The Amarillo Pioneer

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Report: AC Ends Chick-Fil-A Deal

A report from Amarillo College’s student newspaper says the college has decided to end its contract with Chick-Fil-A.

According to a report by Salvador Gutierrez at AC’s The Ranger, Amarillo College and Chick-Fil-A have ended a contract for food service on the campus, which was originally signed in 2015. The report says the original agreement between AC president Russell Lowery-Hart and Chick-Fil-A proprietor Joshua Raef was ended on October 31st to allow other food service entities to offer cuisine to students. During the Chick-Fil-A contract, the chicken shop was the only food vendor allowed to sell on campus.

Gutierrez’s report says Chick-Fil-A is continuing to provide food service on campus without an official contract, and, so far, Chick-Fil-A is the only food vendor that has responded to a request for proposal for interested vendors.

Noah's Remark: Policy Talks and Public Comment

Editorial: City Council Fails to Consider Animal Issues