The following list of Amarillo area lane closures is for the week of November 14, 2021, and was provided by the Texas Department of Transportation.
Monday through Friday, Nov. 15 – 19, the right lane of the I-40 westbound frontage road will be closed from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily for sidewalk construction behind the north curb.
Wednesday through Friday, Nov. 17 – 19, the left lane of I-40 eastbound will be closed from west of Whitaker Road to east of Lakeside Drive from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. while crews remove the portable concrete barrier.
On Monday, Nov. 15, the right shoulder on I-40 at the US 87 split bridge will be closed for edge repair.
Wednesday through Friday, Nov. 17 – 19, the right shoulders of I-40 will be closed in both directions from Ross Street to Nelson Street.
On Tuesday, Nov. 16, the left and center lanes on I-40 westbound will be closed for bridge joint work on top of Crockett Street.
On Tuesday, Nov. 16, the left lane and right shoulder (alternating) will be closed on northbound US 87 near the Canadian River for sign installation.
On Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 17 and 18, from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., expect the following closures on I-40 eastbound while crews work to correct the ride quality on the west end of the Georgia Street bridge.
I-40 eastbound will be reduced to one lane as the center and right lanes will be closed. Expect delays or take alternate routes. Truck traffic should consider taking State Loop (SL) 335.
The Georgia Street exit ramp
The Julian/Paramount entrance ramp located on the west end of the Georgia Street bridge