Stovall/Photo by Campaign
By Dwayne Stovall, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate
What makes an every-Texan run for United States Senate?
Answer: selfishness.
I just want to be left alone, and I know this government will never leave me alone.
My name is Dwayne Stovall and I’m just an every-Texan. I’m a husband, a father, and a business owner. I work for myself and my family. I’m charitable where my heart calls me to be. I believe a man should own the property he purchases with the fruits of his labor. I believe the governmental structure under which we relate to each other should be as small as humanly possible and should exist only to secure our individual liberty and property.
In short, I’m a little [r] republican with Jeffersonian principles, and that makes me the conservative republican that the establishment big government leadership of the Republican Party no longer represents.
What makes me different than most candidates is that I have a deep historical knowledge of this office; what it can do, what it can’t do, and its primary purpose - which is to protect the best interests of Texas at all times.
Sixteen years ago I began studying source documents from the founders in Philadelphia, to the delegates in the State Ratification Conventions, and more. Early in this self-study I developed an affinity for the U.S. Senate position because of its original design, which was to be, as George Mason described it, “a mechanism of self-defense” for the States. It was during this time that I began closely monitoring John Cornyn’s behavior in office, and started understanding just how bad he was for Texans and the future of Texas.
It doesn’t take the casual observer long to realize that Cornyn’s actions in office are completely predictable. When and if he ever speaks publicly, which is extremely rare outside of an election period, it is always the same old rhetoric; “Those Democrats” are the ones who want to grow the debt. THEY are the one who want to increase the spending. THEY are the ones who want to fund Planned Murderhood. THEY are the ones who want to give the government evermore unconstitutional powers. This is his only message and it has never ever changed. The problem with his message is that it is a lie.
When I say Cornyn’s actions are predictable, this is what I mean:
He stands in front of the camera and blames the Democrats for things like increasing the debt, increased spending, funding Planned Murderhood, and government overreach.
Then when the camera is off, he goes to the floor of the chamber and votes with the Democrats for things like increasing the debt, increased spending, funding Planned Murderhood, and government overreach.
He spends millions of dollars each election telling every conservative Texan that he is “just like you” just before negotiating with Dianne Feinstein to create “smart” infringements on our right to bear arms, or working with Beto to craft legislation that undermines the wall, or voting for illegal bailouts, DACA, anti-free market minimum wage increases, and allowing the federal government to illegally spy on law abiding Texans. And these are just a few examples.
After many years of watching John Cornyn consistently vote with the Democrats on everything we conservative Texans hate, and then listening to him blame the Democrats for the very problems he helped create, I made the decision to run against him. So, in 2014, with only 70k dollars, I ran against John Cornyn and garnered almost 11% of the Republican Primary.
I decided almost immediately to run again and never really stopped campaigning. I have the largest campaign in Texas with between 1,000 and 1,500 volunteers, who are all drawn to the message of “Putting Texas First” and the belief that we must divest power away from this federal.
Texans, young and old, know that John Cornyn is everything that is wrong with DC today.
He’s not a fighter. He’s the SWAMP.
We Texans deserve better - much better - and we deserve to be left alone.
For more information, please go to:
Twitter: @DwayneStovall
Instagram: Texans for Stovall