The Amarillo Pioneer

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Cruz Issues Statement on Trump Refugee Order

Senator Ted Cruz issued a statement today, regarding President-elect Donald Trump's executive order on refugee vetting.

"We live in a dangerous world, and for eight long years the Obama administration remained willfully blind to the threat of radical Islamic terrorism, admitting tens of thousands of refugees whom the FBI expressly told Congress they could not be certain were not terrorists." Cruz said in his statement. "That Obama policy made no sense, and it made America less safe. If we are serious about combating the threat of radical Islam, we must reform and strengthen our refugee programs to ensure proper vetting of those entering our country—especially when they are coming from nations that are hotbeds of terror.  This is crucial to our national security and to protecting American lives, and it is a priority for which I have long advocated."

Cruz went on to praise Trump's order in the statement, saying, "I commend President Trump for rejecting Obama's willful blindness, and for acting swiftly to try to prevent terrorists from infiltrating our refugee programs. In contrast to the hysteria and mistruths being pushed by the liberal media, President Trump’s executive order implements a four-month pause in refugee admissions so that stronger vetting procedures can be put in place. This is a commonsense step that the American people overwhelmingly support."

Cruz's full statement can be found on

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