The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Candidate Comparison: Amarillo City Council, Place 1

Last month, The Amarillo Pioneer requested responses from the candidates seeking offices in the May 6th election regarding important issues facing the City.

Over the course of this week and next, The Amarillo Pioneerwill be featuring the responses from the candidates. Full responses are available in The Amarillo Pioneer's May 2017 Voter Guide.

Please visit The Amarillo Pioneer's website for more information.

Elisha L. Demerson (Incumbent)

Do you support building a downtown MPEV? Why or why not?

"Until we determine that the baseball acquisition is no longer a viable project, we should not take the MPEV off the table."

Should the municipal court be reformed? Why or why not?

"There are aspects of the current municipal court operations that should be reviewed for changes."

What role should the AEDC play in job creation?

"AEDC should continue to play a significant role in job creation for this community."

What should the future be for the Amarillo Civic Center?

"Without question, the Civic Center should be enlarged and upgraded.  The funding strategy has not been deter-mined at this point."

Elaine Hays (Challenger)

Do you support building a downtown MPEV? Why or why not?

"Because the city has already voted on the MPEV, I would want to do everything possible to make the project successful.

Should the municipal court be reformed? Why or why not?

"I do not have an opinion on this issue. I would be
interested in hearing reasons for or against."

What role should the AEDC play in job creation?

"I am hopeful that the new director will be re-defining new goals to be more effective with our sales tax dollars."

What should the future be for the Amarillo Civic Center?

"I would like to see a final design, cost, projected potential increase from usage to see if expansion is a viable option."

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