The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Candidate Comparison: Amarillo City Council Place 2

Candidate Comparison: Amarillo City Council, Place 2

FROM LEFT: Treva L. Harper (Challenger), Freda Powell (Incumbent)

FROM LEFT: Treva L. Harper (Challenger), Freda Powell (Incumbent)

We have asked candidates running for various local offices to answer questions for our Voter Guide. While full responses are available at, we are offering you shortened versions in “Candidate Comparisons” ahead of the May 4th election. Each response below came directly from the candidate’s questionnaire and are unedited.

Treva L. Harper (Challenger)

Occupation: Custodial Worker

Do you support repairing or rebuilding the Thompson Park pool, and if so, how do you plan to pay for the project? If not, why?

“Yes, we can pay for it by using the funds currently spent on the SW of town for Community Development. If we are truly developing our community with the money slated for community development, it should be used city wide and not only on specific neighborhoods.”

What should the future be for the Civic Center complex?

“I would like to see it renovated, however, given all the other developments that have been begun downtown it may have to be delayed until the funding is available. It should have been renovated before the ballpark was built. Since that did not happen it may need to be postponed unfortunately. It looks like our current city council wants to have it paid for with a bond. I do not like the idea of taxing the good people of this town any more than they are now. So not really wanting to do that if at all possible.”

What should the City of Amarillo's role be in preventing homelessness in Amarillo? How do you plan to implement that role?

“While homelessness is a complex issue with diverse contributing factors, there are things our city can do to improve the situation for many. Working with churches and charitable organizations is one avenue to helping the homeless. Prevention comes with many issues and some that the city can work on is improving the employment opportunities for all of the citizens. Protecting our citizens from trafficking, abuse and other crimes can improve mental health and prevent some cases. I am very interested in adopting a Housing First policy. Housing first coupled with apprenticeships could potentially help many get back on their feet. A comprehensive and innovated approach is needed without a ‘one size fits all’ solution.”

In what cases would you support the issue of certificates of obligation to incur debt for municipal projects? Please explain.

“They should only be made in the case of an emergency not for projects simply because the city cannot afford it. They should be avoided as much as possible. Debt is never good.”

In 2018, the Amarillo City Council voted to add more red light cameras to Amarillo streets. At a time when Governor Abbott is pledging to ban the use of the cameras in the state, do you believe this contract was a wise investment? Why or why not?

“I believe that red light cameras are unconstitutional and should not be used at all. The best thing we can do concerning them is to remove them.”

Would you support the establishment of single-member districts for Amarillo City Council elections? Please explain.

“Yes, yes, and yes! I voted for it when it was on the ballot before and was very disappointed when it failed. With single member districts we can end the monopoly the SW of town has on the entire city. Each area would truly be represented.”

Freda Powell (Incumbent) – Did Not Respond

Candidate Comparison: Amarillo City Council Place 1

Candidate Comparison: Amarillo City Council Place 3