The Amarillo Pioneer

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Waylon's World: Why Did They Move the Fireworks?

By Waylon Walker

This is highly confusing to me.

As far back as I can remember, 4th of July fireworks have always been either day of or day before the 4th of July. It was also always held in a park. This was to give us a good vantage point, especially as the Panhandle is so dry and they usually asked us to not do fireworks so we didn’t have fires. This was fine with us and we would pack the areas to find a good space to watch the fireworks from.

This year, however, it didn’t happen that way.

Instead, among the many changes being thrust upon us, we had the 4th of July fireworks not in July…..BUT IN JUNE!!! Can anyone explain this to me? I am truly confused. This seems to have been done by downtown supporters and by another newspaper.

In fact, it was stated in that other newspaper that organizers wanted to honor America's independence and the unique gifts Amarillo has along Route 66 and its revitalized downtown.

Last I checked the 4th of July was all about celebrating our independence and not what Amarillo’s downtown has to offer. I mean I MIGHT be wrong, but I’m fairly certain that my ancestor Robert Morris, Jr. who signed the Declaration of Independence, would probably not give two cents about downtown when we are celebrating our freedom. And he knew a thing or two about the cents as he helped oversee our first coin currency for America.

In my opinion the only reason that it was put downtown is so that the downtown supporters of AGN could get their backs scratched. I mean honestly why else could we possibly have it in the wrong month and during an event that had absolutely ZERO connection to what the 4th of July is supposed to be about. But I suppose it’s okay for America to share its birthday with a downtown event. I mean it’s all business in the end. I could easily say that as a descendant of one of the signers and a military veteran that I’m offended but I’m sure that amounts to a hill of beans with City Hall.

So I’ll end my rant here. You know my feelings on it. I’d love to hear yours.

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