The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


A Thank You From Trent Rosser

It has been a year now that I have been writing for the Amarillo Pioneer. I wanted to say thank you for allowing me to express some of the stupid things that I do. Why would I put all this out for the world to see, you ask? It is simple. We are all human, we all make mistakes, and we all bleed red.

I have said before that everything that I write is true; at least 90% is true. After all, there is that statute of limitations! That’s what my publisher says anyhow! Thanks Thomas Warren II. I am trying to give everyone that reads “Rosser's Rambling” a little smile after a hard week. I know that I do not always accomplish that, but I try. I want to thank both the publisher and the editor of the Amarillo Pioneer for allowing some of the stupid stuff to actually be published. Thank you Thomas Warren II and Thomas Warren III.

Most of all, I want to thank you, the reader. You are the one that is making the Amarillo Pioneer a success. You are the ones that give me hope that together we can laugh a little before the sting of reality hits us again. You all have allowed me into your computers, tablets and phones as you read my column. For a year I have made you smile, laugh, and maybe even learn a little bit of local history. I hope you have enjoyed the articles and again, thank you for a year of good times, and hopefully, here is to quite a few more years to come.

Rosser's Ramblings: Rascal the Hero

Amarillo's Gilmore Named to State Board