The Amarillo Pioneer

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Katherine Culbert -- Democrat for Railroad Commissioner

The following are the complete and unedited responses submitted by the candidate listed below to the Amarillo Pioneer’s Candidate Questionnaire.

Photo by Jose Contreras, Contreras Photos

Name: Richard McKibbin

Office Sought: Railroad Commissioner

Party Affiliation: Democratic

Age: 49

Educational Background:

BS in Paper Science & Engineering from SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry,
MBA from the University at Albany,
MS in Law from Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law

Occupation: Oil & Gas Process Safety Engineer

If you are a business owner, please list the business or businesses that you own.

K and K Process, LLC

Please list any civic boards or commissions (non-profit, government, union, religious, political, etc.) on which you have served as a board member or equivalent.

Co-Chair of League of Women Election Day Voter Helpline,
Committee Member of Houston Marathon Committee,
Past President of the Society of Women Engineers Houston Area Section along with having served as a Section Representative and Regional Secretary since I became a SWE member in 2006,
Board member of the Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Texas Gulf Coast chapter,
Environment Huddle as part of Indivisible TxLege,
Membership Committee of the Women's Energy Network Houston.

Have you previously held or do you currently hold any elected office? If so, what office(s)?


If your campaign has any online campaign resources where voters can learn more about you, such as social media accounts or a website, please list them below.

Why did you decide to run for this office in 2024?

I have been working in the safety side of the oil and gas industry for over 9 years, and in safety for all industries for over 20 years. I have also been passionate about the environment and protecting our natural resources since I was in elementary school. I was raised knowing the value of conservation and protecting natural resources. I recognize the value of conserving energy and feel industry needs to be a partner in that effort. Over 20 years of my professional life has been spent ensuring safe industrial operations. Right now, the RRC is not the steward to our natural resources, nor does it ensure safe operations. I also recognize the importance of the Oil & Gas industry for the Texas economy.
We need new leadership to protect our state and our fellow Texans and be a voice for everyday Texans to help us all thrive and prosper.

If elected, what will be your top three priorities in office?

Safety & the Environment: As a Process Safety Engineer with over 20 years of experience, I am deeply committed to operating our industry with the highest regard for safety, protecting both our workers and communities.

Corporate Responsibility: I believe in strict accountability for corporations in the oil and gas industry. It's essential to question and scrutinize their actions, particularly when they seek exceptions to regulations. We must ensure these multi-billion dollar corporations are considering the impact their operations will have on surrounding communities and the risks they might pose.

Transparency: I aim to challenge the status quo and question how decisions are made, especially when it comes to corporate influence and campaign contributions. It's vital that the Commission's actions are driven by the best interests of Texans, not by corporate donations.

What is an issue you believe has gone overlooked in your race and how will you address it if elected?

Injection wells for wastewater. The limits the RRC are putting on the injection wells are not working. We need to prohibit injection wells near natural fault lines. Additionally, we need to hold the companies accountable for treating the water so it is not toxic and can be reused elsewhere.
There are scientific studies showing that injection wells are a direct cause of earthquakes, and there is anecdotal evidence from across the country that draws the same conclusion. We need to listen to the science and stop allowing wastewater injection wells across the state, not only in areas that have already experienced earthquakes. The industry needs to learn how to clean up after itself and figure out what to do with its waste streams. Companies need to invest in research and development to address this problem.

Do you have any notable endorsements you would like to highlight for voters?

3.14 Action Fund, Texas Sierra Club, Texas AFL-CIO COPE, Progress Texas, Mothers Against Greg Abbott

Why are you the best candidate for voters to support for this position?

I am uniquely qualified for this position due to my experience in the Oil & Gas industry. I have worked for Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream companies, which are all regulated by the RRC. As a Process Safety Engineer, I have worked to be proactive to prevent incidents and to protect workers, the environment, and the community. I also recognize the importance of the Oil & Gas industry for the Texas economy. It is an asset to have a Commissioner who has industry experience.

Christi Craddick -- Republican for Railroad Commissioner

Hawk Dunlap -- Libertarian for Railroad Commissioner