The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Mayoral Candidate Wants Forum

Mayoral candidate Jeremy Bryant is demanding a forum for Amarillo's mayoral candidates.

Bryant, who has officially announced his candidacy for mayor, has asked for a forum to be held between Ginger Nelson and himself. Bryant says that he does not know much about Nelson and would like to get to know more about her in a forum.

"Everyone should be informed to know who is running for mayor." Bryant said, "I'm just asking for a forum. There will be plenty of other times for debate."

Bryant also said that he would like to invite other mayoral candidates to participate in the forum, if they would be interested.

Tillerson Receives Support in Secretary of State Process

Lubbock Native's Superbowl Run Ends