The Amarillo Pioneer

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WT Cloning Story Picks Up Major Media Attention

West Texas A&M University is picking up some statewide media attention.

The popular magazine, Texas Monthly, reported on a recent story regarding Dr. Ty Lawrence's findings with cloning beef. Lawrence cloned prime carcass from a slaughterhouse in 2012, and produced Alpha, a bull which was "born" from a piece of meat. The story picked up major media attention, including from the popular Texas magazine.

Following the cloning of Alpha, WTAMU researchers also crossed Alpha with 3 other cloned cows. According to reports from WT, the experiments produced 13 new calves.

The experiments can be summed up by Dr. Lawrence's comment regarding the needs of the beef industry, saying, "By finding, cloning, and crossing these rare genetics, we have demonstrated the ability to create exactly what the market desires: high quality taste fat without unnecessary waste fat..."

Texas Monthly's story regarding WTAMU's experiments can be found at For more information about the experiments, visit

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