by Jon Moffett
I love this time of year. Not just because my birthday falls on the 23rd of December or because of the chance to feel like you get twice as many presents as anyone else because of your birthday. This is the time of year for spending time with family. The time of year for joy and remembering the birth of Christ. But this time of year is not happy for everyone. Sure we try to remember the homeless or someone that we know living alone with no family. What about the children of the foster care system.
My wife and I are foster parents. We currently have 3 foster children in our home. We were supposed to have them for about 2 weeks because they had a forever home lined up for them. 7 weeks later, we still have them because the adoptive home fell through. I am not complaining. We are trying to be the best blessing to them that we can be.
There are many foster children that do not have a forever home or even a foster home this time of year. In fact, there are enough churches in Texas that if each church had one family that would take one child, there would be no children in the foster care system. That is a small fact that many don’t know.
I challenge each person reading this article to find an angel tree, call a local foster/adoption agency and see if there is a child that still needs a present or even consider being a foster parent. James 1:27a says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress."
I can’t think of anything more stressful to a child than not feeling loved during this time of year.
Jon Moffett