The Amarillo Pioneer

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Endorsement: Ted Hutto is Right Choice for HD 88 GOP Primary

Hutto/Photo by Campaign

By Amarillo Pioneer’s Publisher’s Committee

On March 1, Republican primary voters in Texas House District 88 will choose their new state representative, deciding the race between incumbent Rep. Ken King and businessman and Pampa Economic Development Corporation board member Ted Hutto.

King is seeking his sixth term in the Texas House, while Hutto is looking to take his local government experience to the next level as a state representative for the Texas Panhandle’s largest House district. When the two candidates are compared side-by-side, our publisher’s committee believes the choice is clear — Ted Hutto is the man West Texans need in Austin.

Hutto is a successful businessman from Pampa who has built a reputation for his integrity and business leadership skills. Hutto’s experience in business has been critical to the PEDC while he has been a board member, with the candidate overseeing the attraction of over 500 new jobs to Pampa. Hutto wants to see similar economic growth in the small towns scattered throughout District 88. His track record of excellence has already won him the endorsement of Texas Right to Life, the recommendation of True Texas Project, and the highest possible rating for a candidate from the National Rifle Association.

While Hutto has a track record of success as a business owner and a local government board member, the incumbent in this race has a track record of failing to deliver on conservative legislative priorities. Of the 85 Republican members of the Texas House, last year’s Texas Fiscal Responsibility Index placed King as sixth most liberal Republican in the caucus. Academic studies have also placed King among the lowest ranks of House Republicans when it comes to their conservative records.

King’s record as a liberal will probably be disputed by the candidate and his supporters, but his own voting record makes his ideology clear. Last year, King voted to allow Democrats to chair House committees, voted to expand taxpayer-funded lobbying in Texas, and voted to impose new taxes on Texans. How do these votes equate to a conservative record?

Ted Hutto is a successful businessman who has already used his business prowess and experience to help make Pampa a better place to live, work, and grow a business. Ken King is a longtime bureaucratic liberal who has raised taxes on Texans, has voted against conservative legislative priorities, and will not be a friend of conservatives if he is re-elected for another term.

Our publisher’s committee believes that of all the races on the Texas Panhandle ballots this year, this one might have the clearest answer of them all.

We recommend Ted Hutto for State Representative, Texas House District 88 in the March Republican primary election.

Early voting runs February 14-25. Election Day is March 1.

Please note: A publisher’s committee endorsement does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the Amarillo Pioneer’s advertisers or staff. An endorsement of one candidate in a primary does not represent a criticism of other candidates running unless otherwise stated. Endorsements may be offered in additional primary races.

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