The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Amarillo Baseball Team Naming Contest Finalists Announced

As construction on the downtown baseball park continues, baseball fans now have a better idea of what the minor league team in Amarillo will be called.

On Wednesday, representatives for Amarillo Pro Baseball announced the five finalists for in the local Name the Team sweepstakes. The final name will be decided by fans through online voting. 

The finalists are: 

  • Amarillo Boot Scooters
  • Amarillo Bronc Busters
  • Amarillo Jerky
  • Amarillo Long Haulers
  • Amarillo Sod Poodles

In a statement, team general manager Tony Ensor praised the community, citing the over 3,000 submissions that were received in the contest. 

 “We were overwhelmed with the unique and incredible stories that were told by fans,” Ensor said. “This process has displayed the true passion that this community has for Amarillo, the Panhandle, and the state of Texas. We inched over every word in every submission and believe these top five names encompass all that we heard and read from this community.”

Voting will run through June 13th on The eventual winner will be announced soon after.


Editorial: Amarillo Team Names Are Bad. But Why?

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