Nelson/Photo by Campaign
By Thomas Warren III, Editor-in-Chief
Ginger Nelson’s tenure in office has been a total disaster. Yet, 36 donors think highly enough of the Mayor to ensure she has can raise $61,000 for her re-election campaign. The question should be: why?
Over the past four years, Nelson has raised taxes four times, pushed the largest tax increase in our city’s history, picked petty fights with political opponents and business leaders, cracked down on public engagement and led a full onslaught against the public’s ability to participate in the government process. Still, unsurprisingly, she is running for re-election, touting what are sure to be even more false promises that lead to bad policy.
It’s an absolute shame that voters in Amarillo will have to be subjected to Nelson’s parade of supposed “accomplishments” over the next five months. Beyond that, what is perhaps even more disappointing, but not particularly surprising, are the elected officials who are sticking by her side, including State Rep. Four Price (R-Amarillo).
According to her finance report filed this week, Price kicked in $500 to Nelson’s campaign. It’s quite interesting considering that while Price will be in Austin for the next five months, Nelson will be touting her new campaign promises with an aim of convincing us that she deserves another two years in office. Maybe during Price’s time in Austin, he forgot about what a train wreck Nelson’s tenure has actually been.
Either way, Nelson’s start to the campaign with $61,000 in funds raised will not be the end of her fundraising. She will continue to raise money and the establishment’s political arm, Amarillo Matters, will write checks in hopes of keeping her in office. Still, if the past year has proven anything, it should have shown local voters that they do not have to accept bad policy just because big money is being thrown around an election.
Last year, Amarillo voters sent Amarillo Matters-backed establishment lobbyist Josh Winegarner to the showers when they elected Ronny Jackson as the Republican nominee for Congress. Despite Amarillo Matters and the establishment making their best efforts to keep their hands in the cookie jar, voters decided to go a different route.
We can do that again, Amarillo.
This May, Nelson will face local catering company owner Michael Hunt. Hunt is a successful local businessman who is more than qualified to lead our city. Between his vision for a smaller and more accountable government and his experience as a common-sense businessman, Hunt brings to the table what Amarillo needs at this moment.
Amarillo voters do not have to accept another two years of Ginger Nelson and her bad crony-rewarding, tax-raising, government-growing, anti-citizen policy. Amarillo voters can get this right and elect Michael Hunt to lead our city.
So, please, don’t be fooled by the big money that the establishment will throw around during this election cycle. On May 1, let’s take a stand and elect someone who will lead this city for all Amarilloans, not just a select few.