FROM LEFT: Katt Massey, John Adair, Tom Scherlen/Photos by Massey Campaign, Inspire Amarillo, and Scherlen Campaign
On Friday, April 28th, candidates for local office filed their final reports ahead of the May 6th election. We’re now working our way through the races for City Council. Here is our summary of the finance reports for candidates running for Amarillo City Council Place 3:
While retired motocross rider John Adair did not report any activity on his report, retired businessman Tom Scherlen and former assistant to the mayor Katt Massey were neck-and-neck in fundraising.
While Tom Scherlen raised more money in the reporting period for the report filed earlier this month, Katt Massey edged him out in the report submitted last week, having raised $28,456 to Scherlen’s $24,224.
Katt’s largest donor was Mark Jacobs, who gave $3,001. Billy Krause was the second largest donor, having given $1,500. Jason Herrick, Tex Air Aviation, Ralph Ellis, Pete Ware, Richard Ware, William Ware, Nancy & Emmit Rice, Tol Ware, and Bill Gilliland each gave $1,000 to Massey’s campaign. Krause Landscaping Contractors gave in-kind contributions totaling $8,815.15 to Massey’s campaign. Massey’s expenses totaled $32,434.67, which was mostly spent with SKP Creative, who received $32,310 from Massey’s campaign.
Scherlen’s largest contribution was from businessman Alex Fairly’s DealOn LLC, which gave $20,000. His second largest contribution was from Mitesh & Vital Patel, who gave $501. Rounding out Scherlen’s top donors were James Phillips, Devyani Patel, and Paul E./Mary R. Clay, who each gave $500. Scherlen also reported a $2,750 in-kind donation from the Amarillo Professional Firefighters Association. Scherlen’s expenses totaled $23,635.19. Scherlen’s largest expense was $20,000, which was given to Steve Gosselin for commercials.
While Massey was ahead in spending and contributions during this latest report, Scherlen has raised and spent more overall when combining both this report and the one filed earlier this month. So far during this election cycle, Scherlen has raised $64,275 and spent $55,131.62, while Massey has raised $56,934 and spent $46,236.95.
Early voting ends Tuesday, May 2nd. Election Day is Saturday, May 6th.