The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Turkey Bash Scheduled for Saturday

Demolition derby fans will get their Thanksgiving wishes granted when the 2016 "Lime-a-Rita" Turkey Bash Demolition Derby heads to the Amarillo National Center.

The popular demolition derby will be making its return to the Amarillo fairgrounds, on Saturday. The event is sponsored by Budweiser.

Tickets, which are available through, are $17 for adults, and $11 for children, ages 4-11. Children, 3 years and under, will get in free. Tickets will also go up $2 on the day of the event.

The demolition derby will be held on Saturday, November 26th, at the Tri-State Fairgrounds Amarillo National Center.

The event starts at 6pm.

Perry Under Consideration for Cabinet Spot

Police Search for Game Room Robbery Suspect