By Hayden Pedigo
I have absolutely no experience in politics of any kind.
Yes, my campaign videos are humorous/absurd/vague but I believe they are a tool to get a discussion started amongst people my age who otherwise would find Amarillo city council “boring”. Honestly, I was never very concerned about what happened with local government here in Amarillo and only this past year did I start to watch what was happening. It seemed local politics were more toxic and angrier than I had ever seen.
I have lived in Amarillo my whole life and I legitimately love living here but I get tired of seeing people my age moving away because they don’t think Amarillo fits into their larger picture. I am not an expert on anything but I do believe Amarillo government should start listening to its residents under the age of 30 and ask them what kind of city they want Amarillo to become. To be honest, the attention my campaign videos have received has been somewhat nerve-racking but only because I don’t want people to think I know entirely what’s best for Amarillo.
I have a genuine passion and love for Amarillo and I’m excited to be here to see it change/grow and regardless the outcome of all of this, I hope it gets a discussion going on what we all want Amarillo to become and why we should vote in local elections.
Screenshot of video