The Amarillo Pioneer

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Morgan Kirkpatrick -- Democrat for State Board of Education, District 15

The following are the complete and unedited responses submitted by the candidate listed below to the Amarillo Pioneer’s Candidate Questionnaire.

Photo via campaign

Name: Morgan Kirkpatrick

Office Sought: Member, State Board of Education, District 15

Party Affiliation: Democratic

Age: 39

Educational Background:

Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies - Middle School Generalist, Lubbock Christian University, Lubbock, TX; Texas Educator Certificate, Designated EXEMPLARY TEACHER Through 07/31/2026; Classroom Teacher - Generalist, Grades (4-8); English as a Second Language Supplemental, Grades (4-8)

Occupation: Marketing Coordinator

If you are a business owner, please list the business or businesses that you own.


Please list any civic boards or commissions (non-profit, government, union, religious, political, etc.) on which you have served as a board member or equivalent.

Lubbock Compact Board Member, Development Committee Chair; NAACP Lubbock Branch 6198, Communications Committee Co-Chair; Member and Representative, Lubbock Educators Association,

Have you previously held or do you currently hold any elected office? If so, what office(s)?


If your campaign has any online campaign resources where voters can learn more about you, such as social media accounts or a website, please list them below.

Why did you decide to run for this office in 2024?

After 14 years of teaching in middle school, I understand the disconnect between those making decisions at the state level and those in the classroom. While I'm no longer in the classroom, I want to advocate for Texas students and teachers.

If elected, what will be your top three priorities in office?

Teacher Support: Our educators are the backbone of the education system. I will advocate to provide them with the resources and support they need to excel in the classroom.
End High-Stakes Testing: Standardized testing is detrimental to students, teachers, and education in general. Every aspect of school is affected negatively by the pressure surrounding this system.
Curriculum Excellence: I will work to ensure that the curriculum is rigorous, inclusive, and factual, preparing our students for the challenges of the modern world.

What is an issue you believe has gone overlooked in your race and how will you address it if elected?

The number of responsibilities given to all school workers, from principals to teachers to educational aides (paraprofessionals), increases every year with few things being removed from the list or adequate compensation being provided. What few outsiders understand is that many of these responsibilities come from policies created by the state legislature in response to testing data. These policies, like House Bill 4545 from the 87th Session in 2021, often affect every student in the state and are rarely research-based - little thought seems to be given to what implementation will look like on the day-to-day level.

I will build trust and collaboration with teachers, parents, students, and community members by involving them in decision-making processes, soliciting their input and opinions, and addressing their concerns and challenges. I will also communicate regularly and transparently with them about the goals and outcomes of our policies and initiatives.

Do you have any notable endorsements you would like to highlight for voters?

Texas State Teachers Association
Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers)
Texas AFL-CIO COPE (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations; Committee on Political Education)

Why are you the best candidate for voters to support for this position?

As elected officials, Board members are responsible for representing the educational interests of their constituents and the students in their districts, but they are not necessarily content or pedagogical experts. It is imperative that Board members ensure that the professional judgment of educators and content experts are at the forefront in determining new curriculum standards and revision of current standards. As a teacher, I learned the value of collaboration and utilizing the different strengths of those around me, so I will do the same as a member of the SBOE.

My number one objective is to be a vocal advocate for students and teachers in public education. We must ensure an accurate and inclusive curriculum crafted by experts and increase the focus on real learning rather than testing. This includes access to books that students want to read. Teachers must be provided with the time and resources necessary to do their job in the classroom.

Aaron Kinsey -- Republican for State Board of Education, District 15

Jack B. Westbrook -- Libertarian for State Board of Education, District 15