The Amarillo Pioneer

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Harman Resigns as Randall County GOP Chairman

Randall County Republican Party chairman Terry Harman has resigned from his position as the party’s leader in Amarillo’s southern county.

On Monday, Harman told the Amarillo Pioneer he has resigned from his role as party chairman, effective November 13th. Harman, who has served as chairman for five years, has consistently represented Amarillo on a statewide and national level, serving as a delegate to the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio.

Harman was re-elected to his position in the March 6th Republican primary in Randall County, fending off a challenge from realtor Jinger White. Harman won his primary, 60 percent to 40 percent.

A replacement for Harman is expected to appointed by the Randall County executive committee in November. This will be the third time party officials have been faced with replacing a county chair in Amarillo this year, as Potter County Republicans have had to replace their county chairs twice this year, due to resignations.

HarmanPhoto by County Party


Photo by County Party

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