The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Editorial: Shedding Light on the City Council's Propositions

By Thomas Warren III, Editor-in-Chief

The Amarillo City Council is about to attempt something that no other City Council in Amarillo history has ever had the nerve to attempt. And hopefully voters are starting to wise up to their plans.

During the past weekend, I heard from numerous voters concerned about the Amarillo City Council’s propositions for the November ballot. Their concerns are well-founded, considering the fact that the propositions are undefined as to when they take effect and who is affected by the propositions. Perhaps the most egregious example is the proposed Proposition 2, which would add two years to the terms of City Councilmembers, without telling us when the item goes into effect. Under the way this item is written, the City Council could very well argue they are owed another two years in office, and voters would be unable to stop them. This should concern every voter and taxpayer in Amarillo. In fact, this was the topic of our Live in West Texas Round Table this weekend.

Tomorrow, I will sit down for an interview with a local TV station about the Amarillo City Council’s proposals for the November ballot. I know several other concerned voters are also discussing the topics in their own circles.

Hopefully, this is just the start as voters begin to learn what is really on their ballot this year. My feeling is when they discover the games being played at Amarillo City Hall by our local elected officials, they will not be happy. However, complaining means nothing if we don’t get out and vote.

Please get informed, spread the word with your neighbors and friends about the upcoming elections, and get out to vote.

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Amarillo Pioneer's Live in West Texas Podcast | RT#1: Breaking Down the City Council's Term Extension Proposal