Photo by City of Amarillo
By Thomas Warren III, Editor-in-Chief
As we are quickly approaching the end of the year, we are around the time that individuals begin setting resolutions for improvement over the next year. These resolutions are often made in hopes of bringing about some betterment in the year to come.
While I am sure many Amarilloans are setting their own resolutions about now, I wanted to provide a suggestion for a possible resolution for the Amarillo City Council. This New Year’s resolution is something that I am positive would be better for Amarillo taxpayers as a whole.
In 2021, the Amarillo City Council should resolve to end Amarillo’s policy of tax-funded lobbying.
Over the past few years, Amarillo taxpayers have shelled out hundreds of thousands of dollars to lobbyists who go to Austin during legislative sessions to do the bidding of our local government officials. It has always amazed me that the Amarillo City Council loves to talk about public-private partnerships when convenient, but they are never willing to let Amarillo’s private sector take the lead on lobbying. Why should local taxpayers have to pay the salaries of lobbyists who work on behalf of our elected officials, but not Amarilloans as a whole?
Right now, Amarillo is in a real budget crunch without the revenue to cover certain costs like the debt service on various projects. Meanwhile, our elected officials who promised not to raise taxes in the first place are now voting for tax increases.
Instead of spending money on salaries for lobbyists who do the bidding of elected officials who oppose meaningful pro-taxpayer issues like property tax reform, our elected officials should end tax-funded lobbying in Amarillo and put our city back on the fiscally responsible track again.
Let the private sector take the lead on lobbying, while our local government focuses on providing basic city services.
Amarillo City Council, if you are listening, you have the opportunity to do something great for Amarillo in 2021. End taxpayer-funded lobbying, uphold your promises of supporting low taxes, and put Amarillo on the right track fiscally.