Howard Smith
Incumbent Candidate for Amarillo City Council, Place 4
Smith/Photo by Campaign
Question: What is your age?
Answer: 78
Q: How long have you lived in Amarillo?
A: 70
Q: What is your educational background?
A: BA | Baylor University
MBA | Baylor University
Graduate | U.S. Navy Officer Candidate School
Graduate | U.S. Navy Supply School
Eagle Scout | Boy Scouts of America
Q: What is your occupation?
A: Realtor
Q: If you are a business owner, please list the business or businesses that you own.
A: Howard Smith Company Realtors
Q: Please list any civic boards or commissions (non-profit, government, union, political, etc.) on which you have served as a board member or equivalent.
A: • Amarillo City Council Member, Place 4 | 4 Years
• Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Committee | Member | City of Amarillo | 4 Years
• Internet Broadband Committee | Chair | City of Amarillo | 1 Year
• Local Government Corporation | Board Member | City of Amarillo | 4 Years
• Downtown Urban Design Review Board | Chairman | 5 Years
• Amarillo Comprehensive Plan Implementation Advisory Committee | Member 4 Years | Vice-Chairman 2 Years
• Amarillo Planning and Zoning Commission | Member 8 Years | Chair 1 Year
• Environmental Task Force | Board Member | City of Amarillo | 4 Years
• Review Board for Landmarks and Historic Districts | Board Member | 6 Years
• First Baptist Church of Amarillo | Deacon | 45+ Years
• First Baptist Church of Amarillo | Sunday School Teacher/Outreach | 20+ Years
• AISD Board of Trustees | Member 10 Years | President 3 Years
• Wayland Baptist University | Board Member | 9 Years
• Potter County Appraisal Review Board | Member 4 Years | Chair 2 Years
• National Association or Realtors | Director | 9 Years
• Texas Association of Realtors | Director | 10 Years
• Amarillo Association of Realtors | 40+ Years
• Kiwanis Club of Amarillo South | Member 25 Years | President 1 Year
• Amarillo Area Boy Scouts of America | Board Member | 6 Years
• Amarillo Area Camp Fire USA | Board Member | 5 Years
Q: If your campaign has any online campaign resources where voters can learn more about you, such as social media accounts or a website, please list them below.
Q: Why did you decide to run for this office in 2021?
A: Although we have made great strides, there is still more work to be done to ensure Amarillo remains a vibrant, competitive and safe place to live, work and raise a family.
With your support, I will continue to focus my efforts on enhancing economic development and providing adequate resources for our first responders.
I will also continue a promise I've made from day one, which is listening to the citizens of Amarillo. I truly believe we are better together and I will always stand by that in my words and actions.
Q: If elected, what will be your top three priorities in office?
A: Enhancing Economic Development
Increasing Resources for First Responders
Listening to the Citizens of Amarillo
Q: What is your opinion on taxpayer-funded lobbying? Please explain.
A: There's a time and a place for utilizing lobbyists. In the case of the Texas Tech School of Veterinary Medicine for instance, lobbyists played a critical roll in making this a realty for Amarillo.
Q: Do you support moving municipal elections to November of even-numbered years? Please explain.
A: That's not a topic I have an opinion on at this time, however, I would be willing to listen to both the pros and cons and carefully consider this matter if it were to come up.
Q: Do you support single-member districts for City Council representation? Please explain.
A: As it stands now, I represent all the citizens of Amarillo. While the topic of single-member districts has not come up during my tenure, I would be willing to listen to the pros and cons and make an informed decision.
Q: In what cases would you support efforts to raise property taxes? Please explain.
A: If a real need is presented, I would consider raising taxes to further enhance our community.
Q: In the 2020 general election, did you support or oppose Proposition A ($275 million Amarillo Civic Center and downtown projects bond)? Please explain.
A: I supported giving Amarillo Citizens the opportunity to vote on Proposition A, which is exactly what we did by putting it on the ballot.
Q: What is an issue you believe has gone overlooked in your race and how will you address it if elected?
A: I think the issue of adequate internet coverage has been overlooked for years, but just really came to light during COVID. We need to ensure our students are able to get online to complete theirs studies and residents have access to tele-health options.
Q: Why are you the best candidate for voters to support for this position?
A: While we have made great strides since I was elected to office 4 years ago, there's still more work to do to ensure Amarillo remains a vibrant, competitive and safe place to live, work and raise a family. I am fully committed to Amarillo, which one look at my resume will convey. It shows my continued dedication to the citizenry of Amarillo.