On Thursday, the Amarillo Civic Center announced a list of items that will be banned at the World Wrestling Entertainment appearance in Amarillo on Friday night.
Officials from the Civic Center say that several items will be banned at the appearance of the WWE superstars at the Civic Center on Friday, January 12th. Among the items banned will be:
Purses larger than 14”x 14” in size
Bags and briefcases
No outside food or drink
No glass containers
Video cameras or recording devices
Laser pointers or noise makers
Weapons of any kind
Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or paraphernalia
Selfie sticks
Laptop computers or tablets
Luggage of any kind
Anyone found in possession of any of the items listed above will not be allowed entry into the event. Attendees will be checked for any of the banned items prior to the event using a metal detector checkpoint and possibly bag checks.
Some other items will be allowed into the event with restrictions. Items with restrictions include:
Diaper bags or bags carrying medical supplies will be permitted but subject to search
Paper and Poster Board Signs Only (no handles)
Masks (only WWE brand masks will be permitted)
Items may be carried into the event using clear bags or gallon Ziploc bags. The bags will not be provided at the Civic Center and must be provided by the ticketholder.
For any questions or comments, please call PanhandleTickets at (806) 378-3096.
Photo by Metro Radio Arena