The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Last Pitch: Steven Denny for 320th District Court

Prior to the March 6th primary, we invited every local candidate running for a judicial spot to tell voters their last pitch before election day. These article originally were published on Friday, March 2nd, but are being republished as a way of better educating voters on their important choices. Election Day is Tuesday, May 22nd.

Steven Michael Denny, Republican for 320th District Court

Why should voters choose you on May 22nd?

I have the experience to get to work on the very first day. I have handled the types of cases heard in that court every day for the last 17 years. I have experience in multiple courts and multiple counties which gives me a wide variety of systems to draw from to make the court run more efficiently. I am the only candidate with felony experience and that's what the court hears almost every day.


Last Pitch: Pamela Sirmon for 320th District Court

Rosser's Ramblings: Fence Building 101