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Chika Anyiam -- Democrat for Court of Criminal Appeals Place 8

The following are the complete and unedited responses submitted by the candidate listed below to the Amarillo Pioneer’s Candidate Questionnaire.

Photo by JCPenny Photography

Name: Chika Anyiam

Office Sought: Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 8

Party Affiliation: Democratic

Age: 57

Educational Background:

1987-The University of Calabar, Nigeria. LL.B, Honors (Bachelor of Laws).
1988-The Nigerian Law School, Victoria Island, Lagos. B.L (Barrister at Law)-Admitted to the Nigerian Bar by the Supreme Court of Nigeria.
1997-Admitted to the Texas Bar by the Supreme Court of Texas
2020-Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization

Occupation: State of Texas District Court Judge

If you are a business owner, please list the business or businesses that you own.


Please list any civic boards or commissions (non-profit, government, union, religious, political, etc.) on which you have served as a board member or equivalent.


Have you previously held or do you currently hold any elected office? If so, what office(s)?

Yes, I am currently the Presiding Judge of the Criminal District Court No. 7, Dallas County, Texas, an elected position.

If your campaign has any online campaign resources where voters can learn more about you, such as social media accounts or a website, please list them below.


Why did you decide to run for this office in 2024?

I am seeking this office because I have the necessary qualifications to be an effective judge on this court. I will maintain my independence as a judge and deliver rulings according to the law notwithstanding any threats of retaliation or pressure from outside influences. I have broad experience in criminal law from my current role as a Judge of a Criminal District Court and through my long career as a trial attorney. I believe that equal justice, fairness and impartiality are paramount to provide a conducive forum in which all parties are heard. I am Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, so the parties have confidence in my rulings and understanding of the law. I have never been found ineffective as trial counsel or reversed by an appellate court as a Judge. I understand, interpret and apply the law correctly as the legislature intended. These are qualities I will bring to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.

If elected, what will be your top three priorities in office?

First, justice delayed is justice denied. The lengthy process it takes from trial to final resolution of appeals has in some cases taken almost decades, thereby delaying justice. There needs to be a less cumbersome process to ensure that there is an end to litigation. This court needs more staff to help ease the caseload. Competent counsel well versed in the appellate process should be appointed to cases to avoid unnecessary delays clogging up the appellate process and mounting tax payer money.

Secondly, The judiciary MUST remain independent, not fearing interference or retaliation from other government branches.

Thirdly, there needs to be a robust model aimed at immersing newly licensed attorneys in the practice of law to ensure that they are competent to represent individuals in the justice system.

What is an issue you believe has gone overlooked in your race and how will you address it if elected?

The independence of the judiciary. I will maintain my independence as a judge and deliver rulings according to the law notwithstanding any threats of retaliation or pressure from outside influences.

Do you have any notable endorsements you would like to highlight for voters?

1. I have been recommended by the Dallas Morning News for this position.
2. I have been endorsed by the Houston Association of Women Attorneys, a non-partisan
organization of Houston lawyers, judges and students.
I am hopeful of others.

Why are you the best candidate for voters to support for this position?

The Court of Criminal Appeals is Texas' court of last resort and highest court for criminal matters. It hears death penalty writs and thousands of post-conviction writs per year. Whereas I am the Presiding Judge of a Criminal District Court hearing felony cases including capital murder and death penalty writs, my opponent has no judicial experience. I am Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, awarded to less than 1% of Texas Criminal Law Practitioners. My opponent is not. Before becoming a judge, I was a busy trial attorney, trying both misdemeanor and first degree felony cases to the Bench and Jury. Dallas County judges always voted to retain me on the Indigent Defense Wheel to represent indigent defendants, whereas my opponent has limited criminal law experience and was removed from the Collin County Indigent Defense Wheel due to deficient performance. These distinctions set me apart from my opponent and make me a more qualified candidate for this position.

Lee Finley -- Republican for Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 8

Aaron Kinsey -- Republican for State Board of Education, District 15