Amarillo City Council, take note: people are mad about their trash problems.
Recently, the City of Amarillo satire page on Facebook addressed an issue regarding trash in Amarillo. The page offered a gift card to whoever would post a picture of their alley in the comments of their post that would show they had the "dirtiest" alley in Amarillo. Hundreds of responses came in and Amarillo resident proved that they are quite angry about the trash situation in Amarillo.
This is an issue that must be addressed by the City Council. Unfortunately, the City Council's only real actions regarding trash or dumping were both ill conceived and accomplished nothing. The first action was to put stickers on dumpsters and to have people move bulky items to their curb for pickup. The other action was to close Amarillo's chipping sites and have residential dumpers take specific loads to the dump. Neither of these actions appeared to work as trees can still be found in alleys and couches, mattresses and other pieces of furniture can still be found in Amarillo alleys. Just look at the pictures if you do not believe me.
The City Council needs to stop playing politics and find a solution to this. We have praised certain members of the City Council for specific actions in the past and we would love for the City Council to find a solution for the trash that checks all the boxes. Until this occurs, the problems (and trash) will just keep piling up in Amarillo.
-Thomas Warren III, Editor-In-Chief
Photo by T.Warren/Amarillo Pioneer