The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


What's On My Ballot?: Amarillo ISD Bond Election

The Amarillo Pioneer will be bringing you information over the next two weeks on what voters can expect to see on the 2017 November ballot. Today, we look at the Amarillo Independent School District Bond Election.

"The Issuance Of $100,000,000 Of Bonds By The Amarillo Independent School District For School Facilities Including School Facility Security Improvements And Levying The Tax In Payment Thereof."



For information about the school bond election, provided by the Amarillo Independent School District, please visit:

Bridge Widening Project to Begin Monday, Set for 2018 Completion

Seliger Continues Tour as Election Season Heats Up