The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Noah's Remark: Dear Santa, I Want a Functioning Local Government

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas, I want a functioning local government. I want a local government that looks to a future where our civil liberties are protected, not attacked. I want to live in a city free from constant public outrage, and I want that to be achieved through a focus on policy, not by silencing dissenters.

I want a local government that, when controversy does arise, they listen to criticisms rather than simply trying to defend indefensible positions.

I want a mayor who doesn't go on ego trips and I want a council who doesn't sit idly by while the mayor stirs controversy.

I want a city manager who can articulate what the rules of decorum are, instead of claiming that the rule against personal remarks doesn't exist.

I'm not asking for much, but I know it's a steep hill to climb. So, if you can't deliver it by Christmas, I'd be more than happy to have it delivered in May.



Arvello: Consider Reactions to the Birth of Christ

Delaney Taking on Trump in 2020: 'I'll Beat Him and It Won't Even Be Close'