The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Editorial: Another Great Forum

By Thomas Warren III, Editor-in-Chief

What a forum we had on Wednesday night!

Last night, voters and candidates from across the area joined us at the Amarillo Pioneer Candidate Forum to discuss the top issues of the May 1 election. Voters asked great questions and the candidates delivered interesting answers, providing insights into the key questions of this election.

I was impressed with everyone who attended and am glad we have such great candidates running for office in Amarillo. I was also thrilled with moderators Len Walker and Matt Stringer for their performances.

And our forum also included many surprises — perhaps most notably when U.S. Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Amarillo) stopped by to hear from the candidates running for Mayor and City Council. The fact that our sitting congressman cares enough about local issues facing his constituents to appear at a local forum where he is not a speaker is a big deal.

While Jackson showed up, Mayor Ginger Nelson and Councilmembers Freda Powell, Eddy Sauer, and Howard Smith did not attend. I think it should tell voters everything they need to know when Rep. Jackson will appear at a candidate forum where the incumbents cannot be bothered to show up and talk to voters.

Hopefully voters will remember the candidates and their responses on Election Day, as well as which candidates appeared at the forum and which candidates did not.

Overall, it was a great night, with great people, and great ideas shared. It is my hope that voters left our forum on Wednesday night more informed about the candidates than they did before the event.

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