and i mean and again at this point i don't know whether it's it's Written five dollars on them or five hundred thousand dollars on it. I just think being able to look at it and assessment and they get And afterwards in here, nice looking to bring that back, i guess maybe it's not uncovering coming, you know, government practice.
But i just know what the challenges that we are facing and our budget with the lack of revenue that, you know, we've got we got to find out amount of revenue. I think we have to look at all options at the end. I don't know. You know, we may decide this is not a good option, maybe in one or whatever.
So again, i just think if you looked out these are going and technology. And you know, i don't know, these people are coming out, i'm about how they pay their other bills, whether they're aspects are. But i think listen personally, see what the savings potential decision that it's something significant that we could.
Maybe save some, you know, or are we invest? Again somewhere else and the department to help on those values. That, that is great. We can certainly look at some options on that after we'll bring that back to you.
Any other questions on utility? Great. So, as i'm mentioned, we're going to have A presentation um at tuesday's council meeting and we're going to announce the great things that are going to be coming, right? Very much i appreciate it. The other thing bridge. Is it going to work in benefit yourself?
Let's under promise and over deliver let me i'll be yeah it's not been working. That's He can do it. I know we're good. So it looks good. So, and then Some of the solutions will be bringing back to you, may need to be a rolled out possibility. Just because of some of the constraints i know are currently building software has, especially with human arrangements.
Other things But we will reinform some ideas. Bring y'all potential cost savings on. If that were to looking for differently than it turned offers, and then we'll kind of go in there. Thank you, very good. Hey, thank you up next. Are y'all ready to talk drainage or married? Yeah.
Probably need to take them. You ten minutes? Yeah. Here we go, party.
Pretty good. I was talking about trying to get through drainage and solid waste by 15 or something. So we think if we begin we can get through vocals today and then pick back up in the morning. So, if you won't want to turn in your books, there's two places, it's kind of your refer to if you want to turn the page 587.
That is where you two, or your dreams. You totally budget narrative and details are we also, as a reminder, you may want to flip back a little bit like you did with water and sewer. Um, it is also the cash flow that we had outlined yesterday is starting on.
Page or three so horses was kind of what we covered and then 587 is where some of the details are and so on. We want to start off with their considering, absolutely, yes. A quick overview of granted utility. I think my credit say provided about that but you'll bear with me.
I might be repeated some information, so this is bad DS. You see an oh sorry the assistant superintendent capability and market ideas are public, works analyzed. James Thacker is drains utility superintendent but he had previously scheduled vacation with the same one to actually ends today. So we do what about one day so that is here with us.
We're good news with that. So, granny utilities responsible for the maintenance and operation of the drainage utility department and that's all the use of structure that we have. So it's got to think of it in a way that water runs off. It affects, we starts upstream with your curve and gutter drainage channels where those grass lined or concrete.
If your storm water, inlet storm water, pipe manholes outfall structures. Any other drainage structures and then some drainage violates around town and pumps that. I think we're all very familiar with by now at some of the violates, some that we own and some that are actually probably ill One of the things that i kind of wanted to talk about right now our current staffing, we're short 18 employees, which is 75% staff, those 32 budget dispositions that is significantly better than they were over the past two years.
Only two years ago there were 50 percent staff and then last year working directly with RHR department and in these guys from draining utilities making a harsh, push to go to any kind of recruiting event, any kind of job fair that they could we've seen those numbers rise. And it directly reflects when i looked at.
That we want we spent in 2020 and 2021 on personnel. Significant increases over the past year, but that's because we're getting closer and closer to fully staff are ready to use. Primarily you're in utility workers, which i think across the city, we see difficulty hiring that, and More of a kind of revolving position, but been very happy with the improvements there.
Some of the things the shortages allowed us to do over the past few years, were Purchase some equipment that has helped us out significantly with efficiencies. So where we had some salary saving where we weren't able to do as much work, stay in replacing concrete curbing, gutter. Band rules aliapers, rarely use that money to purchase two pieces of equipment.
One was a remote control mower. It's not quite as cool as it sounds. It's it's fairly low to the ground but it allows us to mow very deep that we see around, fire legs and drainage channels without having to put them operator on a tractor, pulling a brush off behind it, and we've been much more efficient with our mowing because of that, the other piece of equipment which we purchase.
It just arrived two weeks ago and it's currently being made rating by our food services. Divisions was a volumetric mixer, so this will allow us to back our own concrete on job sites. One of the struggles of great utility has is it with confidence that order? Very small volumes two, three, four yards of the time.
For the concrete plants that are dealing with builders who may be ordering tins, dozens and even more yards of concrete. So good some pretty long priority so it's not in common for their food, to be sitting until the end of the day waiting on just a small amount of concrete we delivered.
So, having that volumetric mixer, you're going to allow us to back our own concrete, get the job done, move on to something else. So very excited about efficiencies that we're going to see there and an increased productivity in our concrete board. With that and other thing onto the point out was the street sweeping, that's another significant.
Area where we have struggled to hire employees. We are fully staffed right now with our street sweeper operators. However, street sweepers are a pretty routine maintenance issue for us. They operate an environment that's hard on them. They require a lot of maintenance, and so it's not uncommon for them to be down.
We work with sleep services again, prepared and back in operations quickly as possible. That is kind of wanted to bring attention to that. That's something that they do that. A lot of it happens at night when we aren't seeing it. But it's it's a pretty important part of what during the utility does because it helps protect our stormometer system.
Help keep yourself out of my life and just keep our city looking climbing, when we're able to do it through the level that that we want to do it and have all those treatments which operating That's kind of everything i had is a big overview of grained utility operations.
That you can see if i didn't. So, as a reminder, i wanted to mention that we do have Proposed. 3.2 million dollars in capital in this budget that will the details related to. That would be back on those pages. We're at earlier back, 800 and 30, i think. Um, There's some details on it.
Normally, we're able to afford to up about two million in annual cash, money capital. We were able to squeeze a little bit more in this year. And so, we've got Project in there for our practical fact, that way On 837, have a briefly. Oh yes, there's two projects in there.
Um, 44 Allen going to talk about that Georgia history. One that probably would be the price lawyer college talk a little bit more about that. Yeah, this is kind of a crazy person tomorrow but this one's pretty important. Yeah, i'm talking about the email account, perfect. So uh, the drainage project there is Georgia, street arterial and that is facilitating a prop one.
Uh, roadway reconstruction project for Georgia Street. So we're So, the drainage basically goes in first, a happens before b happens before C. And so drainage goes, in basically, in the, in the low spot there of Georgia. To. Mcdonaldly, McCartney. Sorry, McCartney. And then And then the arterial cultural behind it.
Hey. And then the rest of that capital funding is related to e and i and so you want to explain what those dollars. Absolutely. So drainage and our extensions and improvements is really used part of it is used to fund operations and so when strange utility gets that 800 thousand, but i say when they did it, because that's question budgeted over the past few years.
They divide that up into three different projects. One is called the violate maintenance one is called valid concrete and they recurve together and then the other one is basically storm certain type. Of five maintenance. The one that funds operations is the curbing better. They use that fund to purchase concrete to buy materials for the forms.
It's part of what. We'll go to biometer materials for this new volumetric mixer. The pipe maintenance. That's one that some years, there's not a lot of work, some years, there is a this year, we actually had some work out of there, the force main that comes out of the lake at the end of last year.
A slope actually failed and it washed a part of that pipeout where we ever use those funds. And draining utility to replace that course main in-house. We've not have to hire a contractor to do that repair. That budget where we do new projects like that from and the last is apply a lake maintenance.
So that funds again, something we're all here from there with right now, unfair month managements right now it's currently funding. The rental pumps that we have in place, apply a seven and the two that are currently now at Lawrence Lake. And that's what that's used for. Some years that gets down more than others benefit of it.
That being a castle project is that we're able to keep those funds from year to year. So right now in times like these, where we convert a lot of expenses, in a brief period, you buying rental pumps, fairly use some of the money that is left over in those projects over the past couple of years to help on that.
So just a quick question on that, that's all in the city limits. None of that extends to county. As far as the work, we're doing. Yes. But just on this five million dollars.
Consumer extension. Oh yes. Yeah, i would all be dippity limit cow. Is there any abortion of that? That would be counted on? There's not a. There is the property that actually the property own consent yesterday. Was quite right at the edge of. The city limits and on georgia. But now we own that piece of property to make the then it will it will be in a spread of building the arteries.
So no none of that project will be outside of the city limits as it's constructed. Okay.
Any, any other questions from council on this side? I'm sure to thomas quite pleased on the job. You build over time, manage it very well.
Overnight, no, no, this is one parking, we don't see a lot. I think that would test that he puts in a lot of overtime, but working, he doesn't get paid for These guys weren't very hard but we we do we have proves that do have to go out, especially we have rains and things like that.
They got at night, but we worked with on the field of technology. Where the the people that we paid, the rental fees that we paid. Uh, for the rental cars that lauren even before. The rain tank. Are they in here? And one of them. Well, today would they would be paid out of the You know, so that's part of the CLP.
So that's part of what is in the current budget? It's not necessarily in this but it comes out 800 thousand dollars since funded to CID. So i guess first of all that we have on one side and the one that we just replaced or got rid of and now the text dot as your so And wanted to apply.
So all that comes on that. That's right. And either the 800 thousand or anybody that wasn't spent in previous years. Do you have any idea how much so in rental pumps this year? We're just over. I think 700 thousand and obligations for rental funds. I had that number. I said it over to the communications last week but we'll take no long ago but it's it's right around there over half million but less than a million, okay?
And then we had a prior to 23. Well, right? In one In large, we have them. They've all been in 23. All the temporary pumps. The rental cars were installed this year. Oh really right. So remember fiscal year because i've cover one in september 30 is so bad. October 1 through january, just And then another component, as we move forward, with priorities out of the recent flood.
That's where we'll find design or future projects will start coming from that or other revenue sources that we have identified? So, for example, if Bennett lake unfortunately powering, we can start to design and to get act funds. Just go towards funding back and check the account. So just ask if you budgetary questions, how are we making a million dollars on for money that we have in training utility?
It just says interest income.
Press on mystery exactly. It's for just 591 any money that we have our hand. We're constantly invested in order to make sure we're making schools and bring the pain. Um, and then we also go back to some blog posts that are on hand right now. And so we're making answers How much money do we have on him?
Because i might want you to write a book by me.
While we're looking at a colloid. Let's say, you got a couple million dollars on hand. And we use the council to, you know, we really respect us opportunity to Do a rate increase and go and borrow abundant money with the money that they have. Well, a million dollars. Cash will borrow us 12 million dollars worth of work?
Let's say, but i actually haven't had paid them by, then you get a million dollars for every 70 five thousand in that service. So you actually can hold a little bit more. Um, To say that say that again every 75 thousand million dollars. So if you're updatement. So if you want to spend the million dollars, Yeah, permanent.
Oh, nice. So it's a little bit better than the moment. So so we we said 12 million borrowing capability on a million. We really would have 13.3 million automation. So for every million that we were willing to spend capital with the borrowing power. We could do a 14.3 million dollar jobs, right?
Yeah, everybody got that one. Move that Your goal to give it to my regardless. Well the money that is making all the interests. We have 20 million in laundry so it's already restricted in type of capital product that's all that interests. We don't have much money. Bond proceeds that we're not currently expending.
We are currently expending but they have us been yet. So It's from the 2020. Issues and the 2022. So, there's There's some that are time to. There are some that are time to There are time to make sure to across one projects that have not been completely constructed. So we have to build a street as we haven't spent the strange dollars.
There's five million in our downtown Um, a lot of people who are downtown during budget, Yeah, and so And then which is the solution or part of the solution to the this 10th street underpass and our third street underpass issue right here, right out our right out of this east side here.
Um, and then I'd have to go through my 20 21 years, you're stretching a little bit.
Martin Road. Yeah. Oh you maybe yes i would finish painting. So we have not known we're not quite finished paying for the bookmar and red so it's not exactly around us. That's my memory. Most of them there was some for the roads but there was a majority of that for mark, one of the money.
I will have. So your family winning right now. Can't follow you.
Too fast, how i can stop that next month, all of my overages in my budget. Let's go. Um, and that interesting come is extremely restricted because it is related to bonder proceed. So, um, yes, i don't even believe it can be used on anything operationally, a lot of be used.
So, what's it? Okay. I retired Liability. But we will um have some funding that can if there's any construction increases on some of these projects that interest How offset it or it couldn't. Very small projects related to drainage because our our bond hasn't strong, we just have to go back to what was he was very good.
That cash. Project is to get an update on no problem and then based off the priority as it goes qualifying. Yeah. So Animal having puts that, but my memory wasn't great enough community to find it up. You're right. But Having to look at that because i'm sitting here thinking i'm 85.
Anybody to worry about that as well, but then we can bring that to hiring projects and qualify as well. What's committed version? Back to the ability to go and do more videos. For every million, which we have what we have on hand, two million dollars, We pick our goal in a tax too.
Many cash capitals. And i'm just trying not to affect any other CIT or anything else. Enterprise fund this only impacts you? Well, and i'm just saying cipvia what he would, what he would already have budget so not to go and get into anything that would push another project out.
We wouldn't even have to reprioritize anything, but can we bring some projects into this year? And look at that issues on drainage utilities most definitely next year. We and i come along 2024, we have scheduled to look at five seven pounds for 2.4 million of the damage. We can bring something.
We just bring some forward with the rate increase on education and if it doesn't if it's implies 7, it's whatever priority we have. So are you wanting to look at? That type of project launch leg benefit leg or are you looking at master plan projects that we have? Let me tell you what i'm coping that and it may not be likely that i'm hoping that you reach a threshold where We do see some sort of fema.
Um, reverses and that ends up with some monies. Remaining that we can utilize or that, we had some insurance. Uh capability somewhere that we found. And so based on that, what i'd like to do is i'd like to see what our borrowing capabilities would be. And if we could do a 10 million dollar project or a 20 million dollar project or whatever, we can we can look at And then on that total i would love.
It is staff and say here's where we feel. You get the most bang for your buck. It's not 20 million dollars in one fly yet it's, you know, let's do this. You know. Storm water main extension. Let's do these two pumps. What's gliding? This leg? Let's create this over here.
In in the hose that we could take a hundred million dollar plan to really fix amarillo. Um, they're so prior to try to take a big hunk out of that and then leave for future councils, the need to know hey, the plan's already established. We we spent the money that we could at the time to prevent future flooding or at least mitigated for future.
But then, as councils move forward, you guys are staffed future staff to be able to bring that up as a continued. Outlook on how to fix. To that. That help. You know, we have a master planning projects like that. We we had a big line to farmers of georgia to georgia that need to extend to die 27.
And then each grain basin has master plan. But you also, we randomly come up with the growth projects, where into development. Of increase and that's what most of the road. Like George history is driven by development. So we've always tried to kind of balance. Those master plans of the growth with with Those areas like Bell Street and in 45th that a pipeline with benefit of traveling community.
So you have three major categories to look at that master planning, that has a high impact of the traveling public and then those growth projects. So if yes, if you will, look at that we could put together package of composals. Now In north man. One thing i would ask is counseling, is you want to prioritize, what we learned, how large like, and then it in five seven or the master planning board.
I think we want to be balanced. So i think he would see some value and grow. So i think if you're showing us, hey, there's three thousand homes here, there's 1500 homes there. Then what? I thought, i think we would be in a position to do in this business.
This one particular emprise. Yes, not that we want to max fund it, right? But if we knew we were going to, we were going to have a potential of two million cash reserves every year coming in or available cash. Um, I think we'd be looking 20 million dollars, right?
So, We have to funded in a completed, what you heard that's ongoing. So, but yeah, we'll bring you a plan with some project that and identify rating increases that would fund different levels. That's what i hear. You ask. Well, what i'm hearing from, you know, my constituents are You know, how's that drainage be working out?
Yeah, you know i mean y'all really getting your banks and your buck over there, we've been paying this for so many years. You know, we pay in all this money, we've never seen anything. Well, Martin rose proves that we did spend some, we spent 20 million dollars and they paid off.
This is three large neighborhoods over there. That didn't flood that probably are underinsured, that would So when i'm hearing that i think you give you get what you're paying. Or we'll just you know, we're not for either not charging enough to really perform. And and with a master plan, if we can move forward with the master plan, but we're going to get there.
Uh, not something that's like what we don't really have a master plan. We really don't know what was going, but we're taking bits and pieces at a time and then the complaint is the complaint a lot. Do i have to say, pay the speed? Well, the, the answer to that is, don't pay the key.
We'll get rid of drain. We, we use a sales stop talking to stop worrying about blood. We'll just get out of the dangerous, but it's all together. And and scalability. Well, that doesn't seem like the most likely scenario that we all want in this city from the forward, especially if our own property overall permit.
So, conversely, if we want to protect those property, protect the values, we need to get that drainage be assessment in accordance with an actual plan to go and take care of these problems. If we're going to hold ourselves to that accountability, which i think we we want. I think we have enough there to issue what you want.
We'll probably put together two or three levels of it to see where you want to end where the north forward in discussions. So you know, very aggressive one. I'm modern one and we're going to start with one and then we can see what those types of funding level will accomplish and coach.
And along with that, you'll tell us what total borrowing capabilities would be. And then what your budgeting is for your, what did we call them cash, funded?
Pump repair and annual public repair. Well, the concrete we gotta need that. We have a lot of flat work and training so we have to do to make repairs and stuff, we got to have money to be able to do those projects on them as needed basis. So let me ask council if you guys are hearing what i'm saying and do you you agree with it or do you want to back up from there?
Do we see this any different? When you think we leverage the cash that we have? And if you're gonna look at a drainage be an out of plan, trying to be increased. Now, it's not a terrible time because everyone understands what we can do with it. The mayor talked about, I'm getting back to the bud and then he said he gives you pay for it.
Well, You get the bang for the. We are definitely getting the bank for the bucket we have but people don't believe that because they don't see it, they don't feel it. If you don't live on Market Road where you don't see us maintaining drainage ways, All you all, you know, is that there are certain intersections in town, every time it rains a little bit.
In blood. They can't go through there. Well, these drainage projects have not been designed to fix those intersections. And the strange should be is literally a dropping the ocean but we need to fix the drainage challenges and so we go to the highest profile or the most challenging areas and as well as the birding.
An appropriate amount of that lemon to literally just maintain the infrastructure with a little infrastructure that we do have So, I can see where people would say, i don't see any benefit for this money about that. But there is huge benefits, there's not really obviously within the city limit, not trying to get outside of that, but If we were to throw out percentages that might help you maybe you have a 10 percent contingency, you know, so that you can lead yourself to the latitude.
But i can see that's wanting 30 percent growth, 60 percent. Existing, you know, in the way in which you're being aggressive and putting that out there. It would we want to do 50? I don't think we'd do a 50 50 and well, i don't know that you can you can justify 50 percent of the growth.
I think 30 percent growth would be very aggressive in accounting for growth for stormwater. But then, It's going to take some time to get there. You know, i mean, they can't grow those developments as fast as we put instead. No, appreciate that, directions. In the system. So like the other thing that we probably would be looking at is If we're putting 30 percent of this borrowed money, let's let's just use 10 million dollars in the project and we have three million dollars going to get to a 3000 unit neighborhood.
We are going to look at that as 3 thousand new payers, save five years down the road. And that's going to offset that three million dollars that we're supposed to be on. With, you know, reimburse capital And so, Here in that. Do you think those percentages are good directive?
Or would you we know how to change it? I think that is a good direction. First line close to that because And you cut road project down to ten percent of accomplish anything. So it's a good place to land with enough bad. You can do a project and significant improvement in different things.
So, or multiple projects that have multiple growth products, so, It's a response, the land of least, look at it and we can talk about that when we bring about exist and with funding plan with that. So I think it's a good spot for us to be and appreciate the opportunity to do that, okay?
Anything else on? On one question, did Is the flooding at another or something that happened because of the floating. But the flooding reveal any other problems that we really major problems if we really weren't aware of, or is there any areas that we say? Wow, that's maybe an area that we should elevate on the list because of things.
Maybe there was a The extreme problems there but could be in the future if we learn anything outside of what we already know. Any problems durations. My opinion. That's not what we are. No. I don't want to say no, but i think it. It. Highlighted how A single point failure.
Such as Bennett lake pumping to foreign and helping somewhere else. Just how and i'm not trying to throw someone from 50 years ago into the bus. But mad of a design that is because One point of failure. One pump fail is now, you have a major problem and a very high expense.
I mean, no, we've approved. The The rental office and warmers Lake, does it? Extremely expensive project just for a temporary pond. On solution that could have been done years ago. So i think highlighted flaws in our system that we do about the agree. Elevated. Would you think i was going to?
Because, What happened to john's plan? What happened to the Hollywood playing was an inflow and infiltration into our sanitary super system that was stormwater entering and being treated by our wastewater treatment, plant inundating our wastewater treatment plan, and so, Um, what i learned is, how much school water is not on an island that, that effectively are sanitary.
Sewer is treating. 30 million gallon of the day of the storm water that happened in that random. And so And so i want or supplementing each other. Number two they're depending on each other and and i if i if i did maybe a better job on my sanitary maintenance or handled then.
If i didn't collect that storm water in the sanitary system, Now must now much more system has to handle it. So potential that that i would have seen even greater flooding or higher water levels if my sanitary system wasn't collecting that stormwater. Um so to me, that was a design revelation of how those two things are interacted and that we've got to analyst, we've got to do some analysis on.
That was one of the things that happened. Well, now ahead of the other vision that if we have improvements in the stormbrane that will just say, we have more capacity to launch way, Many minimize them in an eye in the inventory. So they they do work together in a very closely related.
Uh, i think the other one that i think I saw out of 30 years in the business between here, Historically. We had a vision i think that the design you talk about people pass generations, going as busy, they weren't unplugged. They built a product Whereby their public expected to wait after a rain.
They were patient society, and if it rained finances, they just still for two hours and they went with a win. You don't have that in order building today, we have expectations of handling floods. For a more immediate response, meaning 30 years ago, 15 years ago, they built it for surface printed period.
That there wasn't very little storm grain to put in prior to the 1960s. And then from the 1960s, he started seeing more and more the contemporary quote and that is to get that storm drain underground into these the pipelines. So most of our problem areas are from the historical approach where just like i said the intersection of 45th and bell was one that You see pictures on the internet when it rains having to give it offered in pretty quick.
So, those things are On areas where i think we can invest upon. They didn't have a very good utility that was completely as general fund. All of equals So now we have the opportunity to look at them and put that money where it does have it, it is positive impact for not only the homes but the driving So, i think their area between
At this rain was Over a period of six-day weeks, too much. Whereas, Are typical blood is the one event five to 10 inches in the rain, you know, we had the airport issue a few years ago where we 12 inches in one store, So you have different storms and different outcomes.
This one gave us a vision of a month. Two month long playing versus nine. Cloud coming from budding, three hours, one years job. So gave us a vision of something that we're not normally. So before the 60s, the streets were your, doing wasted, you bring this and unfortunately that we like to catching up.
So that's that principle still existence. If you drive around where especially those old harsh town that street is still the drain facility? Because That's brick street or another areas are still. That's what is the drainage and the expectation was, you just wait two hours, you'll be able to go wherever it is.
So that's a challenge that's related to that intense form of talking about. Now, this will multiple intentions forms over the period of time who impacted people on mandate ways. So You can see flooding in a house there under this event because that saturation and that increase in flow. So that component was magnified under the storm and multiple headphones.
That's what i saw out of it. That there's an opportunities for pipelines. To have. More positive impact some of these neighborhoods.
Forget your hands. Sorry. Um, And we're talking city stuff. Okay, so drainage overall, we have pretty good understanding, do we do it? Even need drainage updates on anything or we good moving forward. We can get those from employees. Or we will look forward to bring that proposal back to you.
I don't know. I will continue that they do on the public situation at least as long as we have a pump. Funding this scenario, get to a Of reasonable level of applied. How are we doing as council? Or y'all taking a lot of emails, phone calls follow-ups on the drain on the flooding.
People. He's got some just just building up two or three times a week of the life should be on. So okay, that should help us build. Okay, i'm glad i'm not the only one that you're from village. It was very nice guy and there have been Tom's were and i appreciate him because he does have lies on things that i don't get to see every day.
So he does, i don't know if he builds that affectionately about me but Here good things to say about Sarah. Yeah he emailed me at least possibly families. Not that we need to take any time on it here but i still owe. You know, royal group follow-up meetings or still looking for all of that.
Once it's planned and and some legal. Can we use? There were a couple of questions email there were answering today related to permits but the team is on that. Follow up for Would love to check that out on this menu. Will update you were at, okay? Of running. Okay, nothing further.
Are we good to move to solid waste? We can keep a couple of you out there, i guess down. Yes, sir. If you'll go to these 573 in your books, so it's a little bit more. Um,
As a reminder, solid waste lives inside the general fund, so it's not separated out into the virtue sales tax increase. Subtext.
It starts on his parchment three but a page is probably want to refer back to and i'll certainly give Alan the opportunity to explain something. We talked about part of it yesterday. If you turn in your books as well to continue through page, 17 and paint 18, you'll be outlined there.
We're going to have some of those racing pages related to solid waste. We have five stitches on both. The residential commercial, What's inside? And then also on the landlord with local fund. And then there is an additional 9.43 percent rate of 3.8 came out too close to five three.
9.53% rate, increase in that's to fund a dedicated. That's the replacement program. So alice definitely give us some working out. Absolutely. So solid places is, you know, two divisions collection and disposal. So very easy to talk about them separately and just visually, there's a hand-off point literally, and it is the transfer station.
Separation is the collection trucks coming into the transfer station, put it on the ground. It now, lives in disposable where it is, that's what fiscal separation. So looking at, you know, complaints that we received within solid ways, we all know a legal dumping into significant problem around town and we're working to address, but the condition of our residential dusters is another problem that we get a lot of complaints about.
And so looking at how much money we had a bunch of duty in our operations budget every year for dumpster replacement. When you bacterium residential, doctors commercial doctors. New dumpsters need to be placed per development. We were on about a 29 year replacement cycle for dusters Just on residential and that was 18 thousand currently in the field irritated.
That is what leads to dumpster bottoms falling off them live falling off of them. When the truck goes to empty, attract balls out, And so what we propose was nine and a half percent rating degrees to get to a 13 year replacement cycle, where we landed at that. I think something like nine or 10 years would be better.
However, we also have the factor in what our staff is actually able to put out in the field. The number of dumpsters that they can physically replace every year. And we landed on the 13-year cycle. We think a greatly improve the condition of our officers in the field. But it's also a number that our current staff that is responsible for repairing dumpsters and delivering new dumpsters.
We keep up with Uh, what that will get allow us to do with the money that is budgeted within Um, operational budget so that part of the CIP. No and there's a specific line on them for it's approximately this year, the request is 1.1 million dollars that will be used to fund the replacement of commercial dumpsters.
Get buys the scrap metal that we use to repair dumpsters and go commercial and residential as well as we buy bottoms that literally come and looked it's like the bottom of the dumpster allows us to quickly replace dumpster bonds without having to get a whole brand new investor. We have a welding shop in there, able to perform those up to them, you know, back out in the field.
So it's not just a matter of a dumpster comes back on the scrap it, we repair them too, but we do see a lot of doctors now, because That's how it will do, what that program is. And while we're always getting very important and we'll help us with tractionality We won't have the trash fallen out of the bottom of the downstairs as much as we do now.
That's a long-term plan, though. Okay, 13 years with everything.
The first year. With the over 18 thousand divided by 13 is about 1200 bouncers.
Additional pepperon.
How are we uh and everybody these departments. How will we doing on staffing? How many open positions? Do you have any chance? Of course we you know we work through the challenges of kind of, you can kind of openings and then Is overall hiring now that's going in the challenges because absolutely we all know last year last summer, when it got to work was always equipment.
Operators right now in collection we're staff. Ninety five percent. Which just couldn't have space and i give it credit primarily to our department and our soluble superintendent review. Riverity. Even with this verb, a little over a year, after they work together to implement some raises, and did it across the city wasn't to solved wasted, let me weigh in alan.
Did a little bit of work like on a trending program and helping that process because Alan was a critical components. Been working. But i just went over identify that i've been the only one, there's a lot of those people working on this to Higher drivers. But rectangle. It's always not a I want to exactly, but it's not a sexy job, it's not of you and it's dirty but it's rewarding because it's extremely important to our society.
And so i think we're showing them now that we recognize that we're paying them, You know, a way that tells them that and we're creating a culture that shows them that their valued and not just working them in the ground and say no to get out there and pick up dumpsters until the sun goes down.
So, really working on both pains, but also a culture change in solid ways that i think is reflected with our 95% staffing. Now, on the disposal side, it's a little bit less than 70 percent right now, and that primarily is utility workers. It's difficult are people and doing work awake to drive all the way up to the landfills.
From this song is about seven miles to get out there. So one of the things we're working on right now is actually getting a shuttle. That would be able to stage at the service center in the morning. Utility workers can report there and then drive them out of the landfill.
So there i haven't spent their own fuel to get there. We're thinking of ways and working on ways to make a little bit more attractive to get employed than the landfill where that purchase primarily is with Clean up around the landfill, we had a lot of room and high wind days back this last spring and in the last year where litter got away and we have a responsibility requires it that between that litter not only along the road that goes to landfillment on adjacent property where it flows over.
It's also just the right thing to do but it's very labor, intensive to do that and that's where the ability workers.
Yeah, alan. On the contractual services. And yes, my conductor boxes. Is that we take those two. Love it. To take very good that what that is. No. So with the industries to be prepared, we prepare those in-house no one time Dumpsters go to anyone else's once they reach the point where they can't be economically.
Repaired, we scrapped those, so it's purchases. For the filter boxes, under the construction sources. Yeah, you don't mind. Let me know. Oh, yeah, yeah, okay, 578. Legit purchase of them. Yes. So dumpster boxes? That's where i was talking about. So we're looking at funding versus dumpsters two different ways.
One is the CIP with will be the residential. Dumpster replacement program that line item. 68. 630 dumpster boxes will be where we purchased commercial. Dumpsters separate lids for doing repairs, the bottoms and the strap metal. As a scrap just metal for doing repairs, okay? And then the rental city equipment between both the flesh and over.
Where eight and a half million. Sure. So that goes into what what gets patiently for all of our trash trucks, all of our equipment and how does the landfill we actually released the heavy equipment there through cat? We don't own that it's to stop feasible zone. Scrapers and compactor what i really enabled.
Now rich. What is Where those components of the innovation technology is. You're clearly using some of this, they are. Absolutely gone. Part, i'm looking inside.
Yeah, so we just implemented across all of residential, dumpster collection, two weeks ago. We piloted it and took a while to get a contract and give All the software in the hardware install, but we're going to use my all of our residential collection drivers now. So, they have a phone.
That's mounted on the dash, they can see the dumpsters. They're supposed to go to it changes colors. It literally is like pacatman, and that's the way we're trying to drive it. It's pretty impressive. Making crop pins right, 50? They're going to be free into the alex. They can drop them into the guys and come back.
Correct vehicles to pick that stuff up. That happened. Yet is so they're, they're doing that already. We had drivers that were in the pilot that we're doing that and then, uh, staff needs always exporting that every day, the supervisors are exporting that and creating work orders, in their work order system for a legal dumping in the alley.
Or damage dumpsters. Their prioritizing once where they see, it didn't preventing a dumpster for being service, that's going to get expedited, that's going to be done right away as opposed to just other illegal documents, it'll get added to the list of all those very long, right? I think it's going to give us, i don't think it will give us a real look at what we have out there.
Yeah. As far as the legal golfing damage temperatures. Yeah, i think that's great. I think the citizens actually see, hey, that matches, you got picked up the men's. Got kicked up that the palace, whatever it is about it. Awesome that i'm giving three, one, one of that. Yeah, they'll be able to say, yeah.
We know about that. Yeah, one month we went over after. Yeah, that's all. It's part of the culture chain, we talked about in solid place too where the drivers before felt like they're just sitting out there to get it and nobody listens to them, they report it to their their supervisor and nothing gets done.
Now if they report something and they see that they go back in that dumpster's being replaced for that, you know, refrigerated leaning up against the dumpster. Keep on the service was taken care of. Yeah, it's always listening to them color. To that group of times that they never had one level of engagement from any city.
They've got to work with that. That equals what they're getting out of our meeting. Yeah, i think it's great and awesome.
The following effort patterns a little bit lighter unit, that just, it's this percent hope. That's about, you know, everything fuel. You know, and we'd be more efficient on a routing and maybe we don't need to pick up, you know, depending on the business, you know, some businesses may be fumbling, it once every four weeks another minute every day.
But now they might have just questions optimized for the condition of doctors and we're rerouting every day. You might have touched my food. Customized for the Current condition of your business. There's that cards. So, um, Alley dumping that goes outside of that. Do we pick up when we get a call to drivers notify?
You know they're going down these valleys are obviously think there's no how does that work on the illegal defining? That's going to now. How do we determine what we're going to clean up? Yeah, a number of different ways. A lot of it is reported to us by residents that was called in a lot of snow.
It's going on with their alley, drivers are now reporting it to us, through rubricant off our current backlog of illegal bump analysis 1900 or quarters and so it's about a six months long because we do about During the double check my map. And obviously, six months. We're really clean up about 50 workers a week.
The crews that do that alley clean up are also the same cruise to do shipping. And for our sites, And they also do we have some hand collection routes areas that don't have dumpsters that don't have poly parts yet where they just set their bag and crash out. They also services hand collection routes so they're not able to be dedicated just to our cleanup.
So that we did about 50 more quarters, done a week and so long backwards, it's long backlog. It's a long way and so that's why it's important for us right now to prioritize. If it's preventing a dumpster for being in the That needs to be done first. Because that's just all up, more.
And then when you do a curbside pickup of tree limbs, those types of things, We're picking up i guess we're using equipment to pick up the treatment, put them in there. But then i've heard some residents wonder why they're not getting up and sweeping us, the remains or whatever.
Is that there's something that we can't do. Just i mean i understand it's going to be more labor to do it but we're feasible. They try to, if it's something that they can easily collect now it may be a pile of limbs and they're just a lot of leaves and small sticks around.
It's not those the workers, especially right now. In the summertime are extremely high where you're working overtime right now to keep up with the work orders. And so they're trying to get to everyone that can if they stopped to clean up every last bit of a degree, they would miss other people who put items out.
If it's scheduled for that day where we're able to be better at that is usually during the winter time, you see, those requests for curbside collections going down? So the drivers can spend a little bit more time there between them inside of right now. It really is just if they stopped to sweep up every little lasting and sitting out, it wouldn't be able to service.
Allen your opinion. Would it be beneficial to have? You create. Two more positions. So that somebody can do this all the time except hold them off to, you know, and chip inside almost be the hand. And it sounds like we've got six months back button, we're all about cleaning, uprillo, part of Emerald.
At that type of field i think consistency that like right. What's your opinion on that? I think that there's That would be one technical work will be funding with additional employees though. But i think there's there's things we're talking about and looking at using contractors and others, as a group of volunteers to help us with somebody else.
I think an important thing to think about and i am just giving you my opinion right now is
Equity. But one department with the community and realized this isn't A citizen problem. You're not a city problem and i must have the ones that are growing the things there, we have to solve it together, but i mean the big stuff where we're taking enough food truck, whatever it is, consider to make stuff.
I'm guessing the six month. Backlog is on that? No, the backbone is on. He's on. Here we go up in the alley, whether it's big stuff, whether it's all limbs or just a bag of trash, the curbside program that that's actually going to 48 to 72 hour window that we're okay with that.
It's not really that long at all there. Yeah same truck to go down big stuff, no sir, it's a different truck so the one that services on the front We try not to very often if we can access it. The reason that we want them is because you have a lot of things like gas meters.
Only had an hour, lines analysis of the numbers knuckle, boom, truck. Operate safely. Doesn't need to have all those overheads. Truck or a brush traffic maybe with a chipper. And why? But they can just hand foot things into that. That's the motivation. But in the last year and a half when i was, Because, you know, one of the reason why we have so much trouble getting those problems.
Equipment. I was over at lines and then. That's super labor. Yeah. I can't wait. I was just because It is, it is labor intensive. So a career in my time's assistant director. I've spent some time going out with those groups and working with them. It's logo. Yeah. When they're working hard and the things they're picking up are a lot of construction debris.
And if it's been rained on at all that, just slows down to our smoothies. It takes a long time to get through. Even just what looks like, one small pile of three scoop rabbit. It can take through guys. 15 minutes just to get your mom's desk. Okay. Thank you.
It also cons. I used to go take the employee, take staff with me to go clean up. Uh, alleys Between Christmas and New Year. And nothing's grossing the mattress. That's been sitting out in the stuff and pick it up and it dusts, you the mattress test. Which is you can think of as just disease or whatever because that's what these guys are picking.
And well that's once i appreciate y'all everything, our doing this and asking Seeing the Programmers, got main. Professional. I just one place. I have consent with graduated, but i didn't happen question from the citizen. So, with the new doctor set on hitting, One that they had received. Was he had all firewood.
That's what we're talking.
And that will work transitioning to. No. That's actually an old design that which transitioning away from that was something that was briefly implemented about three years ago. It was a faster repair. They call that on the back side of the dumpster that what you're talking about as well down, we call that the battle.
Our third gravel to do that repair faster, but the problem that you saw in the field was the trash gets hung up on it so that i'm sure that i'm getting completely empty. And so, if those are still going out, i'm glad to know that because i need to go the best of his dad.
We are not give the address for that is. Yeah, i'll get it and i'll get it again. That'd be great. Thanks, Any other questions on council? So it's only 437 and i think they're getting out early. So i'm going to stretch, you just a little Um, As you well know like how might have in the conversation and sometimes your dad conversation and I still think they're good to have.
So like what i'm going to propose maybe of that idea. But i don't know enough and you know coming at it from a point of ignorance i can only look at it from the perspective of business. So i don't know enough so i would just ask you to remind me as we go through it.
If we were to get out of the commercial, Collection business. My, my concern is that we saw last year really how easily things can change and then these kindness studio drivers that are skilled. Can bounce around and then you can have a kind of a bottoming out. Now, we consistently do really well, i believe on our commercial side and i saw the, the stress on the residential end, what we want to getting the residential dumpsters, But i think that's a little bit more because commercial either is paying more and we can justify the pay scale and we were charging what we were charging or we just prioritize people because there were creative consequences on the commercial and maybe it's a combination of a lot of I look at what, you know, what our numbers look like here.
And and this is a this is an asset to me. It's valuable. So those trucks are assets. You can't get a hold of them. Those drivers that you can't hire enough of them. However, we have good private companies and in town. We probably like to continue through that businesses and we are competing on eBase against them and ultimately like we own the best part of contraction business which is the language That's the easiest thing to own and maintain or take care of and demanding, really.
Um, By increasing our fees of the landfill. We can we can take care of what we need to. And then we would free up a lot of logistics and you guys have to deal with the commercial side. If we were looking to get out of that business. Now, that business seems to be profitable which is another reason why i think we should.
So Um, Meaning i think is council. We need to look at this on behalf of our citizens is who and just get out of the business and walk away. We would actually formalize cell of those contracts that we have now. I don't know what all's included in that or how that would work.
Um, i have a couple of questions for you to get into that discussion. Have you research our rate versus private? So, we reached out to some graduate way, smallers. I can't tell you on top, i had even who it was because it's been probably six months with a year ago and they were not provide us with their rates over we know anecdotally from customers sometimes complaints that the only reason that they use us is because we are significantly cheaper than others.
I can't tell you what grace of private argument that you want to share with us but i have heard ances, we argue Quilling and it would Not paying an old women, we're not supposed to be charging price. That has Commercial homes. Subsidized. Presidential halloween. We did give away commercial homes.
We would have to increase the cost of our residential customers. So there's the the pinch. Well, i would like to move that because if i look at the numbers asking them 11 million dollar. Margin on this total so you run in 26, 27 million a year. In total revenues, you're running out roughly 15 million, a year, seven million of that you're showing is in overhead and equipment and contracts and whatnot on commercial.
And you're also not charging yourself your own landfill. So every load that we take takes takes a tonage away from what what somebody else will be paying our landing. So as soon as you can sell these contracts sell the equipment, reduce your staff which these people are not going to go on employees like they can walk across the street and some of them might be happier i don't know.
It may pay them for they may get it right so once again i'm just approaching a conversation, you know bluntly and i'm not trying to have a bad idea that i need to be brought back away from it, if it is a bad idea. Because for a lot of business reasons in the way of what the city does.
It's a good idea to minimize our scope of work so that we can focus more on the things that we need to handle that other people. Don't. Now there's not a residential hauler that can do what we do. So, we will need to take care of our residential. Um but it just work those numbers, you know, you hear the estimated two to three million dollar increasing your landfill, you have seven million dollars savings off of the other side that you're not grossing.
Um, What really does that net out to how much are we? Subsidizing, because I look at those numbers and studying them, i feel like residential Facebook itself I can be totally wrong. But if i just look at the numbers, it bears itself out. Starting conversation at Laura or Floyd.
Fill in a lot of works. In every city I've ever worked in, Sound wasted enterprise fund but it's on its own. And he did like water and wastewater pays a fee to the general fund. In admirability, historically and parenthesis. Uh, solid waste has lived in a general club where the only city that were at that hasn't that way.
And we have looked at and moving into an enterprise spot. However, The support that solid waste provides to the general fund. And such that if we were to pull that out which was basically what you're talking about treat this as a business unit that lives by itself. Able to pull that out, we will be looking at having to do in addition and if we've got them So pulling in a completely different deal than getting them investment commercial.
Good afternoon to increase the solid base rates to residential customers. Bigger thing is. The amount of support that celebrates provides to general funds is equal to about four or five pensions of taxes. It's a significant deal. We would we would fix it if we had the ability to school but i i am confident.
That's not in something that I And that's putting too much opinion i doubted or who you support a neighbors, and tax rate, like that offset. The user of the thing will general consensus. I would welcome that study because i think if we have an 11 million dollar add to our general fund, i totally agreement.
I don't think it's that. Well, but that's what i'm saying right now. You're offsetting your general, from taxes. Roughly 11 million dollars from your growth profit on the enterprise. Yeah, i'm probably just looking at it wrong because i'm just looking at solid waste collection here on the front end.
So you know our total expenses are 14 days and then departmental revenues of 26.4. So about 11 5, Is what i'm looking at. That is the the net gain from from what you're not having to pay taxes, done that. The last time I had kids the last time. A few years ago was around five, i know it's going outside.
And so, And challenge their Layer, i think, is that
How everything fits together in the general fund. That is a component of Downtown was PDP. Had revenue sources. If you develop a revenue for somewhere in the general public, that's more accurate. Didn't have that opportunity to adjust. But without some revenue adjustment in the general fund. It's a, it's a.
It's just a dramatic impact negative, to your general. So he was created as a component of when you identifying revenue generator, that actually paid for where the general funded funded that giving the opportunity that just in here. So there's different functions to your discussion, not saying that there's black or wrong, but i would say, first off, you have to have a medical source offset to subsidence to the general fund over whatever you want to call that.
Now, there's a different coach that, nobody, that i've never heard of discussed, but you could just, Range or commercial rates and rate, couldn't find that equity point where the When tribal. And, Pretty and transition out of it. Hopefully over a slower period of time. We don't know exact range but we also know that you can raise your rate and find that place.
That's very similar to that cost of living business and paths that we raise that too. Yeah, so what i'm showing between questions and struggles and then we have a portion of the revenue that is proposed in question this year going towards about 1600 a year in a project also they have debt issues there supporting them about six or something next.
All of it together it's about That's, Swinger and they will. I know it's not profitable, your profiting, your revenue extend than a half million dollars. From from your trash service. Into this general. Well, and i'm certainly wanted to spend a couple of cave up here. So there's more tuition than that because You didn't announcements, hold it out.
You know, an enterprise money we would then have to start targeting either costumes or admin charges. That would be probably over a million dollars a year. They would have to pay their own IT, and value kind of fun. Part of this, they're going to payment. For the problem tax, they would have to pay back to general fund and a payment of franchisement.
So, this is not a great comparison about 27 years ago, and not much actually truly stays in. That's not really actually the true built-in possible. We don't, you don't account in the water, but let me back up with the step because my thought, my conversation is not about enterprise.
Trap. What my follow-up would be is, is how much of that seven and a half million thousand. Active number is being Through colonial. And so, you know, it's really that would be the net loss of what she would have in there. If you were still a commercial and then, did you offset that million and a half too million dollars a year in personnel and everything else?
Because because you, you do have to count the cost on the other side. Mild thought just to keep going. We got 10% ready to increase on our residential to users. Is that right?
Why would we not put that in the area where we have the most ability to charge more, which is our commercial users and our land? So, you know, i'm not again, it's agreement with the the The dumpster replacement at all. I think that's a smart. Things to build in and let's get to them all and let's create a better.
Customer experience. Quality service. But then We, we probably have room on our commercial side and on our land for the side into Yeah. And the fees then more so than we do with Um, increasing our residential useful cause What we certainly could. Look at that option. Just know that's going to continue to make those Burner out of wax which is fine that i mean by all those broken.
I i think that i think the more years years spreading them spreading them apart. If you, if you really did, get yourself worked out of that. Part of the business. Ultimately i don't see the loss man. Meaning you can charge a good value and you can do a good job out there on the commercial side and you can stay fully funded and and staff, then i'm greg with continuing to do it.
I just don't want to be charging, so little on the commercial side that a year from now we end up in the same issue where we don't have drivers. We don't have the vehicles and then we're having to look at cost increase because we're charging too little on that one end.
I feel like our Our issues on. The residential side with driver will not cause related. We had some other variables that were going on. Um but on the commercial side, i think you can kind of cost at this point so if we if the staffs willing to do this i'm i'm going to ask council with you guys would like to see what the commercial side you know would do and then i want to go separately In Louisville of the rating increase across the board with residential, would you would you entertain a landfill and a commercial increase?
Assuming that's there. So while i'm hearing if you like question evaluate putting more on the commercial and landfill rating crease You know, holding back to you, but you also want to talk about with complete value of commercial versus residential. You know? And that general fund impact. Yes or so.
Okay. We'll do things only stated simple like, where where i was hit these highlights, that way we cover them all. Um, The additional landfill increase. Uh, in the additional loads that within the paid to us. Based on the amount of trash we're hauling to ourselves and we're not paying for That would be a new revenue.
Because we're hauling her load but we're not paying our own way. That, that's a that that we need testament to If we divested commercial load. It would be likely, go to republic. And so we would also what we would need to do is implement
Flow control, flow control. Thank you. We need to implement flow control. So when we implemented We have done, we've taken steps. Previously and of what is doing, flow control, flow control, pushes everything forces, everything collected inside the city here, going to go to the Emerald landfill Republic has their own landfill and king.
For anything, they picked up, does not come to us and we push load to them. Without implementing flow, control won't realize that increase revenue at the landfill. So, low control is something. We would really need to do now bear in mind. That's going to be a huge, the controversial topic.
And there's probably a read, that's a problem. I know there's a reason why we haven't done previously and staff as Ask for that previously. And, and that's a difficult thing for a person council and i'm not criticizing any council. Just acknowledging that that when you get a lot of pressure against something, Difficult to stand behind staff when they're making a reputations, do something that's cause you can cause you personal pain and frustration.
So we would definitely do flow control because we're going about that ourselves and expected and come to our landfill. So run the number with that. Without the additional revenue. For the additional load. So let's just assume we didn't we didn't get any. We weren't willing to fight that battle.
Let's just look at the number without that. And then we can probably gauge an estimated percentage that is still come our way, based on gas and drive time. But needless to say, You would be able to increase your landfill cost. Furlough. Um and then i'm interested in looking at the net savings from that side of the park.
I don't know this one but from my memory may There is one of us the right landfill feeding a little bit. Still have as an advantage over driving the distance to the public baseball. In the park. So last time we roded i well mostly He did have some of the local holiday.
Or concerned about this property, but yet we didn't go to a point of equity for them driving to Canada. So there's they're different component of Raising that right related to. Losing that. Is still have room for them. So we'll look at that, we'll run back the recommendations but then in the big study what i'm hearing is going to study the value of commercial.
We know we're standing in the rest of the Israel and how to cash flow and Report. Again, i think there's two methods to that outcome, raising the right to that floor. Or actually. Stopping the business. And that's abrupt. But raising the right now could trigger a vocal section. And i'm assuming since i said that microphone, you'll have a meeting center, okay?
I think we, you know, obviously we're just going to do business, have the public? And that's that's kind of fun. I'm willing to have the discussion. We don't know. We're looking at maybe a bad idea. I'm not trying to enterprise track. So, we don't have to go and do the study on.
You know how many pennies would we need to raise taxes? Than not have trash weapons. Have, let's leave that alone for now. But i would like to look at the commercial aspect of what, we definitely will have an ongoing evaluation for you in in that. Are you asking to look at an increase?
If we're older competitive in emotionally, probably not even look at it, increased capture some of that just still as they competitive so we push anybody off. But to see what we can. After that, yeah, if you're looking at funding, Go ahead. If you're looking at funding inside the dumpster replacement program, i think the other dance in raising residential records that we took that away, the nine and a half percent from residential to me the logical wants to do that is commercial.
Typically the landfill it takes a large percent change there to generate very much revenue. And that's not as our relatable, that's just industry today. Or if you look at revenue for the landfills about three and a half million dollars into the generate, the 1.5 million that we would need to fund the residential development program, you have to improved on 50%, in typically fees and that would push them to go.
You can also get that through local control. Our big jump because we're both these big chocolate commercial. Well, why would we not capture road? I mean, if we go ahead with the numbers and increase the residential, but look at commercials, i mean, i figured that's just none sitting on things.
I mean, we clearly a short month. You know, yet we do that without present taxes, you know, but it was ultra competitive to not charging done now, but Too little, i agree with their room in commercial and landfill according tools. We have to valid following factors and bringing an inland and thought.
So i think there is Window about now we're not going to find the government but not landfillment. I also see the value. We just barely got some position to issue the debt to do the project. And and so i think And you look at ongoing landfilling, there's a lot of reasons to raise the landfill ready because it feltana to 10 to 15 year window.
And then you're going to have another That instruments were shall development of that. So i think this is a good discussion, i think it gives us doctrine to bring them back. See what we can do is existing budget with rate. Maybe it isn't. 100% getting rid of residential rating, increase of doctor and he is a combination.
Be able to do that. I would want to look at. Well, i'm not saying we got to set the residential increase inside, okay. But um i would like to see it more black and white on though. You know, cost on the commercial side where that's coming to look at a couple Oh, why we can have information as we go?
We'll have a lot of information.
Great increase in need to be very well. Okay.
Any questions from you guys, that's all that. Disrupt my head around that and you can find the length. More invest when the flow control on the way. Exactly how that was like that. Apologize. That local token, can't explain more in depth on. That effect will work with. I it is going to generic more revenue than we did that.
I don't know that it's going to generating. I don't i just don't know how much of a footprint, republicans. I think he's asking what actually, oh, flow control. What's with local? We can we, we are allowed as a municipality to passive an ordinance that would require all ways to collect it inside.
The city limits of amarillo to our landfill. Here, i'm not aware of any city. That owns a landfill that does not do this. Now, there are some cities that don't do it that have landfill and they don't do it because it's not another FL landfill around. That place could go to this will have to like Snyder's an example.
With 12 thousand people, but it has landfill that serves Thousand square miles because it's just a non-level land with anyone close and they don't have to do flow control because of nowhere else to take. We're different and and all cities in the metroplex and Austin area. In urban areas that have a landfill, do have flow control requirements so that their waste doesn't go to another landfill.
That's what we moved out of catalog. And yeah, it's kind of capitalizing on your ways just like a franchise beats. Most of those cities both do both a franchise fee for commercial operators in the city. Because the recognizing that they're driving heavy equipment on roads and making money on roads and on public investment.
So they need to provide some more impressive or containments assets. Uh, same is true with low control so they typically do both franchise fees and flow control. When we put in franchise fees will support years ago, five new schedule. About four days ago. When you put in franchisees, we also proposed with flow control.
Republic came to a number of citizens accounts members that said, hey, look, we're not against franchise. Of course, they have a better ability to pay franchisees than a small hollow But we don't want to do both, we don't want to do both control because they have their own landfill, whether they're taking fees or less and cost operations less than if they're required to have the city that relative, they would still operate.
It's charging higher fee. So that's what low control and franchisees are the benefit of that is more consistent rather than for our Operation. That we know. It's going to our landfillment. Going to get the revenue. You can project this better and fund your passionate all things better. That's the benefit of flow control in the city.
Is it ensures the revenue in water, insuring utilities, and refuge utilities the state provide for TCN, particularly that we need to be necessity. We identified service here. This is just that verifying that revenue for that such as the dead ending, the issued death, to develop themselves 10 Sure, that Have the customers to.
For the debt that you serve and i'm not criticizing previous council time. That was a difficult to ask, it's a political conversation and you have a very important commercial partner in a big company like Republic who is going to Very overly make you know what they, what their opinion is.
And you'll even This is that not but i'm not, i'm not criticizing, but our recommendation that was to do franchisees and vote control. Yes, we threw a whole bunch of stuff out there. Just keep in mind, but it's not all or nothing when we're looking at all of the options and And i think we've walked it all the way down the street, which was good, which i think we want to do.
Um, Some of this may not be in the right direction. So i appreciate you guys being willing to have that conversation. You get anything else for mr. Harder, it definitely district. Okay.
One. Yes, i thought we were gonna like celebrate because this is an urgently anything, so that's fantastic. Here. A lot of accomplish today. Appreciate you guys very much our plan for tomorrow then is we will start 8 a.m. in the morning, start the personal rep. Um, and after that our plan is to bring in fibers and go through library, And then after that we will bring power back to talk to her on apple.
He will again we were talking about some of it but he will kind of give you more of the process involved with it. And again, Um, capitalist more than just one year, obviously, it it's a five-year plan, too. But really what we are focusing on right now because what the approval to have to be done, in Fort, September 30th is on year one of Apple.
So he's going to kind of do an introduction talking through logistics on the house, so that came to be also, maybe give you an insight into projects that didn't make the list this year. From our recommendations game on using certainly rearrange. As we all see, fit, And then letting you guys pack take it from there, we can bring that back.
When we meet again, in a couple weeks, just do a little more in-depth. How anything else on that week? I think we all situational awareness issue where that our understanding is that there might be some board members from parkour here, tomorrow. I don't know that any agendas or anything other than a little frustrated about the bathroom to the rail and Uh, so I know that's not a really.
Well, and That they are going to hear from you guys put stretch in their heads, so they kind of understanding what that may help them. Understand where to go, we understand the coming we're not out recruiting Any one person who wrote a person who come or not to come?
That's wanted to know. This is organic thing that has happened and i think the generated I definitely can understand that when you invest your time and energy of volunteer, And and you work to get to an end and you feel like you have to get to And somebody didn't take that advice or follow through on that.
So i was welcome. Board members here and i think we'll take the time to hear them out, visit with them and make sure that we see, you know, we see all the all the outcomes here. Are we doing something that shouldn't? Because i feel like we're doing what we need to.
Um but i also would tell you that it's highly likely that there's something that's in their head, that's not 10 hours. So they may have a perception of what we might want to be or want to do that. We don't want to do. So, i think it's always good to have board members here that are working alongside Um, let me let me ask one final thing.
If we're good, calling off fridays. And now, Most mora has given us some steps to get through tomorrow. Um, you guys know we would be And additional meeting. Day and a half that we've already someone scheduled the 19th. Um, do we feel like From staff. One of, you feel free state that we can work.
Through tomorrow and because i would want everybody to be able to schedule their friday. Now, not wait until tomorrow five to figure out if you need to take an appointment. I think whatever items that we've discussed talking about tomorrow. I'm confident. So unless there's something else you are wanting to talk about tomorrow that Make it a little bit challenging, but when we turn it into a three and a half baby, you know, just breaking well known.
Four and a half, baby. And so i feel like that's timeless been for us especially on this learning curve and and i think it's better for you guys myself and then staff to know if you schedule yourself after the other things like that. So let's let's call it now that you want me immediately, right?
That way you guys can make appropriate with scheduled and then let's go ahead and plan on the 9th and the 10th. Good question, on the back, but The cardboard members. I think it's part of that. They're upset about the bathroom. Oh no, i don't know. That all of them are upset about the bathrooms.
I know that the chair Uh, was frustrated and was planning to come because Where we were trying to reopen some bathroom. No. Yeah because of the bad, the direction to open bathrooms that had previously been programmed to be removed. I think then. To the mayor's point, they may then take them on take the not logical but Take the assumption that while are living in.
Something from parks or whatever. So I think it was one of us conversation. And i'm not a lot of civilizations. No, no. I think um, The park scores have worked really diligently over the past couple of years under the direction of a previous council and also with Some. Support master plan, all of that.
And so, i really think this will be a great opportunity for them to kind of hear golf vision, which may help them. Again determine how to navigate going forwards, that's probably a bunch of citizenship.
They're used to have. I just want y'all know that there was some going to be here and that i'm trying to see the field with people who are against you. No, i appreciate that. We're, we're copying. We have a good productive conversation with effort tomorrow. They're helping us. They're working with us.
And don't do click the bathroom and then we said do we have a list and timetable on those that we're going to? Yeah, we've got some open and we have a pretty detailed list of the challenges with the rest of the bathrooms. We some of them have good understanding.
How long it's going to be in some of we've done. Um, anyone on the on repairs necessary or No. I mean michael has like this that he's going to be able to share. I think my class list he's going to be able to share with y'all tomorrow or at least discuss with you because i've asked him to be ready to talk about that.
Question would be all tomorrow. Because i would just like to see that i mean and i don't know, we've shared it yet but the list that those that are already open, i know we said we were going to have we shared with some pretty small list. The ones that we could just turn the hope in the door and turn the lights on.
Those two. And one of them is still going to probably be a bathroom running because it's on a school-owned park and they don't want that, they don't maintain bathrooms. Now, we might have it, i need to have a conversation with council. On these cards were digesting ourselves of involvement on them?
Do you want to continue to pay maintenance cost on that room? And if we don't know, Um, I think it's a country. I just want to make sure you go ahead and have a chance to talk about yourself about it. Yeah. And by looking forward to getting to that conversation, we're going to get somewhere but I couldn't tell you how many bathrooms we even got.
I've got 17. State we'll do now. Well no no no. We have we had 38 that were we are already had 38 open before these two men. The alcohol. We're talking about the very small neighborhood parks. Yeah. So we already had 38 tomorrow, but i mean so we didn't go from zero to two, we're having fun.
Down the street from There's t-ball in there. Everything With spring soccer. And they're coming from all over because they're playing different teams and that's a, that's an athletic field that's going to be a bigger park. We usually, i think we've already got those back until And we have a, okay.
So there are 36. Memory, fencing, school restrooms that were closed for those have been reopened bringing our total number of restrooms open to 35 restrooms. We're also working on getting Three more. Which will bring it up to 30 days. So, Well, over half of the rest of them are open.
It's just these Neighborhood in school restrooms that were trying to navigate through and there's just some coffee people across some of those with some of the discussions. Well, there's been working on that communication piece.
Yeah, that's what we're going to give you a cover on tomorrow. We wanted to have an opportunity to, to have an open conversation. I think, with all new, to make sure everyone was all the same page, so we can probably leave complicated complicated by the fact that some of these restaurants, that are still closed will remain closed and then we'll even be removed because they're first that we won't have enough patent interest in.
And i don't say we don't care about them, don't say we don't have an ownership or operational interest in them beyond certain period of time. So it's hard to say, we'll get them all. We can't say we'll get them all real. Uh, both because some of them were going to tear down.
And the other ones, some of the other ones might be. So in disrepair that we're going to have to remove and replace at the tens of about 80 to 100% provocation. That's going to be a council decision, too. We look forward mama. Um last thing necessary secretary are we good to leave these books in here so we don't have to haul back and forth.
So, we'll maintain control of the room, you can leave your stuff in here. And then, Motion to adjust.