Trayce Bradford
Republican Candidate for Lieutenant Governor
Bradford/Photo by Campaign
Question: What is your age?
Answer: 57
Q: What is your educational background? Please list any degrees or certificates earned and any institutions attended.
A: Bachelor of Science from Texas A&M
Q: What is your occupation?
A: Homeschool mother and grassroots activist
Q: If you are a business owner, please list the business or businesses that you own. (If this question is not applicable, please note that below.)
A: N/A
Q: Please list any civic boards or commissions (non-profit, government, union, political, etc.) on which you have served as a board member or equivalent.
A: Eagle Forum National Issues Chair on Human Trafficking, Former President Texas Eagle Forum, Dallas Eagle Forum, Former Vice President Christians Engaged, Advisory Board Promise Keepers, Legislative Liaison for Texas Apostolic Prayer Network, Founding member of Mom Caucus, Founding Member of Texas Conservative Mommas, Leadership Team for Texas Conservative Coalition, Texas Conservative Budget Coalition
Q: Have you previously held or do you currently hold any elected office? If so, what office(s)?
A: No
Q: If your campaign has any online campaign resources where voters can learn more about you, such as social media accounts or a website, please list them below.
Q: Why did you decide to run for this office in 2022?
A: I was approached by a group of leaders I deeply respect. I prayed about it and consulted with my family and wise counsel. We came to the decision that the problems in Austin will not be fixed by continuing the same process and after what we have witnessed over the last 18 months it was clear new leadership needed to step up, it is a new season in Texas and hard decisions must be made to protect the citizens of Texas and their liberties.
Q: If elected, what will be your top three priorities in office?
A: Securing our Border, Property Taxes, Protecting our Children
Q: What is an issue you believe has gone overlooked in your race and how will you address it if elected?
A: The issues of election integrity, border security and property taxes, all very critical issues are talked about regularly. What has not been addressed as much is what is happening to our children in regards to their education and their identity. People do not realize what has been put into our education code due to overreaching mental health and social emotional learning requirements. We must get education back to the basics of reading, writing, math, science and history. If our children, who are NOT being taught liberty principles nor the value of property, the very critical issues such as election integrity, Texas Sovereignty and property taxes will not matter to future generations because they will not value these things.
Q: Why are you the best candidate for voters to support for this position?
A: What sets me apart from the other candidates is my work over the last 14 years on policy in Austin as a grassroots activist, being engaged in the GOP process such as serving as a state delegate, working on legislation each session to see it through or fighting overreaching or damaging legislation. I have lead state wide organizations and rallying people to action to fight for the sanctity of life, securing our Texas grid and many other conservative priorities. I know the purpose in the role as the President of the Senate and Lt. Governor and I beholden to no one but my faith in God and my family. I know what the fight is about, know our legislative process and have calculated the costs. This role will not be my identity, it is role of service and that is how I plan to operate, serving the citizens of Texas.