The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Noah's Remark: Tell City Council to Keep Taxes Low

By Noah Dawson

Do you want higher taxes? Me neither. Sadly, it seems city council disagrees, as they have proposed an increase in property taxes, set to be finalized next month.

But, there is something you can do, as there will be public hearings on the matter during the next two city council meetings, on September 3rd and September 10th. It is imperative that We The People show up. I plan on showing up and voicing my strong opinions on the matter. You should be there too. It's your right to stand up and speak out.

Editorial: Hays Makes Right Call on Taxes

Iftin to Keynote WTAMU Freshman Convocation