A line snaked around the Cry Baby Ink building on Friday, as employees of the Amarillo tattoo shop prepared to offer discounted tattoos and piercings for Friday the 13th.
On Friday, Cry Baby Ink in Amarillo offered discounted tattoos and piercings. The tattoos and piercings coincide with the tattoo parlor's planned bikini car wash and car show that will take place on Saturday from 10am to 4pm. Twenty bikini models are expected to attend for the bikini contest and trophies will be awarded for vehicles that are entered in the show.
Select tattoos will run $20 each during the special, which includes the tattoo's $13 base price and a $7 tip. Select piercings, including lip, tongue, nose, earlobe and eyebrow piercings will run $10 each.
Cry Baby Ink (2700 S. Nelson) is open until 10pm on Friday and the special will run while supplies last. Proceeds from the July 13th and July 14th festivities will benefit the Caprock Art Scholarship, according to a brochure.
For more information, please call Cry Baby Ink at (806) 367-8601.
Cry Baby Ink staff
Cry Baby Ink customers
Photo by Tom Warren, II