The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Local Activist Removed from GSRC

A local activist was removed from the Guyon Saunders Resource Center this week after attempting to access a board meeting.

According to a video provided to the Pioneer, activist Rusty Donelson was removed by security from the Guyon Saunders Resource Center in downtown Amarillo after attempting to access a board meeting. The meeting was not publicly posted, but Donelson filmed some type of gathering in a board room. Someone then shut the door on the activist and security guards began pointing at the main doors of the facility, asking Donelson to leave. In the video, Donelson said he believes the meeting dealt with indigent healthcare services.

Donelson often attends other public meetings in Amarillo, such as City Council meetings, AISD meetings and more. 

Amarillo College Honored with National Award

Amarillo Weather (February 20-22)