The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Katz to Speak at Sexual Assault Awareness Event

Dr. Jackson Katz will be the keynote speaker for a Sexual Assault Awareness Month event tonight.

At 6pm tonight, Dr. Katz will speak at West Texas A&M University in Canyon to kickoff the school's recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month for 2018. Katz will be delivering a lecture titled: "Men, Women, Sex, and Violence and How All Men Can Help." The event will be held in the Legacy Hall of WTAMU.

Buffalo cookies will be available at the event. The evening is being sponsored by the West Texas A&M University Police Department.

For more information, please visit

Summer, Fall Class Registration to Open at WTAMU, AC

Humane Society Hosting Salsa Competition