What a year.
We have finally made it to the end of 2018. This has been a wild year unlike any other. From controversy over clapping, to legislative and judicial elections, to interviewing presidential candidates, to issues at counties, school districts and municipalities, we have had a lot to talk about with you this year. Some articles have been painful to write and publish, while others have been an absolute thrill to write. In each case, I found that every article published here has had a unique meaning, big or small, that has helped create the story that is 2018.
I have also reflected on my family over the past year. This year has been very strange in many ways, and more difficult in others. I have had loved ones who I have watched struggle through health problems, but at the same time I have witnessed the determination and spirit of individuals who will never give up. It’s truly remarkable.
For myself, this year has also been unique. Friends have come and gone from my life, but at the same time, I have made so many new friends, including many of you. While things seem strange as they are occurring, I can say that looking back on 2018, I wouldn’t have wanted it to happen any other way.
As of today, I have no idea what the future holds. I have no idea whether 2019 will be a year of great news, or a year of controversy. But, what I do know is that every step of the way, the Amarillo Pioneer will be there working to make sure you have all the information you need to make informed judgements on the issues that shape our time.
I can’t wait to see you again next year. It’s only a matter of days.
-Thomas Warren III, Editor-in-Chief