In today’s editorial, I want to address something that is a little bit different than what topics are usually covered here. Instead of discussing some major public policy concern, I want to use this platform today as a way to speak directly to pet owners in the Amarillo community.
This week, my longtime family dog, Frank, began to have some health issues. As a 15-year-old Pug, Frank is no spring chicken, but is still a member of the Warren family and will remain an important member of the family for the rest of his life. However, this week’s events made me think about pet ownership in Amarillo and what it means to be a pet owner.
I have had several pets throughout my life, as have my family and friends. Responsible pet ownership has always seemed very obvious to me, even from a young age. If you have a pet, you commit to taking care of the pet in a way that goes beyond just housing. Your pet is not just an animal, he or she is also a companion and a member of the family.
We have been lucky to have a pet like Frank over the past fifteen years (yes, 15 years), and I look forward to many more years to come. But, I also want to challenge everyone reading this to consider their relationships with their pets. If you have a pet, please make their love never goes for granted. We are lucky to have such wonderful blessings in our life and we should make sure our pets know how much we care about them.
If you don’t have a pet or if you want to help other pets find their forever homes, I would also encourage you to seek out other ways to give back. Consider donating to great causes like KARTS - Kearns Animal Rescue Transport Service, Gracie’s Project, or something entirely different. You might even consider volunteering for these organizations, as I am sure that your support would be greatly appreciated.
As the Warren family spends time with Frank this week, please consider your own pets and your own community. We have a lot for which to be thankful.
-Thomas Warren III, Editor-in-Chief
Frank/Photo by Tamara Warren