The Amarillo Pioneer

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Forensic Analysis Blames Prop 1 Issues on "Communication Problems"

Amarillo City Council is set to receive a forensic analysis report from DFG Forensic Accounting Services looking at how 2016 Proposition 1 Bond Funds were spent during their upcoming regular meeting.

According to the report, the “analysis resulted in the determination that there are no missing funds.” Instead, the report found that “the nature of the questions and existing issues have been caused by poor communication, a somewhat manual system of documentation tracking, and lack of utilization of available project tracking software.”

Regarding communication problems, the report specifically noted that “communication problems occurred between Finance and Engineering regarding project status, expenditures, and budgets.”

Approximately $90 million was approved under Prop 1. About $20.8 million of that money has not yet been spent but has been allocated to a budget item while another $13.8 million not yet spent has not yet been allocated to a budget item. “This results in the problems communicated previously to Council such as there being $13 million remaining, but also $34 million remaining,” according to the report.

The report further noted that the contract for the analysis had been for an amount not to exceed $37,000, though the final total “is anticipated to remain below $17,000.”

Click the button below to download the full report.

Potential Ballot Language Drafted for Anti-Abortion Ordinance Election

City Council to Consider Spending Over $24 Million