The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


McDaniel: Tolerance - Is It Possible?

By Carole McDaniel

tol-er-ance, noun, “The ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behaviors that one does not necessarily agree with.”

I was born and raised in Amarillo. I have lived here most of my life. My sons were born and grew up here. I know Amarillo. 

I am very aware this is a deeply Conservative Republican area. However, there are Democrats and Liberals who also live here. One of the saddest experiences in Amarillo was the midterm elections of 2018. Where does the need to be so hateful and insulting come from? What does that behavior accomplish? Hard feelings? Hurt? Fear? Make you feel good? 

Amarillo is full of friendly, kind people. We are known for helping each other. We help the homeless, people living in poverty, people who need some help for whatever reason. Sadly, all of the tolerance and understanding seems to dissipate when it comes to politics. 

We have a year in front of us that is going to be heavy in politics. Is it possible to maintain tolerance regardless of whether you agree with the opinions of others? Can we just scroll on by if we don't agree? Can we not steal political signs out of yards? Can we not slash tires because of a bumper sticker? 

Everyone has a right to their beliefs and opinions. Everyone has a right to be respected. Let's do that. Let's try respect and tolerance. 

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