The Amarillo Pioneer

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Potter County Considering Using Gambling Funds for Prosecutor Salaries

Potter County Commissioners are considering approving the use of funds currently held by the County's Gambling Forfeiture Fund to pay Potter County Prosecutors.

According to the agenda set for next week's meeting, Commissioners are considering acting on the motion brought to the table by County Attorney Scott Brumley. Under the agenda item, funds currently held in the gambling forfeiture fund will be put toward salaries for county prosecutors. The budget transfer would benefit prosecutors with the County's Criminal Division.

Also during Monday's meeting, Commissioners are considering signing off on an abatement for the Downtown Sheriff Administration. The abatement, valued at about $26,000, would benefit Talon/LPE. Commissioners are also considering signing off on a re-authorization of the application for the 181st District Drug Court and a policy for County employees to use the downtown parking garage.

The meeting will be held at the Potter County Courthouse (500 S. Fillmore) on Monday, February 12th. The meeting begins at 9am.

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TXDOT Lane Closures for Next Week

Master Plan Calls for Civic Center Expansion Across Johnson Street