The Amarillo Pioneer

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Interview With Local Racer Jeremy Gossett

Jeremy Gossett, a sales associate at Amarillo Auto Supply and Off Road, is one of the popular drivers from the Route 66 Motor Speedway. Gossett has won several races and has amassed a loyal group of fans.

The Amarillo Pioneer sat down with Gossett today as he discussed his racing career and everything that happens at Route 66 Motor Speedway.

What made you want to start racing?

"My dad raced. So it's kind of a family deal."

What gives you your passion for racing?

"The competitiveness. I guess that's probably the best answer."

How long have you been racing?

"This is my fourteenth year. I raced since I was fifteen years old and I have one two track championships and a bunch of other races."

Do you have a defining moment as a racer?

"Probably going to the track when I was six."

What is the strangest thing you have ever seen at the race track?

"That would be a long list. I saw a guy get a lug nut stuck on his finger. He didn't have enough time to get it off before he raced, so he just cut the tip of his glove off and raced with it still on. They had to cut it off with a grinder. They cut it, put his finger in the cooler and did that a few times. There used to be fights in the pit, but Bill Worthen really stopped that and made it into a family sport."

Do you have fans?

"I've got some pretty good ones."

Where can people find out more about you?

"Go to Gossett Racing on Facebook."

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