By Noah Dawson
It’s been a couple of weeks since I last wrote a column (mostly because I do happen to have a life outside of complaining about the city council). That time has given me a chance to reflect on the past year. In fact, one year ago tomorrow, my first column was published. In both my first and second columns, I expressed my feelings about one of the roots of the problems faced by our city: a disconnect between our government and our area’s unique heritage.
I also can’t stop thinking about a discussion regarding the ballpark I saw online. One commenter, in support of the ballpark, said that it finally gave families something to do here. Now, I’ll admit, I can often be a sort of recluse, holed up in my room reading. Still, even I know that there is plenty our area has to offer.
It’s for these reasons that I’m inspired to make a new goal for my column going forward. I want to explore our area in my column. I want to tell the story of our culture, our history, and our geography. (I do doubt that I’ll find any of the famous blue hills from the 2013 city logo design, though.)
Now, I don’t want anybody to worry, as I will still continue to use my voice to hold our city government accountable. But, I want to shift focus away from only criticizing our government. I want to show why I love Amarillo, and why I want our city to be better.
I’m looking forward to the years ahead.