Amarillo City Hall/Photo by Noah Dawson
The second round of budget workshops for the City of Amarillo, scheduled for August 9th and 10th, will be livestreamed by the city, similar to regular meetings of Amarillo City Council, according to a press release.
The council scheduled the second round of workshops to take a deeper dive into portions of the budget. The fact that the council is aiming for a tax rate cut also allowed the council more time to work on the budget, as the council does not anticipate needing to call an election to approve the tax rate.
The decision to livestream the workshop was a departure from the first round, which was not publicly broadcast. The Amarillo Pioneer has been working to release our own audio recordings of the meetings, with Day 1 and Day 2 currently available as part of our “The Budget Tapes” podcast. Our recording of the third and final day of the first round will be released soon.
Livestreaming the workshops isn’t the only change planned for the second round. The second round of workshops will be held in the City Council Chambers at Amarillo City Hall, where the council normally meets for regular meetings. The first round, in contrast, was held in the Hospitality Room at the Amarillo Civic Center.
Both days of round two of the budget workshops will begin at 8:00 am, though the first day is scheduled to begin with a closed-door executive session.