A pair of public meetings for the Martin Road Lake Improvements Plan are scheduled for Tuesday (Dec. 17) at 6:30 p.m. and Wednesday (Dec. 18) at 12:30 p.m. Both meetings will be at the North Branch of the Amarillo Public Library, 1500 N.E. 24th St.
The meetings will present preliminary design alternatives for Martin Road Lake based on previous public input, and residents can provide feedback on the proposed alternatives.
The meeting will be hosted by the City of Amarillo’s Capital Projects & Development Engineering Department. Residents and business owners are encouraged to attend, as city staff will provide an overview of the improvements and answer questions.
For more information, call the Capital Projects & Development Engineering Department at (806) 378-9334. Also for more information, contact City of Amarillo Communications Manager Dave Henry at (806) 378-5219 or by email at David.Henry@amarillo.gov.
-City of Amarillo