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Council to Consider Appointing Hartman Interim City Manager

Floyd Hartman/Photo by City of Amarillo

The City of Amarillo will likely have a new Interim City Manager, as Amarillo City Council is set to vote on appointing Assistant City Manager Floyd Hartman to the role on Tuesday.

The item, which is included as a part of the regular meeting agenda for the upcoming March 12th meeting, follows Andrew Freeman stepping down from the Interim City Manager role and returning to his Deputy City Manager role earlier this week. Freeman’s decision to step down came in the wake of controversy surrounding his since-rescinded shakeup of high-level city staff.

Hartman was appointed Assistant City Manager in 2018. In his current position, Hartman oversees the Capital Projects & Development Engineering, Public Works, Water & Drainage Utilities, and the Development Customer Service Coordinator teams. Hartman was promoted to the role of Assistant City Manager from his role as director of Capital Projects & Development Engineering. According to the City of Amarillo, Hartman has a master’s degree in public administration from Wayland Baptist University.

While Freeman has stepped down as Interim City Manager, Councilman Tom Scherlen has stated he feels the council should still complete a performance evaluation which was promised when he was given the promotion. “I believe we owe it to him to perform that evaluation as this was part of the deal,” said Scherlen.

The City of Amarillo is currently conducting a search for a new permanent City Manager, following the approval of a separation agreement with Jared Miller last August. That search, which is being conducted with consultant Baker-Tilley, is expected to conclude later this year.

The City Council meeting is scheduled to begin at 3:00 pm on Tuesday, March 12th. It will take place in the Council Chamber on the third floor of Amarillo City Hall. Ahead of the meeting, the council will discuss Hartman during an executive session meeting which will be closed to the public. The full agenda and agenda packet for the regular meeting can be found at this link. The agenda for the executive session meeting can be found at this link. Those wishing to address the council during the meeting are encouraged to sign up at this link.

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