The well-known Trump Unity Bridge was driven into town on Tuesday night and made a stop at Buzula Furniture.
On Tuesday, Rob Cortis, owner of the Trump Unity Bridge, drove the float into town and greeted a group of several dozen interested Republican voters and onlookers. Supporters of President Trump took turns having their photos made on the bridge next to the “Drain the Swamp” Harley-Davidson and a replica of the Statue of Liberty, as tunes such as “American Pie” blared in the background. The visit was also well-received by several onlookers, accompanied by several honks from passerby vehicles.
Cortis, a native of Michigan, said his stop in Amarillo is part of the third leg of his Drain the Swamp Tour. The float has visited 48 states, Cortis said, including stops from coast to coast, from Los Angeles to Washington. Cortis said the float incorporates several key issues that Americans want addressed, such as issues ranging from the proposed border wall to protection of gun rights. The Michigan native also said along his trips with the float, he has met Democrats, Republicans, and independent voters who appreciate the Unity Bridge’s message.
For details about the Trump Unity Bridge, please visit
Photo by Tom Warren III