The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Editorial: Moving On to 2020

We have finally reached what is nearly the end of this year. 2019 was an odd year to say the least, full of surprises. We saw some good things in 2019 and some bad, but at the end of tomorrow, we will be catapulted into the brand new year.

2019 carried unique struggles. From the start, my family saw its share of health problems. We had family members diagnosed with cancer in the past year and lost family members. We had others suffer major medical issues and at least one family member remains in and out of the hospital from an accidental fall suffered in August.

Still, 2019 did have its upsides. We welcomed a brand new member of the Warren family in the little black dog known as Boris. I was able to connect with readers all over the state and had the chance to achieve several amazing interview opportunities myself, including speaking with candidates running for all kinds of offices up to and including President of the United States.

For Amarillo, there were ups and downs in 2019. A major upside for Amarillo was the establishment of the PETS Clinic of Amarillo, which provides low cost spay-and-neuter services to pet owners in the area. That might be my favorite thing that happened in Amarillo in 2019. We also had some negatives, including some elections which were decided by ego and faux personality over issues and values.

At the end of the day, 2019 is (nearly) in the books. I am hopeful for a great 2020 for the Pioneer, for our readers, and for Amarillo as a whole. Let’s hope for good health, good friendship, and good fun in year ahead.

-Thomas Warren III, Editor-in-Chief

Amarillo Weather (December 30-January 1)

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